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Everything posted by JR

  1. I think timofonic was asking for a solution in that a PIC itself uses a USB connection to read or write from an storage device. In that case the PIC has to operate as an USB host. In my knowledge this is not possible. A PIC can operate only as an USB client. JR
  2. Jap, korrekt. Ich habe es gerade extra nochmal nachgelesen... MB64E unterstützt Buttons, Encoder, Potis und sogar das Motorfader Modul. Gruß JR
  3. Hey, vielen Dank für deine Aufnahmen. Ich befürchte, dass mir das zu viel Fummelei ist. Ich habe vor, 120 von den Teilen zu verbauen - und alle umzurüsten dauert dann wohl sehr lange. Jetzt bin ich am überlegen, ob ich die Rasterung in Kauf nehme (Mann, die sind wirklich billig), oder ob ich doch weiter suchen soll. Danke nochmal JR
  4. Hi Michael, es wäre total super, wenn Du auch noch ein Bild vom Innern machen und einstellen könntest, damit man sich ein Bild davon machen kann, wie viel Auwand es ist, die Rastung zu entfernen. JR
  5. Bei Pollin gibt es zur Zeit billige Encoder für nur 75 Cent. Link: http://www.pollin.de/shop/shop.php?cf=detail.php&pg=NQ==&a=Njg2OTU3OTk= Oder einfach suchen nach "Encoder". Die 16 Impulse pro Umdrehung sind vielleicht etwas weing. Aber für den Preis inkl. Knopf kann man das wahrscheinlich verschmerzen. Gruß JR
  6. Hi In that case I would suggest you to analyse the firmware of the Mackie Control C4. Perhaps we are able then to find out the MIDI protocol that's used for it - would be really great ;D JR
  7. Hi Thorsten Ich habe mir die Seite einmal angeschaut - und sie enthält einen Fehler: In der Beschreibung für die innere Tabelle werden zwei widersprüchliche Tabellenbreiten angegeben (einmal 100% und einmal 530 Pixel)! ... <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=5 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=530> ... Die erste Angabe von 100% ist dabei falsch. Das würde nämlich bedeuten, dass die Tabelle so breit sein soll wie die gesamte Seite. Nur geht das nicht, da bereits die äußere Tabelle auf 672 Pixel festgelegt ist. Der Internet Explorer verwendet aber immer nur die erste Angabe und ignoriert alle folgenden, weshalb die Angabe von 530 Pixeln einfach nicht beachtet wird. Ich schätze einmal, dass die von Dir aufgeführten alternativen Browser hier anderst vorgehen und nur den zuletzt aufgeführten Wert verwenden. Deshalb halte ich es nur für reinen Zufall, dass es bei den anderen Browsern funktioniert. (Das könntest Du ja mal spaßeshalber ausprobieren ;-) Gruß JR
  8. Hi George, i think you are searching for http://edrum.for.free.fr/Â ;). JR
  9. Hi Roger, the LC protocol has already a button for this function. If activated, the Host application shouldn't send fader changes. So in this case there is no problem within MIOS ;) JR
  10. Jap, gibt's da auch: [table] [tr][td]Bezeichnung[/td][td]Bestell-Nr[/td][td]Stückpreis[/td][td]ab 10 Stück[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Glatt Velour-Nickel[/td][td]442082-13 [/td][td] 1,29 [/td][td] 1,19[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Glatt Velour-Chrom[/td][td]442069-13 [/td][td] 1,29 [/td][td] 1,19[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Gerippt Velour-Nickel[/td][td]442057-13 [/td][td] 1,29 [/td][td] 1,19[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Velour-Chrom[/td][td]442043-13 [/td][td] 1,29 [/td][td] 1,19[/td][/tr] [/table] Gruß JR
  11. What about a servo motor just like in a model car. The poti, motor and gear could be reused. The electronics could be replaced through midibox :) Would that be worth a try? JR
  12. Oops, das war mir unbekannt :o. Ich bitte vielmals um Entschuldigung, wenn ich da jemandem mit Ärger gemacht haben sollte... Das wundert mich nur, da die Preise seit einiger Zeit selbst im Business-Katalog inkl. MwSt angegeben sind. Naja - so ist's halt. JR
  13. Es würde mich auch interessieren, ob der Begiff "Midiboxen" eher allgemein oder ganz speziell gewählt wurde ;D JR
  14. Und schon wieder ich ;D Als ich gerade die Inkrementalgeber gesucht habe, habe ich auch nochmal die Motorfader gecheckt. Und siehe da... Conrad scheint die Preise gesenkt zu haben :) ALPS   RSAON11M9 10KB Stückpreis: 19,78 ab 10 Stück: 18,06 ab 100 Stück: 16,34 JR
  15. Ja, Inkrementalgeber gibt es auch und zwar in zwei Varianten: [table] [tr][td]Bezeichnung[/td][td]| Bestell-Nr[/td][td]  [/td][td]| Stückpreis[/td][td]| ab 10 Stück[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Variante 1[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Vertikale Betätigung SMD[/td][td]705526-S3[/td][td][/td][td]5,56[/td][td]4,70[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Horizontale Betätigung DIL[/td][td]705514-S3[/td][td][/td][td]5,99[/td][td]5,13[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Vertikale Betätigung DIL[/td][td]705538-S3[/td][td][/td][td]5,56[/td][td]4,70[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Variante 2[/td][/tr] [tr][td]liegend[/td][td]705586-S3[/td][td][/td][td]6,15[/td][td]5,27[/td][/tr] [tr][td]stehend[/td][td]705594-S3[/td][td][/td][td]6,15[/td][td]5,27[/td][/tr] [/table] Gruß JR
