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Everything posted by vix

  1. hi my Sid is finished, all works perfectly ! But i still can't upload the Preset Bank #1 (midibox_sid_presets_6581.syx), the sysex file appears as 1 single message, so the sid don't have time to receive parameters. It does the same with the 8580 version. I can upload any random patch bank, as the file appears as 128 messages (in sysex librarian, i'm on mac osX), but when i try to send the main patch bank (i downloaded on ucapps) the software don't wait for a sid reply, so it don't work... any idea ? Why just this file ? Is the file so different ? (because i can also upload the small bank #2) Thanks !
  2. well, if you have a little bit of time, could you give me the sysex implementation of the midibox cv, because i had a look in the files of the project and i did'nt find any sysex commands... thank you TK
  3. yop, i'd like to know how can i configure a midibox CV project (1 AOUT_LC) via sysex ? i searched in ucapps and in this forum, but nothing.. anybody did this ?
  4. ok, got it. i didn't see the pins on the schematic ::) but my question is still available : can i plug any cv/gate signal here (more than 5v) ?
  5. ccooooolll thxs TK but what is the maximum voltage allowed ? Can i plug any CV or gate signal (from another synth for ex) ? As there is 8 pin on J5 (i don't count ground and +5v), and as i can only plug 6 inputs : , what pin should i use ? if u have any schematic ... ::)
  6. yop, i have finished my Double Sid and before i got to close the case, i'd like to understand how to use the "famous" 6 analog inputs on J5 Core for the 6th LFO waveform. As there is 10 pin on J5, how should i connect pots ? and which pots ? 10K ? i'm really don't sure about this feature i know i have to set ENABLE_AIN_LFO_WAVEFORM to 1, but that's all ! ::) please could you explain to me how to use this feature ?
  7. problem solved: i had to drill bigger hole for the screws and i think drilling vibrations have created some 'micro-cuts' in my solders, i had to "resold" every pins of my PCB hope my probs could help ;D anyway thanks to TK ;)
  8. ok, i checked my slave.asm and now my second sid respond to the good chanel. But the master one (i checked and reuploaded the main file) don't sound at all... i think maybe my SID chip is dead :'( but how can i be sure ? i'll try to intervert the 2 sid chips, but i don't want to kill my workin' one.... help :-\
  9. hi i'm in the final part of my Sid works (2 sids with CS step C). My 2 sids was working perfectly when i realised the main part of the project. But now, after i got my control surface working well, my master sid don't give any sound ! More, my second sid works, but only via the "link", if i play on the chanel defined (2) it doesn't work... And there is an hudge noise (like psu probs, but strange) I checked my wiring, my Sid app, i changed the 2 74HC595, everything seem to be ok... any idea ? ;D
  10. another question : what would be the latency of my 26 faders with a midi based automation system like the midibox LC ? found on the Optifile Tetra page : i know, this is maybe an "old" opinion, but because the sound will be modified only once the fader has reacted, is it not a kind of problem ?
  11. thanks screaming rabbit, i think you'r right. and yes it will be very hard for me to unistall and sell my optifile... i don't know the faders you speak about, i searched but did'nt find the one you called "V-Type" where can i buy some ALPS motorized "V-Type" fades ? thanks
  12. Thanks again TK exact ! i have 2 sticks on the master, none on the slave. so if the banksticks are plugged to the master, the SID 2 can use a patch from these banksticks ? in fact, i don't have to care about the SID 2 for a patch manager software ..? only the master is usefull ??
  13. yea, but i'd like to reuse my 24 vca from my optifile system, very good quality ! (and not really cheap price...) the vca from optifile works with DC on the faders, but communicate via a "numerical connexion" to the computer (optifile rack), i'd like to put a midibox stuff instead of the optifile rack, but i'd like to keep the "numerical connexion" of the optifile... i don't know if it's so clear... :-\ i try to find the schematics of the optifile to show you
  14. thanks Thorsten ! i see what goes wrong : i'm stupid :P i thought that "change device" was a fontion to change the selected SID... so yes, i don't need this feature. The fact that only the slaves send sysex when patch is changed is a little annoying for me, but i'll find a solution. i defined my 2 main.asm like that : my master core has the device ID 00, with auto device ID set to 1 (so the master SID is device 00) my slave core has the device ID 01, with auto device ID set to 1 (so the second SID has the device ID 01) am i wrong ? well, i try to change the bank (i got 2 chips) on my master and it works, the core reply the good sysex stuff, and the bank changes on the LCD (SID 1) but when i try to change bank for my SID 2, the LCD don't change and the SID reply the sysex line i sent: Master SID: i send F0 00 00 7E 46 0 0B 1 F7 and the SID reply F0 00 00 7E 46 0 0F 1 F7 and the bank change from A to B (SID1) slave SID : i send F0 00 00 7E 46 1 0B 1 F7 and the SID reply F0 00 00 7E 46 1 0B 1 F7 and nothing happen...
  15. i'm woprking on the (big) sysex part of my apps, and i have few questions i'd like to know which actions or 'sid reply' are used by the missing bytes in the sysex SID implementation. the fonction of a sysex command seems to be defined by the 7th byte of the message : we can see '01' for the 'request dump patch' command, '02' for the 'write dump patch', etc... so what about the '04', '07', '08', '09', '0A', '0C' ? ;) I ask that because i receive sysex command i don't know from the SID, for example if i send "F0 00 00 7E 46 0 0D 03 00 1 F7" for changing the device number from 0 to 1 (i only have 2 sids), the SID send me a PING in return, associated with device 0 :"F0 00 00 7E 46 0 0F F7" But i have maybe troubles with my hardware, because my main SID receive my sysex commands, (and transmit CC) but don't send anything when i'm changing manually the patch number (with link or not). My second SID don't apply my commands (and answer me ping!) but send a sysex dump patch each time i change the patch number ???
  16. great ! thank you ! i'll post a new topic when my Max software & my double Sid hardware will be finished ;D
  17. Hi all ! i have an old audio mixer, a TAC Matchless 26/24/8/8, and i recently installed an Optifile Tetra (VCA automation) in my mixer. These VCA are great but i'd like to have a midi out for my optifile (optifile is a "stand-alone" automation, sync with SMPTE) and i dream about replacing my analog ALPS faders by motorized faders (and touch-sensored !!) I'd like to keep the quality of my VCAs and to have the flexibility of a motorized desk. so, is it possible to merge a midibox LC project with a VCA system ? i found some lines about that in the forum, but not enought... Thanks !! ;D
  18. Hi i just finished my midibox sid (with one slave) and i'd like to create a "patch manager" with Max/MSP. I read the MIDIbox SID SysEx Implementation and OK it seem to be easy, but i don't understand how to organize the "256 bytes Dump Data" i have to send to define a patch So what is the structure of these 256 bytes ? should i repeat 256 times a "Direct Write of parameter" ? ok, but i don't understand the AH & AL values... Please help ! ???
  19. Bonjour je viens de terminer une magnifique midibox sid, un seul probleme se pose actuellement: comment envoyer les presets depuis mon mac ? j'essaye de les uploader avec sysex libr.. qui marche bien pour le mios, l'appli... mais marche pas avec les presets... help ! ???
  20. je me permet de faire remonter ce sujet car j'ai exactement le même problème que Boomtek , mais je suis certain que mon PIC a déjà le bootstrap loader. Une idée ? ???
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