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ChinMuzik last won the day on February 14 2020

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  1. All tested and working. Pulled over the years from working 64/128's. Going 100% software now and all my hardware has to go $210 Will possibly ship internationally but would prefer not to.
  2. Right, but in the link you posted there's no .jar files just CLASS files.
  3. How do I even use this?? I've downloaded it.....does it need to be compiled? Never ran a Java script this way.
  4. I wish but they don't have a white character on black backing. I kind of need it.
  5. Searching 20x4 LCDs on Mouser give seriously anemic results. I think none listed were the Kyocera ones also.
  6. Does anybody know where to get these? I'm in kind of a scramble to get a 20x4 display for my MB6582 and need an LCD. I dont want to buy the cheap ones from Hong Kong unless absolutely necessary
  7. Yea, I got it all working. Reading the walkthrough, I was expecting some kind d of visual feedback in MIOS Studio when the bootloader is detected. Apparently there is none.
  8. I'm gonna give this a go again. The VFD looks so good
  9. I might be alone on this, but I actually prefer the capacitive touch knobs over push encoders
  10. I have a reflow over, so SMD is not really a problem. Scribble strips...Tiny character OLEDl like this. Except with a smaller one that will be under each control. So I can imagine this would now be the most time intensive part :D....
  11. I was browsing Hawkeyes MBProgramma build and was wondering how intensive a project for a similar patch editor would be which would consist of the following. 16 LED ring encoders 8 faders 16 buttons Each with a dedicated scribble strip which would display the parameters of a synth (which would be saved as a layout in MIOS?) Maybe even highlight the relative controls, similar to the Kiwi Patch Editor. Thoughts?
  12. Just had a weird revelation. After burning the bootloader, even though MIOS studio doesn't send any message that the bootloader is detected, it clearly sees the bootloader as it will allow the uploading of MIOS and the LCD driver. Is this a know quirk of MIOS studio or am I just overlooking some obvious indication that the bootloader is being detected?
  13. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but my VFD display is giving some garbage output. I've done the following in order. - soldered the SMT Bridges and checked for continuity - uploaded device_id_00_lcd7.hex - uploaded setup_mb6582.hex Powered up, I'm getting this.
  14. So I ended up exporting the .hex from the preburned PIC I received from SmashTV and then flashing it to each PIC I received from Mike, then changing each ID with the change_id app. Successful, MIOS sees all 4 cores. Still would like to know why it was failing to see the PIC after burning the bootloader.
  15. So my PICkit2 came in today. I loaded the PIC into the ZIF and the application detected it as the 18f6485 family... I burned the bootloader hex successfully and verified it successfully. But when stuffing it in the mb6582 base PCB, MIOS Studio still isn't seeing it. But sees the PIC I purchased from Tim with no issue. Also, when I take the PICs I purchased from Mike back to the PIC programmer, it can no longer verify the program and it cannot be deleted either. It will show deleted but when doing a blank check it will fail. What are the odds of having 4 bad chips? Could they be counterfeit possibly?
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