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Everything posted by gabz

  1. for the flickering problem as suggested to reduce the resolution to 9bits (I don't know how to do this) But i'll try the low pass solution, it should be easy, I just hope it will not slow too much the response I sent you a private message
  2. I am french 8) but lets keep talking english in this topic for the capacitor it's really easy : you just have to put It between the +5V and the 0V that you will use to supply The GP sinon chui ok pour bosser sur une adaptation du GP, lundi je teste l'ampli OP Ce qu'il faudra savoir pour ta partie programmation : si mon ampli marche, le GP sortira donc une tension max de 5V et une minimum de je sais plus trop combien mais c'est pas 0 quoi. Je peux aussi essayer de décaller la caractéristique pour que ca fasse 0, et la t'aura plus qu'a "linéariser" le truc. CA permetra de mettre aussi un potentiomettre sur la meme pate quand on veut pas laisser le GP In english : I'll amplify the maximum output of the GP to 5V, but I remember that the minimum value is not 0V, so I will put a little negative offset so it goes to 0V ... do you think it can work ? thanks for all the participation ! I'll post my circuits
  3. Hello, I tested my DIN module some weeks ago and it worked with 74LS165, thought some times it had problems but it had well worked a long time ... then yesterday I had to use it, replugged it ... and nothing worked Can It be the 74LS165 that don't fit ? (normally its 74HCT165, I think that the logical voltages aren't the same) thanks
  4. It's absoluetly not urgent ;D I thought of just amplifing the output with a TL081 ... Do you think it would work ? (I doesn't really matters of the curve is not really linear) thanks
  5. Hello, I just tried the Capacitor solution (I used a 2220µF capacitor) and it works well well well for the disturbance Obviously, I used It In muxed mode on the 4051 entries ! It's quite unstable so it always sends midi events, As you said maybe I should use A low pass filter, I tried just one low pass with what I had as resistor and capacitor (without calculing any frenquency cut ...) and, as you will guess, the reactivity of the GP's was a lot more slowed ... I think this is because of the too low frequency cut of my bad low pass filter, but I don't really think I need one , I explain my solution : A choosed The same 4051 entry for A potentiometer AND the GP, and I can switch to each one with a switch ... so when I want to use the GP, I switch to it, and I barely use only It and maybe one other potentiometer (I looked In midi studio, the messages of the potentiometer still arrive thought the GP send continuous data) And when I don't use the GP, I switch to the potentiometer, so It is more stable ... I'll try some better value of Frequency cut, but I certify that for What I use the GP (Guitar Effects) the rapidity is really enought (without the low pass filter) I also thought of ultra sonic sensors, but I wondered if it could be perturbed with sounds (ultra) in a concert or by the environment ?? Now I've got to go through this part : thanks a lot for the advices !! Unfortunately, I'm using It with other potentiometers of the AIN module ... I know a little bit of programming, but I don't know what's a scaling routine ... can somebody Help me on this topic ? Has it got to be modified in the MIOS or in the Midi box program ? I don't really need to linearize the caracteristic, It's some part of the musical instrument, I can adapt myself to the instrument, but what i really need is the first and second steps you describe, a better resolution of the upper values ... I don't have got the time to do all this work by now, I will be able to do all this only this summer ... unless I doesn't need too much time ? Thanks for all I hope it'll help futur people using GP's
  6. I tried a 100µF capacitor on the supply, it seems to send less random events !! I think i'm on the good way, tomorrow i'll get a big big capacitor to fix this ... An other question on the GP2 is this : Its maximum voltage (for a minimum distance) is 3.5 - 4V I thought of putting a little Operational Amplifier, but Can I just program (in MUXED mode !) a special PIN of the 4051 to send a 127 value on only 4V (and not 5!) ?? thanks PS : sorry if itt's not really understandable, I must work a bit my english
