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Everything posted by titan

  1. Ich würde an deiner Stelle bei maxim-ic.com Muster bestellen, dann hast du 2 Muster pro Artikel. Wieviele brauchst du ? wenn du willst bestell ich für dich mit.. ;)
  2. titan


    About four SID' for 20 pounds: i told you that 20 for ONE is too much but 5 pounds each is a good price ! I believe that is difficult to find it cheaper  8) If i found some, would you change them with me for rotary encoders for example? I dont have it yet. Someone has big quantitities?
  3. titan


    I go to a club meeting from them in the netherlands in the next weeks, I try to check out some SID's for you. There will be a lot of C64 Hackers/ Hardware Cracks (Also a girl who made herself a c64 -one with hdd and graphik cards ..) who can tell me where to find stuff.. :)
  4. I'm sure this is a SW problem, maybe the programm doesnt check at the start the state. The hardware modification must work!
  5. Hi, ich kann die Eagle Platine checken wenn du willst. :)
  6. titan


    Soundchip 6581 or 8580: 20,- EUR ???????? Thats too much Isnt there any c64 CLUB next to you?i got them from there for....free!
  7. Hello The Solution of your problem is easy. At the moment you have pull up resistors, that means one side is connected to +5V and the other to the port. if you dont push the button, there is 5V(HIGH) measured at the port. If you press the button, you push the port to ground, and there are 0V measured(LOW) Let's do the inverse: Dont do the other side of the pull up on 5V but on ground, so you have a "pull down" resistor. Inverse also the connections of the button: One side on the port , the other on ground and you willl have because of the pull down resistor default low and high when you press the button! Dave
  8. Thanks for the answer! Why is it usefull then to have an ISP if the only application i can download is the bootstrap loader. My problem is: I finish core module but i dont have the optocouplers yet [no midi]and i would to test it now[if the lcd works for example]. Maybe it's not possible then i have to wait :-[ David
  9. Hello, I ve just finished my JDM Programmer and it works fine. How can i put the entire programms to make running the SID without using sysex loader(only using JDM-No matter the time it will take)?in which order?what about he configuration files? Am I Right if i think that i dont have to buy quarz 1MHz Oszillators for theSID since ver. 1.6? Thanks a lot Best regards David
  10. Quatsch, du schließt damit das poti kurz und somit die Versorgung!
  11. Da brauchst du nix mit Software zu realisiren und da brauchste nich das DIN Modul. Ein AIN Modul mißt doch nur die Spannung am Eingang, und das Poti ist als Spannungsteiler aufgebaut d.h. 0% 0V 100% 5V und das in 256 Schritten. Wenn du also 100 % haben möchtest musst die eine Seite des tasters auf 5V legen, den anderen an den Port oder Poti Schleifer. Was passiert? -> es wird 5V gemessen das wäre so als wäre das poti ganz oben. Natürlich musst du das ohne Vorwiderstand machen sonst würde das eine Parallelschaltung von 2 Widerständen ergeben und du hättest irgendeine Spannung abhängig von der aktuellen potistellung. Fazit : Taster (Schließer) an 5V und an das AIN Modul. Und da werden alle anderen mir zustimmen gruß David
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