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Everything posted by sidysm

  1. Here's what I want to build although I may swap the 4x20 LCD for a Graphic LCD, I am undecided at the moment. As stated it's basically a scaled down HUI but I've square it up a bit and lost some of the buttons as some was more pro tools geared. Also whilst HUI protocol would be cool, I wouldn't go the HUI route as it only supports 8 faders and I would like to extend this to at least 24 faders, so I'm thinking more LC/HUI/Generic hybrid. If anyone wants a better view the adobe illustrator file is here www.sidysm.dsl.pipex.com/Console.ai I need to work out how to make the buttons though and have a whole bunch of things to wait for implementation it seems, and a shit load of cash to find :(
  2. I've thought about painting out but I am worried about wearability with constant pressing, I don't want to repaint buttons every few months. Backlit clear buttons also has the downside of bleed from neighbouring buttons.
  3. I am planning on only 4 carachters whish is not a lot but doable, (again check hui which is my current muse). Hopefully with this I should be able to keep channel section to 25mm's each and minimise overall width to aid extensions in the future. I am going to combat this with a graphic lcd also, as I need 2 cores, so I can still get full info on each channel.
  4. I think, and I'm hoping, one should be fine, the only problem I'm having is finding a reasonably priced display with a wide enough diplay.
  5. Hi all, Still thinking on Mackie HUI style controller, and want to make cool buttons like on it and mackie control. What I want is the inset led which imo looks much better than a backlit clear button (I don't want seperate led's as I don't find them as clear and will use up more of facia). I want the buttons to look like this: I assume they will need to be like this to acheive this: Does anyone know if/where it is possible to buy such a button? Could I construct these by creating a mold and melting plastic/rubber into it around the LED? If above possible would heat damage the LED? If above possible any idea how I could get a uniform LED placement? Has anyone made custom buttons before could offer advice? If doing it myself I know it would probably take forever but it may take me longer than forever to afford all the other components so time aint an issue. cheers for any help. Sid
  6. Hi Rowan, I was reading up on your audio matrix thread which sounds like what I'm looking for. I'm actually going to be using nuendo, I don't think it will be an actual copy of the HUI I make more a generic based on that. I've been using generic a lot in sx and most of the features I need I can implement through that as it is basically all audio I use, giga is the only sequencer/synth I use regulary which is externally routed as audio anyway. That said basically what I want is in the Mackie control with the exception of peak led's, monitor routing, talk back section, named channels on lcd's. Also I prefer the way the v-pots are handled on the HUI and the overall look of it, much more solid and Mixer looking, ala D8B. Basically though, steinberg third party controller support sucks though so unless they have a huge turn about I will probably go the generic route.
  7. Has anyone ever attempted or considered a mackie HUI style midi box, this is much fuller featured than the Mackie Control and includes 2 must have additions IMO. 1. Peak LED's on each channel 2. Monitor & talk bancksection I know it's an older controller and doesn't support extenders but it is a much fuller featured controller. http://www.mackie.com/products/hui Does anyone if this would be acheivable with mios?
  8. sidysm

    midi mapper

    Are you looking for a hardware midi mapper to sit between controller and hardware or just a software mapper to change signal going inrto PC? If soft mapper get midiox else if hardware I dunno sorry.
  9. This isn't to do with midibox but I thought you may all find it usefull. I have noticed a few forums the subject of having transport controls at the mic stand, etc. and the few midi surfaces have been over priced, under speced and have problems with routing cabling to the device. I recently started using a program called girder, http://www.girder.nl , this is a remote control software I found for controlling my media system for winamp and zoomplayer so I can remote control the computer from my room. What I found was that you can translate any standard infra-red remote control so any button can output any mouse command,any combination of key strokes, several os instructions and even has plugins to output midi/sysex commands. This means a remote can easily control any keyboard shortcuts, ie. all transport controls for easily starting recording playback and navigation from your micor with the use of some output plugins could probably, I haven'e tried this yet but will soon, be setup as a generic remote to control channel settings also. With the use a multi link remote boxes this can even be done from entirely different rooms. I currently have a audigy platinum installed with my rme which I used for midi, and now thanks to a girder plugin use to remote control my daw. If you don't have an audigy/live, (you saved £150 and were a wiser man than me :) ), there is a guide to making a very cheap serial ir reciever here, http://divxstation.com/article.asp?aId=62 , so anyone can easily have this facility for around £5.
  10. sidysm


    That's okay but to pull it back.... the effect is indeed flanger it's just the inbuilt one on my pod pro but the sound has a couple of other version with just crunch of the same part playing over it as it was originally to overpowering. I'm in glasgow, though just back from holiday and seriously tempted to fuck off somewhere in the sun.
  11. sidysm