  16. Hi, vielleicht interessiert das ja jemanden... Habe gerade eben im neuen Business-Katalog von Conrad entdeckt, dass die nun auch Motorfader führen: ALPS   RSAON11M9 10KB     Bestell-Nr: 442081-07 Stückpreis: 22,95 Euro ab 10 Stück: 20,95 Euro ab 100 Stück: 18,95 Euro Gruß JR
  17. Hi Thorsten Thanks, it's clear now. I'll try it on weekend. JR
  18. Hi Steven_C, thanks for your tip. Unfortunately it didn't work. I've tried it with example_mf1. But that didn't change anything :-( So I'm waiting for Thorsten's answer... Greets JR
  19. Hi Thorsten, now I've found the time to connect a display :) The jitter value varies between 0 and 2, depending on the fader position. But this information didn't help me to get the fader running correctly. I still have the same problems. What about the speed table you mentioned: My foundings are: The table has 31 entries. Every entry can have a value between 0x00 and 0x1f. This is the pulse width which will be sent to the motor. But I don't see for what the 31 entries are. Which of them I have to change and what role playes the CaliUpSet/CaliDownSet in relation to this table? Another idea: where can I adjust the PWM frequency? Perhaps it is to slow or to fast for the motor. Thanks JR
  20. Hi Thorsten, I wonder what else could it be since this IC now works without heating up (I haven't change anything since then). OK, I will buy one. But that can take some time... Ah, a very good idea. I didn't know about that. Yes, that was clear to me (saw it in the source code). Thank you very much for your tips. I will try them out and report the results. Another thing I found out in the mean time: If I change the supply voltage of the MF board to 15V and reduce the values for CaliUpSet/CaliDownSet then the fader moves much quiter. Could it really be that I have to use such a high voltage? Perhaps the motor doesn't work very well with PWM. Are such cases known? One question: is it right that midibox shouldn't send any volume change during or after a motorized fader move until I move it manually? This could be an indicator if the fader moves smooth enough. Greets JR
  21. Hi and thanks for the fast response. What are you refering to? Do you mean this one? http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=misc;action=display;num=1061917936 As I have no display and no buttons (no DIN) yet I can't use neither the program mf_calibration nor midibox_lc. But I think that this programs can't do anything that I couln't do manually (change the code of mf_example1, recompile, program the pic and retry). Or is there something that finds the right values automatically? It's a regulated one (labor power supply). I've tried one fixed voltage output at 12V (3A) and a other adjustable one (3..25V at 1,5A). Both of them should work. Thanks JR
  22. Hi, I have bought some old motor faders from Penny & Giles (PGF 6100) and can't get them to work with Midibox... I have built one core (without display) and one MF module, connected them together and programmed MIOS and the mf_example1 application to test one of the faders. When I move the fader by hand I get volume change messages in the range 0x00..0x7e. I think it's simple to change the program that it scales correspondingly to reach the highest possible value of 0x7f. But my real problem is to control the motor. If the distance between the current position of the fader and the destination position is high (in example it stayes at position 0 and I send a volume control of 0x70) then the fader moves smooth and fast to the expected position. But if the distance is small the motor only makes strange knocking noises and moves very unpredictably. I have already played with some values for MIOS_AIN_DeadbandSet, MIOS_MF_DeadbandSet, MIOS_MF_CaliUpSet, MIOS_MF_CaliDownSet and even MIOS_MF_StartupSpeedSet. Then I tried some different voltages for the MF module (according to data sheet it should be 12V). The bahaviour of the motor changed but I can't get it to react correctly. I'm afraid that there must something be changed in MIOS itself to get this faders to work. As I'm not very good in programming assembler, I need some help in this task (where to start, what can I try,...). Another thing I want to mention is the following: During my first steps with Midibox I sent a volume change to the PIC. As the fader didn't move (the distance was too small as I know yet) I rechecked my sent command and the power supply of the MF module and... After some time I noticed a horrible odor. At once I checked the temperature of all the IC's and found out that the TC4427 was very (and I mean very!) hot. I turned off the power supply. And I had lunk, the IC still works... I think the problem was that MIOS tried some minutes to move the fader to the correct position but the fader didn't move because the current through the motor was too less. Perhaps MIOS could be extended so that it gives up if the fader didn't react to the control signal in between a second or two. Thanks, JR
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