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Posts posted by Tanstaafl

  1. Not really sure what it is HE does for a living, I emailed him to thank him for his design, asked a couple of questions about updates.... here follows the correspondence... hope he does not mind:


    Thanks for the email, and I'm glad you like the VCADSR. I'm sure you'll like the VCLFO too. It was my favourite out of the two, mainly because of the lovely rhythmic effects you can get by setting the S&H and LFO rates so they are close but not the same. Beating between the two produces a modulation that fades in and out at the difference frequency - it's great!

    I have been working on more projects, but nothing as simple or neat as the first two. I've started using dsPIC 16-bit chips, since I felt I needed the power for a good quality digital oscillator, and since doing some experiments with that, I've also started working on a digital modulation matrix, rather like the Oberheim Matrix synths. When these will see the light of day is anyone's guess, but I'll put something up when they're done!

    Good luck with your projects.



    On 13 Dec 2007, at 21:34, Gene Beth wrote:

    Howdy Tom !

    Just wanted to drop you a line and a THANK YOU for your VCADSR design.  I have been looking for (and building envelope generators) for years and yours is the BEST!!!

    I need an LFO also and yours looks like a candidate for fabrication.

    If there are ever any updates, please keep me informed!!

    Gene Beth

    Houston, TX. USA

  2. I mentioned this on the chat room the other day, but interest was low...... this is a GREAT ADSR!

    check it out... parts only cost about 3 bux (USD)... well the pots are not cheap but the circuit board only uses about 10 resistors, 3 or 4 caps, a 16f684 pic (14 pin) and an op amp.

    I have built 3 of these so far and am very happy with the performance.

    here's the link: http://www.tomwiltshire.co.uk/sdiy/envgen.html

    he's also got a really nice LFO based on the same circuit.

    happy midiboxing!


  3. Jeb,

      I use a 13 volt ac wall wart with mine, no problems.

      I also use 50k pots on my MoogModularV / MidiBox,  some of the wires are longer than 18 inches so I occasionally get some jitter in those lines, changing to 10k pots on those farther runs seems to clear the jitter problems for me.

    hope this helps,


  4. The rockers from my original Model D were Reddish/Orange and kind of a 'Robins Egg Blue' or Cyan.  I have not been able to find any stock switches with the exact colors... don't really know if it's worth a special mfg. run.  I'm thinking a nice airbrush job (so I could match the colors) with a clear coat afterwards to minimize rub off.


  5. Did it myself!

    1. Highres screen grab

    2. Rescale in photoshop to fit 19" rack

    3. Measure centers on all knobs / switches

    4. Draw in AutoCAD

    5. Plot ACAD drawing to EPS file

    6. Edit  EPS file in Illustrator (clean up / Text objects)

    7. Print 1:1 on Epson 2200 (13"x19" print)

    8. Tape to front of Lexam panel (5.25" x 19")

    9. Drill holes at drill press

    10. Mount knobs and switches.

    I still need to do a 'photo' quality print, remove all knobs and switches and the protective coating on the Lexam, then remount everything with the new 'photo' print.


  6. I have toyed with the idea of using rotational motor faders (not sure where I would find those) so that when I call up a patch, it would change the knobs.... hmm what about the switches though?....  Anyway, if I do anything like that, it's a bit down the road timewise.  As it stands, I am familiar with the Minimoog interface (I owned one back in the 70's-80's), and it only takes a touch to have the midibox read the pots and reflect position on the screen.  I really don' t use the screen much and minimize the Moog window in Logic unless I need to do something with the sequencer bit (which of course did not exist on the original).  I still need to build the sequencer controller surface.  But, generally for sequences, I use the MoogModular V, it's a bit more powerful.

    I tried to get as close to the Moog font as I could, even looked for a Moog font online but they weren't ANYTHING like Moog's true font.  For lighting the labels, I am kinda going for the Model D look ... not the Voyager look.

    Thanx for the input and check back often as the webpage will change often in the next few weeks.


