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Posts posted by Imp

  1. Since Encoders short their pins to ground in most cases, i'd use optocouplers between DOUT and the device you want to control.

    That way the voltage level present on the device wont matter, as long as the coupler can take it.  Polarity does matter though.

    The isolation between Box and device might save the Box, but fry the coupler. I'd go for sockets and keep some spares.

    If i  understand your code correctly, you plan to use 3 outs per encoder.  Usually  encoders do have 3 pins, common, a and b. You only need to simulate a and b.




  2. You are totally dependant on the whim of the manufacturer. If they decide to stop supporting the scope you are stuck with a very expensive brick.


    I agree that these dependencies are a problem, but it's rather a nuisance than a showstopper to me.

    By the time they stop supporting new OS/Hardware, you can probably get some old stuff for free.

  3. I use a Picotech Pico Scope 2208 at work. It's a 2 channel usb scope. Software runs nicely on my shitty Laptop.

    You can easily set Trigger points, range, Samplerate etc in Software.

    A big plus is the ability to make and store screenshots or save the whole measured dataset.

    It can also be used as logic analyzer for e.g. i2c.

    The one i use was about 700€, but the lowest Bandwith version (10Mhz) can be had for 129€.

    Since this is my only experience with usb scopes so far, i can't say how they compare, but I'd definitely buy one, if i needed to.

  4. This has a gain of 1.5, to get a gain of 3 2k and 1k have to be switched.

    Since the op-amp will never have to put out negative voltages, you could connect its negative supply to gnd instead of -15V.

    You will need a little more than +15V on the positive supply, because else the op-amp can't reach +15V on its output.

  5. That's what i meant.


    Do you need any voltages between +5 and +15, or just those two values?

    If it's just 5V and 15V, there is an easier soulution:

    You could use two DOUT pins per instrument, one going directly to the trigger-in and another going to a ULN2803 or similar, so it gets amplified to 15V and then to the trigger-in.

  6. To get higher voltage, you need to configure the tl074 for some gain.

    You do this by adding a voltage divider to the feedback loop of the op-amp.

    eg. 20k between output and "-" and 10k between "-" and GND.


    If you don't need those pulses at the same time, this could work.

    You need to feed  A and B with address bits, though. C can stay low, since you only use 4 Outputs.

  7. I updated both Lemur and the panel and most of the problems are gone. Yay!

    USB1 and Midi1 are still switched, i can live with that.

    ENV2-->CV controls ENV1-->CV (the control of ENV1-->CV works as intended, values seem to be added).

    If i want to use ENV2, i need to use the MODmatrix.


    ENV2+"Force to scale" is so much fun! :rofl:

    May i request a "curve" without interpolation?


    This thing does so much, i feel like i could sell half of my formant.

    It just needs some knobs. And a proper frontpanel.

  8. You don't need a technician.

    It sounds like one of your SIDs is broken.

    There are 3 contacts on a stereo plug. Tip, ring, sleeve.

    Tip is left channel +.

    Ring is right channel +.

    Sleeve is - for both channels.

    Fully plugged in, left speaker is connected between Tip ans sleeve, right speaker is connected between ring and sleeve.

    Plugged in half way, your speakers are both connected between tip and ring. You'll hear the same on both channels.

    This means, jack and plug work as they're supposed to do.


    To check, just open the sammich, exchange SIDs.

    Reassemble, try it out.

    If the problem changed sides, one of the SIDs is broken.

    Take a guess which one, pull it out. 

    If the sammich still plays tones, you guessed right.

    Get a replacement for the SID.

    6581 need to be replaced by 6581,

    8085 can be replaced by either 8580 or 6582.

  9. Lemur is on ipad (1). The version is 4.1.


    I just played around a little more and found out, that the upper row of ENV1 controls is shifted by one.

    Delay does nothing, Attack controls delay, Decay controls Attack, sustain controls Decay, release controls sustain.

  10. My CV2 is alive!

    It's a lpc17 combined with the original Aout, some jacks and a makeshift frontpanel out of wood, bolted to my formant.

    No controls, no SCS, no scopes.

    Fugly, but works.


    I got it talking (and listening) to lemur over ethernet.

    Some Observations:

    -Notes/Transpose/Portamento etc works.

    -The Gates of the old Aout work. They are assigned to channel 1 and 2. No need for a DOUT here.

    -I need to enable "usb1" to have a channel put out notes i play on a keyboard connected to MIDIin1. Enabling "MIDIin1" does nothing.

    -Env 1 does work, it syncs to keypresses, but returns to the value of the played note, after release. The settings (Attack, delay, etc) don't  change the envelope as i'd expect. It's like the controls are exchanged.

    How do i stop that channel from putting out note values?

    -Env 2 does something i can't relate to the controls, when "->CV" is set. Fiddling with the settings made the CV2 crash after a while.

    -Poly kind of worked yesterday. I had 3 channels connected to one Oscillator each. It played the first note on all channels, while the keys were pressed, then turned to the played chord, when keys were released. I had all channels listening to "usb1" and set to poly. Is that how it's done?


    I don't know...maybe it's just me beeing stupid...

  11. Wow! Your documentation makes a fantastic read!

    It leaves me wondering though, why did you use a Wavedrum at all?

    What's left of its original functionality rather looks like a burden than a benefit, at your current point.

    Wouldn't it be easier to use a common drum with some pickups?

  12. You are.

    That is a programming example which behaves differently than the SID.

    You don't need this.

    It's meant for projects, that require less buttons or other digital inputs.


    The DINX4 module won't send notes to the core, just a train of 0 with the occasional 1 in between, corrsponding to a button press.

    Or maybe it's inverted, i don't know. But I'm sure it's not MIDI. So you don't need to configure any MIDI channels etc.

  13. Naja, integrierter Button ist dann halt nicht drin, außer du nimmst wirklich ein Mausrad+Aufhängung.

    Größere Parameterwege würde ich damit nicht zurücklegen wollen, ich bezweifle aber, dass man das beim seq häufig muss.

    Generell finde ich die Idee aber gut. Ist mal was anderes.

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