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Posts posted by LO

  1. OK I think I had my LM317 backwards (it now faces the same way as your one in the photo!)

    Im am now using a 16V AC wall adapter, but it measures 24V dc after the bridge rectifier! is this too high? (if so what AC Voltage should I be using?)

    Even with 24V DC running in to the LM317 it still only outputs 6V (with the maximum pot setting) I have double checked the values of the components. Any thoughts on what is going wrong???



  2. OK I tried hooking it up to the power! (No smoke or flames phew!)

    Its receiving the data from my computer as the LCD display is showing the level rising and falling in time with the software fader.

    But there is no movement of my fader; there is however a small noise coming from the motor it sounds like its trying to work! I tested my power supply to the fader (only one connected at this stage) while running it measured only 2-4V even when the adjustment pot was maxed out! It was calibrated to 8V when the motor wasnt running.

    I think that my wall adapter is not good enough (12V 300mA I know it should be 1A but thought it would be ok since only one MF is connected.) Has anyone else had any experience with this? Just before I go out and buy a new adapter!

    Or perhaps it is the way my diodes are arranged?? Maybe someone could post a close-up picture of the diodes correctly arranged??

    Any help appreciated ;)

  3. Hi

    Ive almost finished my MF module  :D

    The core is working with the MF firmware & the motorfader board is complete except for the diodes which are mounted next to the fet drivers(tc4427's). I am a bit confused as to which way around they should be mounted (duh!)

    Im using the new PCB layout from the Ucapps site,  There are 4 diodes after each of the TC4427's I have set them up so the ends of the diode's with the line point toward each other. Is this the corect way??

    If I have them the wrong way will I damage anything?


  4. Hi

    Yeah the LCD connects to the core with a ribbon cable & plug so you could just use it for setting up the box and then remove it if it wasnt needed.

    I dont know if using an extra 7805 is going to make your supply any more stable? just give your CD player P/S a go.  500mA is required to run a backlit LCD you could get away with less if it wasnt backlit.

    if you dont want midi sockets just dont solder them to the board, dont bother about stuffing the optpcoupler either

    The good thing about the MBHP is that if you find that it doesnt do exactly what you need it to you can just add additional modules ie banksticks etc


  5. Hi

    almost finished my MotorFader board  ;D, there is one cap on the plans named "C5" but I cannot find its value anywhere.

    By process of elimination off the parts list it seems to be a ceramic Cap , value 100nF but im not 100%

    Can someone help me??


  6. Hi

    I am part way thru making a controller for DJ'in also.

    You may want the DIN for menu? & freq kill buttons? but if you have enough spare AIN's you could probably just use those.

    LCD displays are useful but not essential, you should be able to turn the com port on or off via the ini file?? someone else on this list should be able to help with this?

    No you dont need IC sockets for the other IC's but it makes it easier to solder, less chance of damaging your IC's & they are easier to replace if you need to (& they are cheap).

    Yes the 5v supply gives the power to the other modules like DIN, DOU, AIN, LTC if you want to add other cores for Motorfaders or SID's then you need additional P/S

    If your CD player provides 500mA and its a very stable supply, it should be OK?

    Banksticks are so you can save pot settings if you are using a DJ mp3 player with midi learn you could probably just have the settings on ya PC (the eeproms are cheap tho)

    good luck

  7. If it works the way I think it works :D

    Then yes you would need a seperate core for the 64 Pots as there would be no remaining inputs on the other 2 core modules.

    More than 8 faders is not currently supported (except by chaining with midi cables) in the next versions of the firmware Thorsten hopes to implement a way to link the processors together

    Quoting TK:

    "The first firmware will provide direct MIDI control, the following firmware versions the possibility to concat modules together to a multiprocessor system."

    I guess if this happens then you should be able to control/view multiple boards with the one LCD??

    This part of the MB_HP project is very new (firmware v1 beta) The best thing would be to wait till Thorsten comes back from holiday so he can confirm what it will/wont be able to do; (as Im really just giving you my understanding of whats on the uCapps site)

    good luck

  8. Yes this is what im refering to

    With old design the faders do not move in parallel

    My understanding is The new design is the only choice if you want a real time automated system.  ???

    http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html has all the details

    "now the 8 faders are directly connected to the 8 analog inputs."

    If you dont care about your faders moving at the same time the orginal plan is fine.... otherwise you will need 1 core per 8 faders, however you could expand the motor fader board with another 8 tc4427's but you would still need 2 cores

    However I could be wrong as my Motor faders are not up and running yet.

  9. Hi

    At the moment the MF supports 8 faders per core module as the AIN's of the MF are connected directly to the AIN's of the core.

    Its very possible to do what you want to do but it may involve building several MB64's and chaining them together via midi ports

    Im building something similar to you; however my plan is for 8 motor faders with mute and solo buttons/leds (double as a 16 step sequencer!), pan and 2 fx sends knobs per channel. I will have additional non-motorised master fader control with several aux knobs.

    I have gone for a 8 channel for several reasons (mainly cost! $$$$$) but also it should be easy to switch between controlling the first 8 channels second 8 and so on, (using a bankstick!?)

    for the above I needed:

    2x core modules (1 for MB64 & 1 for motorfaders)

    2x AINx4

    2x DINx4

    1x DOUx4

    1x LTC (optional)

    1x MF

    2xLCD's (only have one at present but I think I need another for the motorfader control)

    I think I might NEED a SID also  ;)


  10. I could be wrong but........

    I would have thought the voltage regulator should set the voltage to a constant 12V after that the Pot should trim the voltage down to 8V, I dont see how you would get greater than 12V unless you had the pins on the voltage regulator switched or something???

    Are you able to connect a midi monitor to see what is happening with you MF's?

  11. Hi

    yes you could stack modules however at present I think you need a seperate core module for each SID so for 4 SID's you would need 4x SID PCBs & 4x Core PCBs or I spose you could attempt it all on one vero board?!

    but it would be fairly big!

    Yes you need a MB64/16 as this is a "generic" midi controller you can use it to control your existing midi gear and software and the MB_SID (until the SID control surface is available

    Dont think MB_SID supports LCD screens at the moment however knowing what Thorsten has created in the past Im sure it will in the future!?

    If Ive got anything wrong please feel free to correct me  :D

  12. yeah C1-C4 would not be required if you dont stuff the MAX232

    still need C5 & C6 tho

    Could always stuff them just in case you decide to link to com port in the future after all they are cheap & would save soldering later!


  13. Hi

    I was wondering if it makes any difference which H bridge I use for the motor fader module?

    I have found several different packages

    The one which sounds most like the right one is:

    TC4427CPA  (manufacturer=telcom)

    RS have quoted me on this, can anyone tell me if this package is compatible?



  14. Hi

    I think the 128 uses the MOS 8580

    It apparently has a more digital sound than the C64 and runs at 9v instead of 12v see the extract below


    The module requires a second power supply which delivers clean and stable 12V for the audio section of the 6581 chip. The current drain is below 100 mA, so the small brother of the 7812, the 78L12 can be optionally used as voltage regulator. If you plan to utilise a 8580 instead of the 6581, 9V are required instead - so replace the 78L12 by a 78L09 (or 7809...) in that case

    The two caps between Pin 1/2 and 3/4 of the SID are required by the filter. The ideal values may differ with the SID version you are using, so it's possibly a good idea not only to purchase the recommended 470 pF caps for 6581, 6.8nF caps for 8580 (which have been taken from the original schematics), but also some other pairs: 1nF, 2.2nF, 4.7nF - just to check for any better results.

    The parts are spec'd on the link below


    be sure to have a good read of the SID pages



    Good luck


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