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Posts posted by SLP

  1. Keine Ahnung ob das so funzt. Fehlerquellen könnten sein:

    - Kabelwiderstand

    - Reflexionen innerhalb des Leiters (Terminierung?)

    - Induktivität zwischen Leiter und Schirmung

    Was eventuell helfen könnte wäre sowas wie ne DI-Box. Du machst also aus deinem (digitalen) Signal zwei symmetrische Signale. So könntest Du Störeinflüsse von außen minimieren.

    Das Widerstandsproblem könntest Du mit einem Repeater (OpAmp ?!?) beseitigen.

    Vielleicht wäre ein Schmitt-Trigger (o.Ä.) eine Möglichkeit, um das versaute Signal am Ende wieder glatt zu bekommen.

  2. If you use square ones, be aware of the fact that you'll need one little square hole for every LED.

    This is going to be expensive or veery hard work.

    Dim white LEDs will look pretty. The Problem here is that you'll have to increase the current limiting resistor and therefore decrease the LED-current. If you "underpower" a white LED, the light gets some kind of dirty green touch.

    Dim white would be <1000mcd

    The RL5-W15120 could work.

    I can't say whether the big viewing angle is a pro or a con.

  3. et (outch) allemand

    comment?  ;)

    Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne jumele pas simplement J12 du Core avec  J4 du GM5 et J13 du Core avec J5 du GM5?

    Si le connection est tres court (<~30cm), tu peut ommettre le blindage (masse, GND).

    C'est seulement pour avoiding electromagnetic radiation to disturb the MIDI Signal.

    sorry for my french  :P

  4. general misunderstanding here. Just to clear that up:

    What kroutshev wanted to say was:

    "i ask this because you one can have samples where you are in US."

    meaning: If you are in the US, you can sample them. I guess the sentence had nothing to do with seppoman

  5. Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

    Aaaahhh!!! ( ;))

    VFD ? tiny neon tubes.

    not really...

    VFD ? Electron Tube

    There's a common cathode at the back of the Display. It's heated up, so electrons are set free (Thermionic emission, like in any other electron tube).

    Those electrons are accelerated by an electric field (like in a CRT or in any other electron tube). They are flying towards the anode. Between the cathode and the anode there is some kind of mesh. If this mesh has a negative potential, the electrons won't go through it. If the mesh is neutral or positive, the electrons will make their way through and fly towards the anode (-> Triode) , which is covered by some chemical substance (ZnS, IIRC) which lights up if it gets hit by electrons (-> CRT). And that's basically it.

    In neon tubes there's a electric discharge through some gas. This gas emmits UV-light, which in turn makes the substance on the inner side of the glass tube light in a visible color.

    edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_fluorescent_display  ;)

  6. also IMHO ist Ubuntu (von mir aus auch Kubuntu) die Einsteiger-Linuxdistro schlechthin.

    Absolut idiotensicher (es läuft immerhin bei mir  ;))

    da kann ich dann auch gleich Windows nehmen.

    ehrlich gesagt war Windows der Grund warum ich umgestiegen bin.

    Vista war ja die Katastrophe schlechthin und Windows7 soll auch nicht besser sein.

  7. Wrong! Water is the only well known substance behaving this way... in the last 10 to 20 years, other anomaly behaving substances have been discoverd (I think it wa about 3 or 4 other ones).

    Greets, Roger

    Edit: Typos

    Not entirely right.

    Water has its greatest density at about 4°C.

    If you heat it up or cool it down even more, it's getting less dense again.

    Ever thought about how fish/frogs can survive in a frozen lake? The water just above the ground as always ~4°C


    Edit: Typos...

    Edit2: misread something....I'm running out of 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine  :P

  8. sowohl als auch?

    USB -> PC

    MIDI -> MidiBox / sonstige Synths, controller, etc

    das kommentar bezog sich auf das gm5-usb modul

    oder hab ich das falls verstanden, dass man über dieses modul die midibox lc entweder über usb oder midi ansteuern kann?

    Ich weiß jetz nicht, ob ich dich da richtig verstanden habe. Richtig auf jeden Fall ist:

    Die Midibox-LC lässt sich nur über MIDI ansteuern. Wenn dein PC noch kein MIDI-Interface hat, bietet sich das GM5 dafür an. Dieses hat eine MIDI-Schnittstelle (die wird mit deiner LC verbunden) sowie eine USB-Schnittstelle (die kommt an den PC).

