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Posts posted by Wilba

  1. You don't always need transistors, the 74HC595 outputs can sink (just) enough current to light a column of LEDs. If you prefer to have the LEDs brighter, use transistors, but also remember you'd need to invert the output... i.e. if you connect the base of a BC547 to the DOUT pin (with a 1k resistor), then the collector will sink current when the DOUT pin is high. So only one of the outputs should be high at a time, instead of one of the outputs being low.

    The newer DIN DOUT module boards from SmashTV can have a darlington array chip fitted instead of the resistors (i.e. a chip of eight high-current transistors).

  2. I'd have to say the filter is the major difference between the two kinds of SID, if you like filters, get the 8580. The 6581 has a reputation for being very noisy (not dirty, this is overall background noise!) and a few other audible "quirks" which others appreciate. Unfiltered, and taking noise out of the equation, they sound pretty much the same, and I assume that applies to drum sounds too.

    Testing the SID inside a C64 falls outside my knowledge...  As a quick test you can just plug in a game cartridge and listen to the intro... Learning how to poke the right bits into the SID registers to make sound is a bit time-consuming.

    I'd suggest buy the C64 for the case and PSU, and if the SID works, that's a bonus  :)

  3. I've used PIC16F84 before, long time ago, I burned them with a JDM programmer without any problems.

    If the programming pins are the same (I think they are, but compare the datasheets yourself) just try it with the same voltage as recommended for PIC16F88, it should work. If the programming voltage (VPP) is higher than expected, I think it will still work, and won't kill it  ;)

  4. If you're planning to scavenge a SID, you will probably have better luck finding an 8580 with a working filter, nearly all the 6581s I scavenged had dead filters and sometimes dead oscillators and sometimes just completely dead. But that's just my experience, others have had better success than me. 8580s are found in the newer C64C, the beige ones, although once I did find a 6581 in a beige one. Whatever you get, the case and PSU are useful, the PSU can be used to give you the 5v and 9v/12v required (see "Step C" page).

    If you're totally new to this, I'd suggest starting small, just get one SID going, without control surface, then evaluate whether you want to spend more time and money building a multi-SID box and/or control surface. Once you have more than one SID, a control surface becomes almost essential so you can assign the MIDI channels and patches to each SID. Definitely start out with SmashTV's modules (pre-programmed PIC) and follow the guides, especially voltage tests before you plug in chips or a display, and the Core-SID interconnection tests. It pays to make sure the SID should be making a sound before you plug it in... I do another undocumented test of the audio buffer, hook the output up to an amp and short the SID's output pin with ground without the SID plugged in!!! Also, you should get a 24LC256 from SmashTV to store your patches, an MB-SID without patch storage is (literally) a complete waste of time!

    SID preferences vary, and while I am obviously biased by suggesting the 8580  ;D  it would seem to suit you better IMHO, especially the filter. Listen to the demo:


    First you hear 6581, then 8580, then 6581, then 8580. The second and fourth sounds are exactly how my SID sounds. Also, for the 303 bassline feature, an 8580 is recommended.

  5. If you can point us to the specs of the infrared slider, we can help out more... I'm also curious about it... you might not need an opamp at all...

    You can use a rail-to-rail opamp, but these can be expensive and hard to find.

    It's a lot easier to use a common opamp like LM324 and just supply it with more than 5v.

    Most opamps cannot output all the way up to the supply voltage, so for example if you supply an LM324 with 5v (like the Core module) then it will only output up to 5v-1.5v=3.5v. But you can supply it with 9v and it will then output up to 5v and so you'll get the full range of the PIC's analog input (0v to 5v).

    Opamps can be used to amplify the sensor voltage, but are also handy for buffering the voltage. Sometimes a sensor signal might be in a 0v-5v range but have a very low current, and not enough for the PIC to sense the voltage. An opamp can be used (with or without amplification) so it outputs the same voltage, but it is a high enough current for the PIC to sense the voltage.

  6. Yes, it's Winstar brand, I own this exact model, works perfectly, you won't be disappointed!

    It does not use or need the backlight circuit on the Core module... the contrast pot is used to control brightness, so don't stress if it's all black when you turn it on first time, just turn the pot and the glorious green will appear.

    The more common term is "PLED" by the way... "OLED" is more commonly used to describe the full colour displays.

  7. I assume the voting question was specific to writing code as part of a MIDIbox project.

    Generally I try to participate in this "gift economy" (like in the Mars trilogy) where I share what I produce just like TK and the rest, so we all collectively can build things that are bigger than what one person could do alone. It is all "open source" only to a degree, because we also don't want people producing MIOS-based hardware and selling them on eBay, i.e. others shouldn't be making a profit on the sum of all the work done so far.

