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Posts posted by Wisefire

  1. idealy i would have a 16 by 16 grid (we could beat monome to it :P)

    and the pcbs to go with it.. also the plates for the frame (cant we have a group order with that? let someone cnc it out for us.. in groups of 4 by 4 like the pcb and the buttons itself.. with mounting holes in every corner of that 4 by 4 plate.. we would also need a modified mios program that just turns the buttons into outgoing midi signals and convert the incoming midi signals into leds going on or off..

    to do my part i am willing to build or modify some of the MAX/MSP programs monome uses (they are opensource!!)

    so that its a fully monome clone..

  2. if i rotate it 180 degrees its gets even more weird.. the sequencer start is on 0 then instead of run/stop

    as for code variations.. maybe it wasnt clear.. but im nowhere near your level yet..

    edit: now im actually reading your code.. im affraid i wont learn this in a week.. :S im gonna try to write a program that just sends out a CC value for the keys and the 5 pots.. i have a lot of cewl ideas.. but if im to get ahead with my project its best i implement them in max/msp instead of the box itself.. however im gonna write up a document with the ideas..  argh.. this is taking too much time :P nah its all good..

    maybe ill change my mind again..

  3. yup.. it works.. i prolly need to open another topic on this.. i dont wanna fowl up your topic with my banter about building one.. but before that.. here are some things i found..

    the screen gets gargbled sometimes with weird characters.. as if im looking at source code.. this is appearantly cuz of the way i plug in power.. weird..

    only 2 of the 5 pots actually send stuff.. they all work.. as i can scroll through the "source code" with all 5 of them..

    keymapping is way off.. i have used a c64 mark2 or whatever its called.. the one with the 8580..

    if this program is going into the world this keymapping should be fixed.. tell me how i can help..

  4. had to replace the PIC.. as i was getting a load of nonsens through the display.. but right now its in working order..  i really like that sequencer!! well it looks good anyway..(but ive seen the buggy problems with it.. as it cuts right through text etc.. but i dont mind..) i havent actually controlled any synths with it yet.. first i have to fix the problem with it sending out a whole lot of controller data.. (well i have to install the pots now.. that should eliminate that problem..)

    but so far so good.. and i like it..

    however im gonna need a whole lot of changes :P

  5. maybe there is something wrong with te fact that it says SI instead of SL on my board.. but im guessing thats just a typo from your side..

    *a bit later*

    ok i think i have it working now..VD and VDD, VS and VSS are not the same thing.. appearantly they are exactly the opposite thing.. rotated my power plug 180 degrees did the trick.. i think..

  6. im guessing its somewhere along the powerlines.. as ive disconnected all the wires exept the power..

    ive also disconnected the power wires.. and it did start up.. however it does work without chips..

    and ive replaced both chips..

    edit:also ive measured resistance between vs and vd.. and with chips in place there is an infinite amount of resistance..

    edit2: also if i put one of the chips in (either one) it wont startup..

  7. i have probably a different view on what i would like to use it for.. but i have some interesting ideas which could be build into the workstation.. also i think i can reduce code size.. but that is a uncalculated guess.. also id rather PM or MSN than anything else, i have a dislike for email.. my email boxes are chaos..

  8. hey Bill,

    THNX!! ive glanced through it and its a bit advanced for me.. but with a bit of time..

    as for questions.. i rather post them in public so everyone can benefit from my stupid mistakes..

    unless you dont want your code to be used by others..(excluding me ofcourse :P )

  9. sure..

    my project for school is my final project, after this im finished.. they asked me to focus on game controllers as ive done that already.. usually involving picking up USB signals via MAX/MSP and converting them to outgoing midisignals picked up by for example my machinedrum or ableton live.. this time im writing a complete synth/seq program in max and it gets controlled by 1 P5 Glove and i hope a commodore64 keyboard(with 5 pots)

    i can fill in just about everything.. they only told me that id have to document everything and that i should focus on  stuff that i have experience with.. (not that i have any experience with programming midibox but they dont know that) and they know that i have experience with using gamecontrollers as musical instruments. so they told me to focus on that.. the last 3 weeks ive been searching for a good idea.. but now i think i have finally got the ground idea to work.. that is using the C64 and a P5 glove.. and building some sort of system in max.. and im thinking of something along the lines of the PC VST plugin called Glitch.. a really neat plugin..

    now about that code.. i really dont care if its beginners code.. as my attempts at coding in mios didnt go further than hello world.. even my din tryout didnt work (probably hardware problem..)

    i was wondering though.. is it needed to use a "din1" and a "dout1" chip.. doesnt the core provide enough dins and douts for that??

    edit: i would really like to see your code.. if you have hosting problems i can put it up for you if you mail them to me.. and, no i will not take the credit for it.. its your code :P

  10. mirror image.. hmm.. thats less then optimal.. oh btw.. the order from reichelt.. specially the parts for my MBFM.. im missing some parts.. :S

    but about that mirror image thing.. is it still gonna cost me 7 euros?

  11. im building one as we speak.. (only ive put 5 50k lin pots on there, i had them lying around..)

    yes i would really like to see your code and try this for myself..

    actually im building this as a project for my school.. and if they say its ok to call a C64 keyboard a gamecontroller.

    then this thing gets priority over everything else.. as i need to have it up and running in about a week, so i can build

    my performance around it.. but maybe thats too much info :P

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