  7. Stryd_one:  Yeah, the protective coating is kinda grodie looking.  The panel under the plastic is 3 'letter' sized pages from a laser printer spliced together just to get the drilling pattern.  The final will be a single sheet of 13" x 19" Epson Photo paper, cut to size and laminated.  This will be affixed to the outside of the panel.  It should look a bit better.

    nILS:  I printed out a HUGE screenshot of the Arturia virtual control surface, then measured and redrew in AutoCAD, then took that into Illustrator to clean up the text.  Believe it or not, Radio Shack has boat loads of those old Moog style knobs.  I could not find a reasonable price for the colored rocker switches however.  I had a ton of the toggle switches on my junk pile so used those, I hope in the future to be able to afford the rockers but the cheapest I saw those for was about 7 bux USD.  Over $100 just for the switches.  I didn't pay that much for the kits and pots from Smash!

    Anyway, thanx for the input, as I make mods I will post updates.


  8. Oh, all I have to do is turn on the midibox before I start logic.... duh.

    Working great in Logic 8, all knobs and switches work, sounds wunderbar!  The software is a bit different from the original Model D in a few ways but one addition that I really like is the new built-in sequencer.  I have not built that panel yet, it should take up the rest of the pots and switches for the mb64and be a 1U strip on the top.

    well, back to noodleing....

    c ya


  9. Howdy dudes and dudettes!

      Been a while since I posted, just thought I would show off my latest midibox project.  I have always been a fan of anything MOOG, and it seems my projects reflect this proclivity.  My latest project is a midibox 64 (32 setup now with room to grow) interfaced to Arturia's MiniMoog V virtual synth.  Pictures available at:


    The second picture shows it sitting in front of my DAW (Mac Pro down in the lower left, Logic Studio 8, Midisport 2X2 and Emagic A62M).  Hopefully I will get it into my rack setup this weekend and start making noise!

      Now I just need to figure out how to get Logic to read my setup file for the interface, as of yet I am only running stand alone for full control of all the knobs and switches.  Guess I need to look at the 'LC' stuff to get this going.

    c ya,


  10. Generally,  I start with the smallest components first (resistors, diodes, etc), then move to the next larger (taller) sized components.  I usually do the headers after soldering in the chip sockets.

    1 - resistors/diodes

    2 - chip sockets

    3 - headers

    4 - capacitors

    5 - anything else taller

    If you already have everything soldered, you need to reflow the solder on the headers and find a support mechanism (styrofoam, washers, anything that will give you the support you need for height).  You might need to use solder wick to remove the original solder, depending on your technique.  I have also found that using the FEMALE header plugs to support the headers works.  Simply plug in all the female headers, this will give you a couple of millimeters of height.  If you are working on the CORE, and have all of the power supply parts installed, you will need to figure out some kind of jig to get the height you need.

    good luck,


  11. I'll chime in on this one too. 

    How do you get to Carnegie Hall?  Practice, Practice, Practice.

    I've been soldering for about 40 years, I'm sure I've killed quite a few brain cells sniffing flux.

    Just make sure you have the correct Wattage soldering iron for the circuit board you are soldering (with the kinds of stuff we are working with, use an iron that is less than about 20 Watts).  Make sure the board is CLEAN, in our case, Smash makes really good boards.  Touch the tip of the iron to the thing you want to solder, touch the solder to a bit of the pad you are soldering.... thermal conduction, capillary action and gravity will take care of everything else.

    Good luck,


  12. Nuts & Volts

    I thought I was the only person who still subscribes to that magazine.

    How about Circuit Cellar?  anybody ?

    Still working on my MiniMoog V controller, but kind of got sidetracked by a buddy on the PAIA group.  I was able to purchase some old kits from the '70s.  All CEM based (which would fix my Korg MonoPoly) 3 VCO's, Dual VCA, MultiMode Filter....  busy busy busy....

    Have a GREAT WEEKEND my freinds


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