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Posts posted by docbrown

  1. Styrd_one or anybody,

    Since you are building the code for this project(thanks BTW ;D). What's your "guess-timate" amount of buttons and encoders for this project.

    Here's whats in my head:

    Let say its going to be a 4 zone split and can overlap depends on the settings. Will a single encoder with switch do the trick when it comes to data entry? How about a reset switch to clear the splits settings.

    Imagine this will be the actual screen (Correct me if I'm wrong)


    Zone1 = MIDI CH 1      Zone2 = MIDI CH 2      Zone3 = MIDI CH 3        Zone4 = MIDI CH 4

    Range = C1 ~ C3          Range = C#3 ~ C5      Range = C#5 ~ C6        Range = C#6 ~ E7 


    Encoder is used to scroll thru the notes and midi channels while the buttons is to select the data.

    What do you(guys) thinks so far.. Please advise.. thanks...

  2. so, what to do now?  are the 0.9V correct? should i get a new 7805 or is it a waste of my time? anyone? ???

    If you have a breadboard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadboard), you could build or test your components in stages.

    1. Install the bridge rectifier first and apply power = if 9v is present goto next step.

    2. Add capacitors = if 9v is present goto next step.

    3. Add the regulator (7805) and so on... I'm sure you got the picture.

    I know you might say, here he goes again suggesting another tool/equipment. Unfortunately, having the right tools make it more fun ;D as suppose to be a chore. This rule apply's to just about any hobby out there.

  3. Does anyone know how the cheaper buttons compare?  I would rather spend $200 once, than spend $100 just to turn around and spend $200 anyway because my cheaper buttons broke. However if they'll work, the X-arcade buttons would difinitely fit my budget better.

    The buttons that I have used so far from X-arcade is still working. But then again, I hardly use my Street Fighter game that much anymore :(  Since my new thing now is MIDIBOX stuff ;D

  4. Wow, :o that's a big download........

    Still downloading.....

    Still downloading...


    Woke up!!! Still downloading... >:(

    Going back to sleep...

    I will listen to it as soon as I finish the download.

    After typing this post (hunt n' peck style) for about 10 minutes..

    Done... ;D

    I'll let you know... ;)

  5. yeah, i was pretty sure 9vdc is what i was supposed to get. well, gotta get some unsoldering wick to get that damn thing out...

    By removing that regulator will prove two things.

    If you get 9vdc, your rectifier is good and your 7805 could be bad (internal short).

    If no voltage at those points, your 7805 is good and your rectifier is then could be bad.

    hope this helps...

  6. Am I right that he could use the display to show him some valuable information, like a MIDI-clock and tempo etc etc. Or is that another MBHP module..?

    Yes, display is a must, since this involves key mappings/splits. I just roughly estimated the major modules of the project.

    About the applications, besides the midi router. What else can be included? any suggestions..

  7. Ok, For what I understand so far, correct me if I'm wrong... If I where to proceed with this project with just a MIDI router as suppose to be a whole new logic rebuilt.

    This project will require a:

    1. Core Module

    2. single DIN (control panel i.e switches & encoders)

    3. IIC MIDI Modules (I have question about this)

    4. MIOS & MIDI router application with Styrd_One's code.

    About #3, I know that the MIDI router talks about specifically connecting multiple IIC MIDI Module on which will give you a multiple in/out in regards to MIDI ports.

    Since the core module already have a MIDI IN/OUT (which is the only MIDI ports that I need for now), Can I just load the MIOS, MIDI Router app, and Styrd_One's code on the core without using the IIC MIDI Module?

    Please advice..

  8. FYO

    Went to www.fatar.com Pretty cool. They now sell keyboards only (did anyone else know that?). I e-mailed them on the chances of getting the matrix layout for their keyboards, but I would say the chances of getting a reply would only be two- none and f-all.

    However, I wonder what their minimum order for keyboards would be. It would certainly cut costs for midi boxers to be able to buy the ebony and ivory only and build around it based on their needs.

    Any thoughts?

    Perhaps I'll contact them again in the hope of finding such info. Imagaine- an 88 key weighted mechanism for  little or nothing....drool!

    Wow I did not know that :o, that will be sweet.. All and all, I only care about the keyboard matrix of the Fatar controller and the rest (logic system) stinks. Good find!!

  9. No sweat, I'll write up a keysplit (actually a set of remapped keyranges) this weekend. Probably tonight in a fit of insomnia, as per usual for me on friday night ;)

    Well, who needs sleep really... ;D Actually, I should be hitting the sack myself coz its 11:20pm thursday here in California and I have to get up by 5:00am..

    How many keyranges do you want (keeping in mind that they can be overlapping or nested within one another)?

    Good question? My best guess for now will be 3. Drums, Bass, & leads.. Overlapping not sure yet..

  10. As long as you don't use more then 8 DIN's, you could connect them to the core, I thought. So, no need for a DINX module.

    Sorry for a dumb question. if "DIN" stands for Digital INput, what does DINX stands for? Please inform my clueless mind...  :-[

  11. I can write up some code to do keysplits that will paste right into the router if anyone is interested?

    I was thinking of a kind of keymapping thing, Set out a range of keys with a min and max, and give them a channel shift and a key shift and a port shift... That way you could have a bunch of splits, overlapping if you want, and forward them to any of the outputs, with the channels and or keys shifted up or down.

    What do you think?

    ;D ;D ;D ;D Yes!!!! pretty please with cherries on top!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

    EDIT: Question: So, is this just going to be the MIDI router with key splits/mapping? And maybe a DIN for control switches and encoders?

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