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About Karlchen

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. I found the reason in the meantime: It was a short caused by the screws with which I mounted the board to the frontplate. I looked for this in the first round, but obviously not thoroughly enough...
  2. I finally managed to put my MidiCV-interface components into a case, but unfortunately the buttons don't work anymore now. They have been fully functional before >:( So far, I haven't figured out the reason. I guess, something is wrong with the communication of the DINX1 and the CORE module. I have taken the modules out of the case again and made some measurements. This is what I have found out: - Pressing the buttons on the DINX1 pulls the inputs from 5V to 0V. - There is a clock signal at the DINX1. - The LD-Line of the DINX1's shift register is constantly 5V, no matter if a button is pressed. - The serial output of the DINX1 is a rectangular signal, which loses amplitude when one of the 4 buttons is pressed. Can anybody tell my, if that sounds correct so far? Seems like I'm lacking some basic knowledge here...
  3. This topic is quite old, but I had the same problem only yesterday. I used this schematic to build the PSU, which I downloaded from the website a while ago: It proposes the use of TWO rectifiers. The result was a humming transformator which nearly catched fire. When I followed the link to this schematic on the website today, the proposed PSU used only ONE rectifier, so I changed my board to that. Now the PSU seems to work fine. Is it possible, that the originally published schematic was impossible to work properly? Regards, Leonhard
  4. Problem solved !!! :) Guess what: it was the power supply. Seems like 7,5V were not sufficient. I used 9V and now things look good (as far as I can see). Thanks for your help. Cheers, Leonhard
  5. Hello Michael. These messages keep running down my screen. So I assume the core is sending SOMETHING permanently. The order of messages seems to be random. This evenig I wil try to post a sample screenshot of the output. >Do have something else running that could be sending a clock? Well, there is nothing else attached to my midi interface than the core (the interface is an Edirol UA-25). Is the proper output depending on an INPUT from mios studio into the core? If so, might the optocoupler cause the trouble? I had to remove it several times from the socket, because it didn't want to fit in there properly... Regards, Leonhard
  6. By the way: I already checked: - voltage levels on the board - the cabling on the midi-connections - 10 MHz oscillator
  7. Hi there. Since I just started to do some DIY projects based on Midibox, so this is my first post. And things don't seem to start extraordinarily well :( I have assembled my Core-module and connected it to mios studio. Instead of seeing sysex-messages in the monitor window, all I can see messages like [F8] Timing clock [FC] Stop [FF] System Reset running down my screen. Can I conclude that the bootloader was not flashed properly? I ordered a preprogrammed PIC from Mike's. Any help is highly appreciated...
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