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Everything posted by FJMSoft

  1. Hello, I'm building a 8051 based midi controller, and want to make it compatible with serial port (to-com), I have searched a lot the web for some documentation and didnt found, somebody knows where can I find or can help me? Can I set even higher baudrates? (of course, on both computer and controller) Another question is, I want to have a, midi-in port in my controller too, I'm trying to figure out how could I merge data sent by my controller and data received by port, I know you may dont know how to code 8051, but I need just an analogy, any help/idea will be very well welcome. Thanks a lot.
  2. I think 25ms is far to much too. I think I have some problem here, but cant figure out, i think i need help. (I hate adc0804)
  3. Hi Thorsten, thanks for all attention you are giving to me. I'm getting crosstalk, the jitter is normal, +-1bit. You think 25000 micro second + adc latency is ok for each pot read? How do you do with midibox? Can you teach me? I'm using 8051 as microcontroller, ADC0804 as converter and 4051 to multiplex. Do you program 8051? Thanks.
  4. The jittering isnt the real problem, the problem is the crosstalk, I need to make microcontroller wait very very long to lower crosstalk (like 25000 micro second)
  5. Hi Thorsten, thanks for your answer, I'm using normal 10k linear pots.
  6. Hi Seppoman, thanks for your answer... I'm waiting like 1,2 mili second, and same problem... One potentiometer slightly changes the value of another... My CD4051 common output is connected to input of ADC0804, can you see for me, how much time ADC0804 needs between each voltage input change? Thanks.
  7. Hi, Im trying to build an 8051 based midibox, but, I have some trouble with CD4051, how much time I need to wait between each input change? Thanks.
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