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Everything posted by audioworld

  1. Hi MB-Community, I am in the design process for my MB64, and I realized that it would be useful if all my faders are actually CROSSFADERS. For example, instead of simply fading one Track in Ableton Live down, I want to fade to the EFX-only version (pre-fader-efx-send UP, channel-to-main-out-fader DOWN). Similarely, I could fade from one channel to another with just one fader WIHTOUT using up the valuable Ableton Live A/B Crossfader busses. Now, instead of buying expensive crossfaders and using up 2 faders of the MB64, would it be possible to use one simple linear fader, and write some code which inverts the action of the fader and sends it out on another midi CC? To be more specific, the SAME FADER should transmit CC value 0-127 on one CC number, and 127-0 on another CC number during fading. I will look into this myself of course, but if anyone has any hints where to place the code inside MB64/main this would be helpful. thanks, karl.
  2. Erstmal Kompliment an Thorsten und die tolle uCapps-Gemeinde, unglaublich, was hier alles an Wissen unentgeltlich weitergegeben wird!!! Nun habe ich mehrmals die relevanten Beiträge und Programmcodes von MIDIO128 und MIOS gelesen, doch auch beim Ansatz einer einfachen Adaption der MIDIO128 komme ich alleine nicht weiter, bitte wenn geht kurze Hinweise: - wozu dient mios_tables.inc, wenn es das .ini-File gibt? -> da dort ja überall MT_EOT eingetragen ist, sind doch alle deaktiviert, wird das dann vom .ini überschrieben??? - wenn ich unterschiedliche Tasten/LED Belegungen per Bankstick-Recall aufrufen möchte, muss ich diesen Code dann im main.asm des MIDIO128 unterbringen? wie ordne ich dann die dafür verwendeten Tasten zu? - kann man auch wenn man MIDIO128 laufen hat, die "Meta-Befehle" die mit xFF etc. beginnen, verwenden (im .ini-File stehen die ja nicht...) - kann man/soll man ein LCD für das MIDIO128 verwenden? Danke vielmals für HInweise, karl.
  3. stryde, thanks for the clarifications, so maybe YOU should sue genoqs..--)))) (but they seem very friendly anyway, I heard they even want to make their code public domain one day...). Yes, I meant I am building a controller (MIDIO128+MB64), which could/should be used as a physical interface to a sequencer, and should at the same time (by pressing a button) double as a controller for ableton live. My button rows will be 16 horizontal and 6 vertical, this equates to 6 tracks with 16 steps each for the sequencer control. But when used as the Ableton Live controller, this equates to 16 tracks with 6 clips on each track, so this is more the "vertical" approach. How about this for your concept: one MIDIO128 or MB64(e) just for the user Interface (buttons, knobs), and another Core just running the sequencer (and maybe he LCD, but like the Octopus, I would prefer to use the LCD as little as possible). This way everyone could design very freely the mechanical layout, but the sequencer core is always the same, and both parts of the code are seperated cleanly. One only has to specify a common "handover matrix" for physical to logical mapping.
  4. stry, your vX concept looks wonderful, I am in the process of designing a hardware controller similar to the genoqs octopus: http://www.genoqs.net/ I think a limitation in the vX to 8 or 12 steps is just a little too short, 16 steps would be fine. I checked "something stryde did not think of", because I myself hope to find a concept which no one has thought of yet..----)))) My matrix has 96 buttons (16 horizontal and 6 vertical), with eight 4x3 fields, and should operate in seven different modes: One is all horizontal, one is all vertical, on is line-after-line, one is "every button equals one sequence", another one is "left side horizontal, right side vertical" and so on... some buttons along the main matrix will allow to choose the MODE for the matrix (like switching from STEP to PATTERN to GRID to ... mode). I think it is important to visualize a matrix of horizontal steps as well as vertical "mixer paths", because I depends heavily if you edit DRUMS or MELODIC lines. I will try to post some visualization graphics later on. Reading the Ocotups user manual was definitely an inspiration for me, maybe there is something in there for you as well (but maybe you know it already inside out...--))) cheers, kap.
  5. anyone??? maybe I should use MB64E instead of the MIDIO128 code, as the Bankstick is supported in this code from the start? The MB64E CAN be reconfigured to read and write 128 buttons+128 LED´s, right??? thanks, kap.