  7. exactly the same for me. I didnt try with more sensor (I just need one or Two) but when muxed ... you know my problem very very interesting !! I looked the supply voltage with an oscilloscope once I have supplied the sensor, the supply voltage has little peaks periodicaly, surely the "bursts" you are talking about It the same when powering a big amplifier with subwoofer from a 12V battery ... I'll try this tonight I tried to make a Low pass filter at the output some days ago, but it doesn't change anything because the supply tension is shitty ... As you say, this solution is to use only when you've fixed the supply problem When i tried the GP on the G5 it was fast enough What GP do you use ? I'm using the GP2D120, the short distance The ultrasonic solution is better (my teacher use one) but it's a bit expensive ... I'll let you know my tests I know what's an impedance and a resistance but why as it to be low ? And from what point of view ? I mean the low resistance is to be viewed between the 4051 input and sensor output or between the 4051 input and the sensor supply ? I remember of a circuit that simulate a low resistance ... I'll to find it thanks for all the help :D ;)
  8. Yes I think also this is the fault of the 4051's but, Where to place the resistance and how to determine it ? I'll test with an operational amplifier, but it's not just the output impedance of the sensor, it's his whole resistance, because when I supply the sensor with VSS et VD it goes shitty (without soldering the output of the sensor to the 4051 !) So where do you think i should place a resistance ? at the output ? As a Pull up on the supply ? I'll ask all this to my teachers maybe they 'll have some ideas ... Thanks a lot TK 8)
  9. I didn't find anything in the datasheet about the impedance : http://info.hobbyengineering.com/specs/gp2d120.pdf I'll try to mesure it at work ... But, I don't think this is an impedance problem because I tried to solder the sensor directly on the Core with the single pot program, and it worked well ... Or maybe the impedance problem is linked to the multiplexing program ? When in multiplexed mode, I don't even need to solder the output of the sensor to send random events, just by supplying the sensor (without connecting its output!) with +5 - 0V does perturb the other potentiometers and sends already bad midi events ... So the alimentation is perturbed by the sensor, but only when in multiplexed mode ... strange !!? Thanks for all the help
  10. Rah, you just Stink. There's so much hypocrisy in your head that it overflows in each of your post Greetings from france ... And Rah, if people wants to buy things already made (not DIY) there's already a lot of Midi controllers really good and ready to use ... (I think of behringer ...) the world don't need you, sorry ::) And Big up, thanks from france to T.K. and all the community !! In this fuckin Mad world, all is ruled by money, it's so good to see such free project ... We can't let some greedy Motherf****ers kill this spirit ... I'm part of an other community cultivating exotic, medicinal plants, based on exchange and help, without any trace of money , and it's the same thing, there's alway guys which come all exited with their "projects" centered on money or others that think that the community is a shop ... stop stop stop ... Ps: sorry for my bad english thanks for all
  11. This has to do with my sensor I use ALL the Inputs of my AIN module (32) and the other pins of the J5 are grounded Before I supply my sensor, all is good, when i supply it, all go shitty ... I know you can't help me on this, I just would like to know Why when the AIN is not multiplexed it is less sensible to perturbations, maybe I can disable some options to get the same sensibility as when it is in single pot mode ... You should test : Load the first of the first program exemple (in the download page) AIN exemple 1 : single pot Do not ground the first PIN, link nothing to it, you 'll see it does not send random events thanks for the response !
  12. Hello, I want to use a distance sensor as a potentiometer into the AIN (it is a sharp GP2d120) It works well when I use a Single potentiometer program (AIN exemple 1) without the AIN module,with the distance sensor directly on the core But when i Use The multiplexed AIN module with the 32 potentiometers programm, the AIn becomes very sensible to perturbation and when I Supplie my distance sensor with the +5 and 0 of the AIN module, i Sends a lot of midi event, even if i have not plugged in the out of the distance sensor into a multiplexer ... I don't know what to do, why is the multiplexed more sensible ??? I tried to put capacitors bypass and all it doesn't change anything ... For exemple, when i load the single potentiometer program, the PIN is not really sensible to perturbations (I can let the entry PIN in the air without having midi random events) but with the 64 potentiometers, I must ground all unused pins ... WHy ???????? thanks
  13. gabz

