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Image Comments posted by Smithy

  1. Ah yes, i need to read your guide more, its a work of art Hawkeye.

    Those heatsinks you uses are extremely neat also!

    Nice work, you are one of the few ppl crazy enough to do this..

    What I did with mine (I went with green) is i installed a LM317 adjustable power supply for the LEDs alone with a trimmer so I could dial in the brightness..

    Hey Alt, do you have any pics of how you have the trimmer and LM317 mounted?

    Wouldn't seeing pics of the outside also!

  2. Bored again i see? :P

    I was staring at that pic for a long time,

    thinking it was just one perfboard,

    and was trying to figure out what these metal hole like things were sticking out of it,

    until i realized it was a photo taken much higher than i thought, of multiple perfboards, and lots of buttons!

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