    But "rewarding" someone just for their time in coding something, that's different, isn't it? You are not paying them for the sum of all the source code. The programmer is not passing off MIOS etc. as his own work and selling it. If the result is also made open source, that's nice and in the MIDIbox spirit, but not really relevant.

    Furthermore, at the scale we're talking about here, it's just an exchange of favours not full time employment. Say you really want to make a custom MIDIbox, perhaps if you give the programmer enough components to make one himself, he'll help with the coding part, you put the result on the wiki so everyone benefits, and everyone's happy.

  8. Yes, calculators and many other things with buttons will use a scanning matrix, but that's not too big a problem... most consumer electronics have buttons that are the button part with a conductive pad that bridges across contacts on the PCB... so you can cut the tracks on the PCB to make them individual switches. This might be an easier solution for you, and using the existing MIOS apps, than writing custom PIC code to handle a scanning matrix.

    As for specs, the suggested value for pots/faders on a MIDIbox is 10K, any higher and the current going into the PIC is not good for the analog to digital conversion. This is also a widely used value too. If you happen to find pots that are less than 10K then they'll still work fine, just use more current, you probably wouldn't want to use anything less than 1K.

    Gaming controllers are cool, something like a PlayStation Dual Shock controller has two analog joysticks which are perfect, and some of the buttons are even pressure sensitive too, but you'll need to adapt them a bit to suit MIDIbox as they're like a pot without a wiper, the harder you press, the lower the resistance. So to make any use of that, you need to convert that into a voltage range.

  9. One little problem with WinPic800: The ID it burns into the PIC appears to have each pair of bytes swapped around!

    Of course you only notice this if you're burning something other than all zeros!

    I discovered this while burning the bootloader 1.2 with the right bits for IIC MIDI... it would still transmit the upload request on the TX pin! So I uploaded MIOS and the change_id app and then changed the bits for IIC MIDI, and read it back with WinPic800.

    Here's what I've learned so far:

    An ID in WinPic800:

    0000 | 0000 | xx00 | yy00

    xx = IIC MIDI ID

    yy = MIOS Device ID

    (I will cut'n'paste this to the wiki!)

  10. If MIOS is installed, you should be able to send LCD commands with MIOS Studio, this will test your LCD is OK and MIOS is installed.

    Otherwise, perhaps MIOS and some app is installed (or half installed?) so you won't get the "Ready"... so try uploading MIOS again, which should validate your MIDI send/receive (i.e. use feedback from core).

  11. 1: The MidiBox Sid control buttons: http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid_photos/10.html

    Most likely 6mm ALPS tactile switches, shaft length 13mm? If you go to ALPS website you can find the exact part number, and get a 100 piece pack from an ALPS distributor. It is best you plan ahead and make sure you get the right length to suit how far back you mount the board from the panel, and also thickness of the panel.

    2: the rotary encoders used in Midibox gear

    There's a few different types, what type are you after?

    I like the ALPS 16mm detented encoders (I actually have "clones" made by Electronics China). They're easy to open up and make non-detented and work perfectly for MIDIbox.

    4: And what gauge hookup wire does everyone use for connecting between components? I'm currently recycling ribbon cable and it seems a bit thin.

    Ribbon cable like the grey kind for use with IDC connectors? It will do for most uses, even to supply power to LCDs and other modules.

  12. The pin arrangement on the bridge rectifier on that page is different to the ones I use, which has the "~" pins diagonally opposite each other, the "-" and "+" pins in the other corners. Perhaps yours is the same, and you're connecting it wrong, which will short circuit between the AC inputs!

    Use a multimeter to test the actual diodes in the bridge rectifier.

  13. It looked like Jorge did a cool trick to create the grooved borders around sections... using one piece that goes behind the C64's front panel edge (with cutouts), and then putting smaller pieces on top of that. This not only gets you a front surface that's at the same level as the original case, but it should be stronger where it joins to the original case, and you could use a stronger or thicker material for the rear layer for strength.

    If you've got heaps of cases spare, reusing bits of a second case is ideal, that stuff is pretty strong plastic... I guess I'm just suggesting to support the new front panel with something that overlaps it and the edge of the original case's cutout.

    You might want to consider the easier solution of sticking the new plastic panel on top - if you round the edges a bit, and fill gaps with a bit of putty, and spray the lot one colour, it won't be that noticable and a lot easier to make.

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