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Posts posted by Imp

  1. Did you see there are analog ins on the request list?


    support for up to 8 fast scanned analog inputs at J5A and J5B which can be used in the modulation matrix for modulation operations


    If Clock speed and divide can be controled via mod-matrix, this should do the trick, or would a cv2cc interface have any additional benefits?

  2. That stereo effect is more or less always present, as the OSCs are out of phase. There is also a prameter called "detune" that widens the stereo image.


    When in OSC menu, you can hold shift and then select left/right/both SID(s) with the first button below the display. Then you can control each SIDs settings individually.

    Different midi channel per OSC can be done via Ensemble->INS.

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  3. If your board looks like what you posted, you already have a CORE v3 (which was part of a Seq v2) and don't need to add a pullup.


    If  you have a CORE v2, you can find its schematic at http://ucapps.de/mbhp_core_old.html.

    Find out, which pin of J4 is SC. Connect one leg of the resistor to the pins solderpoint at the backside of the pcb.

    The other leg goes to the +5V supply line. The direction of the resistor doesn't matter.

  4. Hi and welcome!

    It really depends on your skills, if tracing and creating your own PCB is a good option.

    The modular approach is much easier.

    It may cost a little more and won't be as compact as a sammich clone,

    but is well documented and easier to troubleshoot. 

  5. How you'd acomplish this, depends on what you mean by "pcb set". But it's possible anyway.

    If you got the Mb6582 baseboard (all sids/4cores on one pcb) you provide both voltages via psu and then select which one to use for each sid by placing a jumper.

    If you got discrete PCBs (2Sids per board) then you need to stuff the fitting regulator. Keep each board to one kind of SIDs.

  6. Right now I can't connect to MIOS anymore. And I've also tried both PICs..


    That's where you need to start.

    Possible reasons for this behavior:

    -wrong MIDI-ports in MIOS studio

    -MIDI-interface doesn't work

     - >these can be ruled out with a loopback-test


    -Optpcoupler on the sammich doesn't work

      ->MIDI-in of the sammich doesn't work, so no upload, query etc. If it boots properly, it will still report once in MIOS-studio.


    -PIC doesn't work

  7. The polarity of the supply doesn't matter, as there is a rectifier right after the plug.

    I'd start with checking voltages anyway. Pull out the PIC and SIDs and measure voltages at the sockets.

    To determine where to measure, you can refer to the schematic of  the base-pcb, which is in the wiki.

  8. Search the wiki for "mb6582" and you will find the page with the details.

    There's a FAQ on it. Quote:


    What is the function of P1 (extreme lower right corner)?

    LCD backlight brightness control, just like on the Core module.


    The pot for contrast should be somewhere in that area.

  9. Analoge Eingänge reagieren ja gerne mal über, wenn sie nicht verbunden sind.

    Wenn die problematischen Reihen aus gleichzeitig abgefragten Potis bestehen,

    werden  wahrscheinlich auch die anderen nicht mehr korrekt behandelt, auch wenn nur eins hinüber ist.

    Du sagst ja, wenn alle ganz links oder rechts stehen, tritt das Problem nicht auf.

    Damit müsste sich das schlechte Poti doch isolieren lassen.

  10. The AOUT needs to be connected to J6 on the "core", which is part of the lower pcb in the sammichFM.

    It's near the edge opposing the connectors. You will need to make J6 accessible from the outside, or change the enclosure somehow, as there is not much space left inside.

    Maybe a custom PCB with AOUT and filter would fit, if built REALLY flat (like <10mm max height).

    You'll also need to activate the AOut in the firmware. I don't know about the shruti filters, they might be adaptable, but surely won't be 'plug'n'play' as in the shruti.

  11. I once had a problem to trigger an old doepfer Midi-to-CV module with the SEQ4L.

    On the page for the LPC17 TK wrote:


    "this limitation especially hurts for the MIDI OUTs, which can't be supplied at the (commonly used) 5V anymore. As a counter measure, R21, R22, R26 and R27 resistors are 47 Ohm instead of 220 Ohm to achieve a current of more than 5 mA for driving the optocoupler of the MIDI target device."



    If that is causing the trouble, a buffer or levelshifter might help.

    You could also relay the midi connection through your computer as a quick workaround.

  12. The  solution with one set of 13 resistors  might change values of all switches a little, everytime you change the position of one.

    A  dividers voltage will change, if the load is changed.

    You could buffer all voltages, but that would mean using 12 op-amp channels (>=3 more chips).


    To have a digital input shorted to ground all the time is no problem btw.

    A small current will flow through the pull-ups, but they can take it.

  13. Converting a digital signal to Analog and then to digital again is something you shouldn't do, if you have a choice.

    I'd do what Ilmenator said: Connect those rotary switches to a din. Less parts, less soldering, less trouble.

    If the "waste of inputs" is of concern, you can use gray encoders. Those put out binary values, so you will get 16 possible values on 4 lines.

  14. You can use dxf.ulp  in eagle. The Dxf can be opened in solidworks, but will need some editing, if you want to create a 3D-Object with it.

    This will only produce the board, without components. It's useful for checking dimensions, though.

  15. Bist du sicher, dass die presets überhaupt Ensembles enthalten müssten?

    Selbst wenn es so wäre, dir ginge, denke ich, eigentlich nichts verloren.

    Die Ensembles sind ja nur von Nutzen, wenn du sie selber zusammenstellst.

    Auch die Sache mit den Bänken sehe ich so ähnlich:

    Mag sein, dass es ein Fehler ist, aber es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass dir eine Bank nicht reicht.

  16. That remark about "non-AOUT CV sources" means that you need another circuit, if you want to archive V/Oct scaling of the frequency.

    It#s not needed for testing purposes.


    Bipolar CV means the CV can be anything between -5V and +5V in relation to ground.

    If you have a bipolar PSU with a center tap, (e.g. (+12V)-0-(-12V)) you can connect a pot to +/-12V with the outer pins. Then your CV is between middle pin and ground.

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