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About Dano

  • Birthday 07/14/1980

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    St-Blaise, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. Yes, I've used the midibox16e code "as is" and it worked. I then started to customize it a little because I'd like to make a linear fader out of the encoder and so I had to change the speed... But that's out of topic...
  2. I have made an encoder out of a mouse and I would like to make a linear motorfader out of it by using some motors I found. I know the encoder is a relative device, but I thought it could be initialized at powerup by bringing the fader to its 0 position where a switch would tell the pic it has reached value 0. I was hoping TK or some other well advised person could tell me if this would be possible (I guess it needs changes in the MIOS). And also since this is a digital solution it should reduce the time spent for A/D conversion. Will it therefore allow more motorencoders on one core (like 16) ?
  3. Si c'est juste pour le prix, mieux vaut acheter un appareil commercial, ça sera certainement moins cher, moins de soucis et plus rapide (cf. Thoughts, 3ème paragraphe). Par contre si c'est pour le plaisir de faire quelque chose soi-même ou par goût du défi, alors fonce !!
  4. I'm not quite sure at what point you got (if you have made it or not to use a mouse as an encoder), but I could do it with a logitech M-M35, see http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=make_encoders_out_of_your_mouse On my M-M35 logitech mouse, there's also a 3 pin LED. Two of them are simply connected together on the PCB.
  5. I am using the already existing coded wheel of the mouse... Check the (newly added) link in my first post...
  6. This is exactly what I'm doing (trying to do): recycling old logitech mice (model M-M35) to use them as encoders, and with it, build a linear fader. (If I find some motors to recycle, I would even like to make it a motorfader...) I first tried to use the IR phototransistors and LED by themselves, but found out the phototransistors chip works in a mysterious way (seems like it's a powered chip) and I couldn't get it to work by itself with the IR LED. So what I finally did was to power the whole board with 5V and get the signal on two pins of the phototransistor. AND IT WORKS !!. more info on http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=make_encoders_out_of_your_mouse
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