  6. david, this is strange, as robert henke himself wrote the following: "...The MIDI feeback option is not necessary anymore, since Live 5 this is enabled anyway. The options.txt stuff is a bit tricky. Things might change here from verision to version... so you can never be sure it does what you think it will do..." I also know that the MONOME lights works without any script with MIDI FEEDBACK from the active clips, mhh. But you are right that PHYTON is the key to the "real" control surface mapping. I think we have to differentiate between two different topics for this discussion: 1) MIDI Feedback from assigned controls/clips: this only works for the actual Live set one configures manually. So one has to assign e.g. MIDI Note ON´s to every clip/control which should spit out MIDI feedback. This should work without any script (according to the Ableton forums). 2) Generic control surfaces: those commands should work in EVERY Live set where one is working, without having to assign controls with MIDI mapping. This is where Phyton comes in. Is this correct as I describe it? To be honest I never tried it myself, I am just also very interest in this topic and scanned all the forums like mad to gain some information.. kap.
  7. lyle, thanks, I agree that such a mod would stray away from the mainstream too much... I have a lot to learn already, so I will invest in new pots to get rid of even more problems to think about..---))))) kap.
  8. david, Live does this "just by itself" for mapped controls since version 5, for version 4 you had to write a special command into a text file, here is the history with robert henkes own reply: http://www.ableton.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20031&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 just be aware this behavior will change in live 6.06, as there are problems with the note off/note on timing as described in this very recent thread: http://www.ableton.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=58712&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 another thread interesting for you: http://www.ableton.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47157 I do not know if controls from VST plugins will also feed back some information, but I will try this as soon as my hardware is finished..--))) hope this helps, kap.
  9. michael, thank you, bu it seems just BECAUSE I read almost every page on uCapps and the WIKI I am confused..--)))) there is just so much information, and some of the articles were written in another "aera" then others (for example those where no STUDIO was available), so this was confusing to me. The remaining questions after a long night of study are: -when I want to change the MIDI commands which are spit out by the MB64E buttons/pots, do I have to do this in the MAIN.ASM file, in one of the countless INC and H-files, or in the INI file? - how can I assign MB64E buttons to instantly recall a configuration, I understand this is done by the META-Commands FF xx xx, but it is not clear to me which of those commands recall a configuration instantly, without having to press additional buttons. thank you so much for your input, kap.
  10. wisefire: like your name suggests, wise advice, thanks.
  11. stryd, thanks again for the inital reply. I want to build a large 128 switch array for sequencing/ableton-clip-triggering (MIDIO128) and a MB64(E) in parallel for track mixing. I ordered all the parts already and wanted to use the "idle time" now to prepare myself for programming the PICs. I installed gputils, activeperl, mplabtools, miosstudio and midiox. I read most of the readme´s, the wiki and various forum messages. I do understand that for uploading the MIOS and than, after that, uploading the applications "as they are" to the PICs I only need MIOS studio. However, when I want to change settings in the applicatinos, I have to reassemble them with my own changes applied to them. So I open the MIDIO128 main.asm in MPLAB, change it, make the project, receive a new main.asm, and upload this with MIOS studio. BUT: I also read about the MIDIO INI-FILE, about ActivePERL, GPUTILS, CODE::BLOCKS (with all the various apps needed) and about MIDI_OX, and I do not know how those fit in the chain. Thank you for your time, kap.
  12. stryd, thanks anyway, better to know it from the start... kap.
  13. Hi MB-Experts, upon my journey thhrough the MB universe I often find a reference to Serge´s sysexbox, but the download link does not work: http://www.midibox.org/mios_tools/sysexbox_18f_v1_1c.zip Is this app even necessary any more, as well as the vMIDIBOX64/e??? It seems to me that the MIOS Studio makes those obsolete. Also, the description about the PERL script to convert Assembler code to Sysex seems not necessary any more, is this correct? As a Newbie it is quite confusing to read the different pages of the WIKI, I am still not sure how the different applications work together: MIOS/MPASM/C++/INI-FILES/SYSEX. I do understand that the LAST STEP before downloading has to be SYSEX, but before this I do not know if I have to convert C++ to Assembler first, and how the INI-Files have to be used (I think they are an addition to the applications like MIDIIO128, but how does the PIC know where to put them in the memory if MIDIO128 is already on the PIC????). Sorry if those are too many questions in one go, but I try to get the "bigger picture" here. Thanks for any hints, kap.
  14. hi again, many answers to my desgin questions I found already in the archive, but not this one: I have a lot of logarithmic potis around (from the days where I wanted to build analog mixers..--))). I understand that for MB64 a linear curve is preferred, but is there a way to "scale" the values so i can use my logarihmic ones? thanks, kap.
  15. Dear MB-Community, this is my first posting, I really appreciate all the work which has been accomplished here, thank you!!! I am in the process of getting all the bits together and design a controller for Ableton/Reaktor/Sequencing, this will use a MB64 and a MIDIO128 (for the Sequencer Buttons). I did not see any option to switch the Knob assignment in the MIDIO128 ini-File, would it be difficult to add the Bankstick functionality to the MIDIO128 code??? e.g. switching to the same layout, but transmitting on MIDI channel 2 instead of 1??? Thank you for answers, kap.
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