    Anders gehts nicht.

  9. der vorteil daran ist, dass man sowohl mit usb als auch mit midi eine verbindung mitm pc herstellen kann.

    sowohl als auch?

    USB -> PC

    MIDI -> MidiBox / sonstige Synths, controller, etc

  10. i have emailed both mike and smash tv and had no responces to my enquiries as of yet, is there anyone else i can buy the complete kits from please?

    nope, smash and mike are the only ones. If you want, you can etch the PCBs yourself, too.

    What exactly do you want to ask them? If it's a question that only smash/míke can answer, you should have a look in the chat


    Smash is there quite often.

    as the led segment displays are bright i will put a plastic strip in front of them that has a slight filter to it to dim the lights down.

    You can simply increase the value of the resistors on the DOUT-PCB. This will decrease the LED-current and make them less bright.

    after this a motorised fader unit is definately the next thing to build and one of the fm synths i have seen here.

    have a look at the MB-SID Synthesizer. It uses the SID-chips from the C64.


  11. Hi folks,

    recently I stumbled upon some weird kinda esoteric stuff. First I was kinda curious, but then I became aware of the fact that especially in that business, where it's all about manipulating psychology, there may be plenty of black sheep. So I thought I could just ask whether anyone has already tried one of the following CDs or whether anyone can say something about if and how they work.

    The first thing is called InnerTalk

    They sell CDs with either music or nature sounds, and they claim to have subliminal messages somehow "modulated" under that music. And by listening to it, the messages are supposed to go right through to sour subconscious and manipulate you in a positive manner.

    Here's a short excerpt from their catalog:

    • Weight Loss Now
    • Freedom from Technophobia  (had to laugh a bit when I read that  ;))
    • Accepting Constructive Criticism
    • Ultra Enthusiasm
    • Powerful Memory
    • and so on

    The Second thing is Hemi-Sync

    This is even more weirder. They add some modulated (pink AFAIK) noise to the background of music and say that this will alter your brain waves :/

    Well, I'm very sceptic whether that stuff really works...



  12. Schau dich einfach mal Im Forum um. Unter der Rubrik "Midibox of the Week" kannst Du Dir viele Ideen für das Layout deiner Box holen.

    guckst Du hier:

    Midibox Gallery

    und hier:

    Midibox of the Week

    Das ganze Midibox-Projekt basiert darauf, dass man sich das nötige Wissen und Know-How selbst erarbeitet. Do-It-Yourself eben  ;)

    Nur DU weißt was Du willst und was Du brauchst. Du musst Dir schon selbst ein Layout überlegen.

    Aber auch das wurde in deinem anderen Thread schon von nILS beantwortet:

    Ich finde es bietet sich immer an erstmal zu designen, was man _will_. Dazu ist immer ein schickes mockup mit allen Teilen in Originalgröße ganz nett. Das ab und zu mal ausdrucken und an den Reglern drehen, Knöpfe drauflege, etc. Dann kriegt man ein gutes Gefühl für "was ist wo" und merkt schnell ob's zu eng ist oder gar die Taster/Fader/... zu weit von einander weg sind. Ich mach das immer in Inkscape, weil ich da schnell recht hübsche Sachen bauen kann und dank gruppierungen auch einfach am Layout rumgespielt ist. Sobald du weißt, was Du _willst_ kannst Du Dich dran machen zu überlegen was Du hardwareseitig dafür brauchst ;)



    edit: Vertippt

  13. yes i have read them. forgive me but theres a reason i ask so many questions, i suffered with a mini stroke a while ago so my reading skills are not what they used to be and my understanding the circuits isnt as good as itused to be, thats why i am asking questions so i can learn again.

    I'm sorry for having been a little harsh before in that case  :( .

    As for the saying, you're right. But you can avoid being a fool for 5 minutes by reading for 3 minutes  ;)

    The point is that people keep asking the same questions over and over again. It's different in your case but unfortunately i wasn't aware of that.

    The LED Displays will work, and so does your stripboard. Don't forget to cut the strips as needed.

    The LCD is likely to work, but I'm not quite shure. Can someone else confirm this?

    It says "KS0066U controller" but I couldn't find that on the uCApps LCD page.

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