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Everything posted by Wild_Weasel

  1. Hallo! Kann mir jemand sagen ob man den Startwert von Pots oder Virtuellen Pots (Encodern) einstellen kann. Normal ist es ja so das alle Regler bei 127 starten. Ich hätte aber gerne das sie genau in der Mitte starten weil sonst hab ich immer Sprünge drinnen wenn ich den Pitch an meiner Traktor Midibox einstelle. Danke. Michael
  2. Hello midiboxers! Yet another update.. Second DIN finished. Therefore all buttons could be connected. Seems that I'm missing 2 more inputs when all encoders are connected. Mounted 4 pots and 4 buttons in the middle section to controll the Traktor 3 FX section. Therfore the faceplate had to be cut and welded in turned 90 degrees. Mounted second pitch wheel. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352 Can someone please expain where to put this code in mios: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5794.0 Regards Michael
  3. Hi! Got some work done. Piggy packed the core and DIN modules with the help of a piece of acrylic sheet. Designed a little circuit which maps the pitch encoder to a second encoder input when the pushbutton underneath the encoder is pressed. Unpressed the encoder is mapped to the traktor fine pitch function (called fine tempo in traktor) and increases/decreases in 0,1% steps and when pressed changes the pitch in 1,0 steps. [Yes. I'm absolutely sure that this can be done within MIOS. But I have no clue] Etched a second DIN module with the help of the toner transfer method and my before mentioned etching tank. I'm missing the shift regsiters which should arrive early next week together witch some parts also needed. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/ Regards Michael
  4. Hi! Found a solution for the pitch problem. I will be using encoders salvaged from a mouse instead of faders. See the picture for the assembled unit and the prototype. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/pics7/ I AM STILL MISSING MY MIDI CABLES. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Regards Michael
  5. Hi everbody! Update again. PCBs etched and populated. Im just missing my midi cables so I can't try it. Damn! http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/pics6 Best regards Michael
  6. Hi! Updated my webpage with new pics from my newly built etching tank and closed LCD cutouts in the frontpanel. I am looking forward to etch the new pcbs this weekend. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/ Regards Michael
  7. Hi Richard! Cool Midibox!!! My question is how does the "wind" function works. Does is utilise a rotary encoder? If so does the deck spin forward and backward as you twiddle the knob ---- or: (which is what i found out) fasten up the deck if given a value above 64 and reverse the deck if given a value below 64??? I'm asking because I have some problems hooking up my rotary encoder --> see: regards michael
  8. hi! Impressive work!!! Which software do you use?? Regards, Michael
  9. Hi! Why don't you get yourself a continuity tester and find out??? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D As far is I know this is an soundblaster proprietary format, I haven't seen it anywhere else. If you haven't got the extension cable any more just write a post and I will try to post a digram of my cable regards M.
  10. Success!! Hooked up a single fader directly to the midibox (I wont need the multioplexers at all because a have only got 2 to 4 potentiometers - more later - depends on how I hook up the Jog/shuttle wheel) and it worked!!! yeah! Had to try out traktor with this single fader und checked out several functions. 1) pitch (see pictures) What I noticed: Resolution (128 steps) are not that good. I used to spin with Numark TTX-1 turntables which have got digital read outs of the current pitch and I find myself adjusting the pitch plus or minus 0,1% percent sometimes. The closest I could reach with this setup where 0,2% in traktor, sometimes even 0,3%. Hmmmm. Is there any way to encrease the resolution?? 2) transport (deck wind in traktor) Veeeeery handy feature, when given a cc value above 64, deck will wind forward, if given 64 will do nothing (just spin along if you hit play) and if given a value under 64 will wind backwards. I thought about connecting this feature to the transport rings on the alps encoders. If have no clue about MIOS or about pic programming, so I thought about a way to get decent values out of the ring. If using IC-logical chips you could connect a certain resistor value to one AIN input and therefor get an CC value. Problems: I have no clue about logical circuits, not yet. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/pics4/ regards m.
  11. Hi folks! Finished my core module today. I still had an old one here which did not work properly so I ordered a new one from this german shop. See PICT0022 und PICT0023 for how this old one looked like. It was built on a bought PCB but with parts salvaged from an old Midibox 16 from 2001. Well, I think the cristal is not suitable, I think it is for RF-applications. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/pics3/index.htm As you can see I attached a heatspreader (had this one in my mighty "old computer parts" box) to the 7805 cause it gets realy hot with the lc- background lighting on. I have no clue about how to tell mios that there are faders connected (can't really do anything with this skeleton) - so there will be much more reading required. PICT0024 shows my current setup, because I do not want to stick my audigy extension bay into my new glossy black tower. So there is everything sticking out. Best regards M.
  12. hi! thanks for your replies. i will check that out since I have now time because hollidays have started. thanks again, weasel
  13. Hi! I examined my encoders today. Seems that the wheel puts out some rectangular voltage as any standard encoder. I tested it with some LEDs attached. See video1 it you ever wondered how encoders work. The ring seems to be the hardest part. It knows 8 or 9 (depends on rotational direction) different angles. See alps2.mov for video. Does anbody think that it is possible to modify MIOS that much that it accepts such a ring and puts out usefull midi signal? http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/alps%20movie/alps1.MOV http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/midibox/alps%20movie/alps2.MOV Please excuse the movies. Made them with my digital camera which is meant to take photos. Regards Michael
  14. Hi! Thanks for your answer! I copied the mentioned parts out of the datasheet. This shematics do not mention the ring on the outer side of the encoder which was used to jump back and forward in the track on the cd-deck. Must be pin J1 and J2 [J for jogwheel I think]. I painted how this thing was connected inside the denon on the shematics. Pin C1 and C2 gave power to this thing. All output pins used to be connected to a little IC with an "AN" printed on it. This thing did have 3 pins, but only 2 where used [i did paint this as well] As I mentioned in a earlier post I don't get any voltage out if I connect my multimeter to the C1/C2 pins and one out pin. I read that encoders give out some kind of rectangle-voltage. So maybe my DMM is to slow to detect this voltage jump !?!?!? Thanks Michael
  15. Hi! I added some scans of the now completely desoldered and cleaned PCBs. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/ Next steps will be: -> new pcb layout with the shiftregisters and stuff onboard. -> getting those encoders hooked up to the midibox in a test setup -> some panel layouts (trackball in the center section??) -> usb hub inside the denon box I plan to keep all further steps posted to my web site. regards michael p.s.: does nobody know about these encoders???
  16. Here I'm again. Brought some prictures of the denon disassemble online, also a few after the pcb was desoldered. http://stud3.tuwien.ac.at/~e0327352/ The original PCB will be used as a template to fabricate the new one and since I want to reuse the buttons the had to be desolder (took me about one hour for all parts) If you imagine the Denon controller as a left and a right deck only one pcb must be fabricated which fits on both sides. The buttons in the middle of the Denon controller will replaced by - nothing [holes closed by epoxy and filler] - or an LC-Display which shows additional informations. [anybody any ideas how to get infos out of traktor, for example the pitch or the BPM via midi??]
  17. Hi guys! I plan to build an dedicated controller for Traktor DJ Studio. I ebayed myself a Denon DN-2500F Controller which has got a nice jog-wheel and stuff. Here is the datasheet [it's the A-type] http://www.alpsstore.com/catalog/srgp.pdf The encoder seems to be some standard piece of hardware but this thing has got an shuttle ring as well and I wonder how it can be attached to the midibox. I did attach it to my DMM but it seems that there is no current gettin' through. So if anybody could please take a look at the data sheet and explain to me how this works. Regards Michael
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