    Midi Channel

    ok ! thanks for all
  14. gabz

    Midi Channel

    I'm not particularly talking about MB64e I'm building a midibox with all I can put on it ... LCD , Potentiometers, Encoders , switches and breath controller ... I looked at the MB 64e and i was suprised with the features ... I didn't know that some midibox programm had menu navigation etc ... Do you think I can adapt the MB64e programmation (with menus, channel select, midi learn ...) with some potentiometers added to it ??? thanks
  15. Hello, sorry if it's a newbie question ... Can the midi Channel be affected Separately to each CC ? Can it be done in live ? I mean can i change the midi channel directly when the midibox is turned ON ? Or must it be programmed in the Mios ? thanks
  16. Bonjour tout le monde, ma midibox commence à prendre forme ... je suis pas spécialement un modèle tout fait, je fais avec cke j'ai sous la main ... Et je vien de penser à une fonction terriblement utile : Choisir le canal sur lequel on envoi les infos midi, et pouvoir faire ce changement directement en live en appuiant sur des boutons ... C'est jouable ? ca existe déjà ???
  17. merci the operator, alors ya pas de soucis 8) merci merci histoire que mon sujet ne soit pas inutile : faut t'il comme sur les AIN mettre les ports non utilisés des DIN a la masse ?
  18. Le J9 c dans le cas ou on met des Switches, si on met des encoders il faut utiliser le J6 d'après ce que j'ai compris ... Après si jme trompe, bas je suis trop heureux ... sinon bas j'aimerai avoir une solution ;) merci tous :)
  19. bonjour tout le monde, je vien de me rendre compte que pour brancher un AIN et un DIN (avec encoders) on utilise le meme port sur le core ... Ya t'il une solution pour pouvoir brancher à la fois des encoders et des potards ??? genre chainer deux cores pe etre ? c'est compliqué ?
  20. arf ca sert pas à grand chose de midifier un instrument comme ca, il te manquera de toute facon plein d'info qui font que tel type de frappe donne tel son ... ca pourrai se faire avec une grosse prog et pas mal de circuit sur les capteurs pe etre ... je doute que ce soit de notre niveau Cke tu peux faire c'est des capteur ayant la FORME de ton instruments, et t'aura déjà la vélocité. Ensuite un ptit coup de programmation et un ptit circuit d'entrée dans le pic et normalement t'aura un jeu à peu près potable en enregistrant les sons de ton instru dans un sampleur Bon ca c'est la théorie ... en pratique c plus chaud ! mais faisable, et en effet l'edrum c le meme principe sauf que toi tu fais du chromatique Jvé devoir me pencher sur un module de "notes" de la midi box, parce que je veux me faire un clavier midi avec des diodes laser, et j'ai pas l'impréssion que ca a déjà été fait ce genre de module. Je viendrai poster mes avancées
  21. nickel mister !!! merci beaucoup !
  22. Bonjour, quelqu'un a ce datasheet des encodeurs de Smash TV ? En fait j'ai un DOC pour cabler sur la midi box les encodeurs normaux, mais j'ai ceux avec le Switch integré, et j'aimerai savoir sur quelle patte se trouve le switch ... Et puis j'aimerai quand meme savoir cke je fais avant de cabler aveuglément ;D en tout cas, les encodeurs ont pas de référence, alors pas facile de chercher de la doc
  23. gabz

    LE QUARTZ !!

    c bon ca marche, ct pas la faute au quartz ! merci pour l'attention ;) 8)
  24. gabz

    LE QUARTZ !!

    Bonjour tous, j'ai un ptit blem avec mon Core qui veut pas marcher alors que apparement tout mes signaux sont bon ! jme demandai si yavait un sens pour monter le quartz ? pe etre que jme suis planté dans le sens ??? quand je regarde son signal à l'oscillo je vois que les oscillations ne se font que d'un coté ... alors ya ptet un sens ???
  25. gabz

    Editer le mios ???

    salut Tu peux l'acheter la http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/buy.html Sinon, tu peux aussi acheter tous les composant séparément et puis faire ta carte ... C'est ce que je suis en train de faire pour les différents modules. Mais pour le PIC j'avais pas envie de m'emmerder avec un programmateur qui me servirai qu'une ou deux fois ... Ah pure data c'est énorme, j'ai jamais essayé mais putain oui, si quelqu'un connait un peu, tu peux faire l'effet ultime en adéquation parfaite avec ta midi box ! Tu programme un peu en pure data ? Télécharge le Skeleton (ya aussi de quoi le faire dans le dossier TOOLS de à peu près tous les fichiers fournis ici) http://www.ucapps.de/mios/skeleton_v1_8.zip Ensuite va ici http://www.perl.com, installe active perl, et une fois installé, dans la fenetre DOS de active perl, tu tape ca : hex2syx.pl main.hex Sinon jvous tien au courant de mes avancés, ya pas de pb, en ce moment c'est vraiment la surcharge de taff, mais bientot les vacances ... Je me suis renseigné sur un capteur de distance infrarouge ... je vais ptet essayer d'implémenter ca aussi ...
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