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Posts posted by DavidBanner

  1. like TK said, you can parse the midi input and look for the all-notes off CC7B.

    Using an IF statement you can then turn off all of the outputs individually within the IF statement.

    for example:

    in the ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0 application you would put the IF statement in the MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt function.

    This IF statement is contained in the main.c file.

  2. as far as I know (i.e. not a lot, AS has similar symptoms to autism but is a different condition/disease).

    A book called "The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night" revolves around a young man with AS - and is a great read!

    I have ADHD, Dyslexia, OCD, The Heeby Jeebies, an alergy to Kyrptonite and probably a few more "discovered" and "undiscovered" abnormalities which make me who I am and no one here cares (in a negative way anyway) - this is what I love about Ucapps.

    Welcome to the board Sirkit!

  3. but the Live API is horribly under supported - little to no documentation, and I couldn't find any developers at all actively developing on the Live API.

    From what I gather it's an experiment that got to proof-of-concept stage and not much further.

    I'd love to be proved wrong mind you, as I have many ideas to improve ableton's functionality with my box.

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