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Posts posted by arumblack

  1. Northernlightx or ryan? have you ordered yet? I have been trying to but i can not get the money to germany.

    Wire transfer cost's too much(45dollars!) and i don't think he takes paypal(i have sent an email asking).I cannot get a international money order at the post office in euro's. i am running out of options.

  2. It can happen. although i am using one that got tossed around in a box of junk for a year or so, and was never handled as a static sensitive component should and it works fine. it has an el backlight though, which i can't test right now as i have no inverter, but the text displays properly on the screen, albeit hard to read without the backlight.

  3. i am using a home made board, that i wasn't going to use after the core i made on a homemade board didn't work.i have since built a core from smash's boards and it works fine.maybe the board is bad? but it is by far the best one i made. perhaps i just have to wait and order new boards(like i was going to, but had a day off due to weather so i decided to try this board anyway).

  4. The other ic's get 5v from the core, which isn't wired up yet. (or am i wrong here? i checked and they were not getting 5v.)perhaps the 7812 is bad? i am by far no expert, but how otherwise could i get nearly 14 volts from it?the sid page says i should get 12v without the sid plugged.i will check the transistors, but they should be placed right,the layout is the one published here and the part is bc547a. this still wouldn't make it 13.7 volts directly after the 7812 though would it?

  5. hey all, i just threw together a sid module and when i do the voltage test i get 13.7 or so volts. i find this odd because, 1) i should get 12, and 2 i am only using a 12 volt ac supply? i am guessing this is not ok(nearly 2 volts higher than it should be.) i don't want to fry my sid... i have checked for solder bridges, i don't see any and i poked around with a continuity tester in suspect area's.the only thing that i think it could be, is that i left out the 1nf cap on the audio input,because i must have forgot to order it. i was hoping this wouldn't be a problem, i don't need the audio input right now, but i shure would love to hear some sid....

    any idea's? or will this 13.7 volts be ok? the 7812 gets warm, but that is normal right? although i havent left it on too long, maybe it gets hotter?

    any help apreciated.

  6. Thanks for the links and suggestions. as i said i am trying to finish my current projects first(and then a break to make sid tunes!) but am reasearching now, so i will look into it.key factors are reliability, and portability, since i am primarilly wanting a live performance tool.seems portable enough. audio is not a concern of mine at this stage.I originally wanted to stick to mios also, and have already joined you in the other thread.This for me is a long term project( as it involves learning things i have no concept of at the moment), so progress from me here may be few and far between right now, hopefully to improve once it gets going. i am still in a research phase at the moment.my current plan of action is to get e cheap pc system ( hopefully i can find a give away) and get linux on it and start learning. fortunately there are ppl who have done it before to learn from!

  7. I believe the current updates are very promising! i was interested too see how far the pic could be pushed, but quickly my desires exceeded it, hence the linux route(supported by mbhp controls). however, with smaller aspirations the code could be manipulated into other useful forms. A strictly X0X style drum sequencer would be totally badass, and i believe entirely within the pics performance range.Maybe even the triggers could be integrated?

  8. well, i wanted  to build two 4 voice sids.one with the full cs and another expander module. so i can have 8 voices of sid madness! as for the extra's well, in case i get a dud, or i have a friend who has expressed interest. anyway it was cheaper to buy ten at 7 euros than 8 at 9 euros.

  9. Congrat's. i've got two running cores two sids(and more on the way) and components for two sid's, all waitng for some sid board's i wll order on monday!Are you using the c64 powersupply to run it all?I've got to try and get that running next. Any advice/ problems you ran into?

    i need yet to get encoders and then i'm ready for step c

    (already got the din's and dout's). i am getting quite impatient now, it must really feel good to have it running finally!

  10. Hey i feel you. it's taking so long for my projects because of underemplyment issues, and schoolwork.

    but i got a core running, and got my backordered parts just now so later i have 2 cores running! anyway, this is that dsp link i found.


    maybe of some use to me. i won't be able to start anything like that for a bit, i am trying to control my habbit of getting in to deep on things!( my enthusiasm exceeds my abilities at the moment  ;)  )

    good luck on finding a job man, I know how that can be(i'm about to be looking for a new one soon myself...)


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