    It's mostly live, guitars are a Ibanez RG3120 through a pod pro (they're recorded in as wet and dry and the dry version is retracked through amplitube to balance tone for those intrested), bass is an ibanez (cant remember model) through di, the mic is a berhinger B1 through just a mixer pre and all these go into my rme card and cubase sx. The drums are the only sequenced part and are using giga purrrfect general midi drum kit at the moment imported into halion as I never got round to finishing the song properlly, I plan to redo the drum sounds with purrfect and drunkit from hell in giga to get a bigger sound, the sequences need tweeked to as still a bvit repetitive. and thanks for all the kind words :) oh I forgot it's all me in my box room though, still looking to find a band worthy of me ;)
  12. I've asked this a few times as well and had no responses, if you find anywhere could you let me know. I've found loads of faders but none seem to be motorised.
  13. I've asked this a few times as well and had no responses, if you find anywhere could you let me know. I've found loads of faders but none seem to be motorised.
  14. I just read a great idea for future midi boxes, for those wiring a dout to light an led for recording, why not also have it activate an external switch to power a red recording lamp at your studio door
  15. sidysm


    k, it still needs a lot of work but here's a preview of the latest tune I'm working on to give some contrast to all the dance music http://www.sidysm.dsl.pipex.com/music/sidysm_-_freedom_of_thought.mp3
  16. Anyone know where I could get a diagram for how to wire up a box to select between two computers display going to a monitor? I want to set my daw up as a dual monitor using the monitar for my internet machine but kvm boxes cost a bomb. All I want is a box with 1 15pin display output and 2 15pin display inputs and a switch to select which input.
  17. I have read conflicting advice in forum about motor faders and am unsure about whether I need 1 or 2 cores for this setup. I will have... 8 touch sensitive motor faders   motorfader unit + din unit 8 rotary encoders + led rings   din unit + 2 dout units 32 backlit buttons   4 din units + 4 dout units am I correct in what I have a bove and will this all go on one core or do I need a seperate core for the motorfaders and a link for the 2? oh I forgot, an LCD Display as well
  18. I can't find these anywhere! The link to the alps motor fadrs in uk doesn't work and nothing comes up on that site when you search the component number. Does anyone know somewhere in the uk I can get 100mm motor faders which can be made touch sensitive online or off. Either that or a european store with an english version of their site. I've tried every search I can think and have came up with nothing. I am completely desperate and any help is appreciated.
  19. here's a rough drawing of what a fully decked out controller would look like. third time lucky??? http://www.superimagehost.com/image.php?src=697684815.jpg&m_id=452 imagine the top pic is a side view.
  20. K firstly does anyone here use nuendo/sx, everyone seems to be logic users which could prove difficult? I want my midi box to be based on a Mackie Control but with much more instantanious channel control at the same time. Being used to an analogue console and as it is mostly audio I work with, anything else is sampled on a seperate machine and when nuendo 2 comes out I am going to system link this also for vstis also so it will only be audio on my DAW, I just want a hands on controller so I don't need to constantly worry about mixing at a monitor and switching locations etc.. What I plan is basically audio channel strips and a master section akin to MC but on each channel instead of 1 rotary and 3 buttons, I want 1 rotary for pan 4 switchable encoders for sends and eq's (ie. mode 1=eq gain 2=eq freq. 3=send1-4 gain 4=send5-8 gain) and buttons to select solo, mute, record, monitor, eq bypass, send bypass, insert bypass and write enable, an lcd to display the channel names and eventually a meter bridge but that is for later. Therfore each channel has 1 motor fader, 8 buttons, 5 rotary encoders and a lcd displaying the channel name.. the 8 channels as a whole have 4 mode select buttons controling 4 of the rotary encoders. I forsee basically a midibox LC with 2 16E's linked in for all rotaries to be controlled, and using hard wired banksticks to switch between the four modes for the extra rotaries. I would also want to have these extendable so I could eventually run it with 32 simoultaneous channels and take advantage of the add features to allow me full realtime control over 64 channels. As all my a/d's are taken care of externally so I'm wanting an ssl consoles control without any audio capabilities. so the questions then... 1. would this theoretically be acheivable? 2. would the link facility be able to output all these over 1 midi output? 3. would it be 3 18f cores running LC and 2 16E's as imagined or is their an easier way? 4. the MF unit only controls 8 faders...does the LC emulation allow 9 to include the master fader? 5. would an image be helpful to visualise what I mean? on another note congrats to axel on the latest box as it's reinspired to get back to developing this, thats a gorgeous controller.
  21. k, hopefully the last last question before I finalise the planned controls for my box. I plan to run 16 segment meterbridges ( )and 11 segment led rings. Would I need an output for eac set set or each LED ie. would one of each of the above require to outputs from a dout board or 26 from 4 Dout Boards?
  22. k, hopefully the last last question before I finalise the planned controls for my box. I plan to run 16 segment meterbridges ( )and 11 segment led rings. Would I need an output for eac set set or each LED ie. would one of each of the above require to outputs from a dout board or 26 from 4 Dout Boards?
  23. So then, the channel strips I'm planning are pretty full featured and may not go off one core anyway so... Could I do two cores so each controlls 2 lcd's and 4 channels of features instead of 8, and then link them to output over 1 midi port?
  24. So then, the channel strips I'm planning are pretty full featured and may not go off one core anyway so... Could I do two cores so each controlls 2 lcd's and 4 channels of features instead of 8, and then link them to output over 1 midi port?
  25. Does anyone no of a UK retailler, preferably online, that sell motor faders and rotary pots? I've found loads of suppliers for the electronic components but can't find anyone selling these items.
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