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About julianf

  • Birthday January 1

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MIDIbox Tweaker

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  1. I have edited the first post of this thread with a member list - if your name is not on the list, i will not make a case for you! : )
  2. Could either panel mounted DIN sockets be used, and wired to the pcb, or those pcb mounted sockets that have the holes in them for panel mounting? ...i mean on the higher section? It does not look like it would be too close to the screens?
  3. ps if there is to be I/O on the top panel, then a case longer than 17" (84hp) would be required. My personal preference would be that the I/O was on the rear, but ill cut whatever anyone wanted of me. One issue that is not so easy is the card slot. That is not easy to DIY neatly. A way around this would be to cut the case roughy, and then fit a nice overlay to the back that covered the rough hand cuts. I do not have one of the moog cases, nor a functional mbeq, so, whilst i could check the top panel, it would be hard for me to confirm the rear.
  4. That certainly looks like it would do the job - good find! I reckon the back panel would be good for ports, but it would require some work. I can have a look at the CAD to see if the CS pcb will fit behind a euro panel. Its obviously fine on 3u, but euro has that bit less height. I have no attachment to my proposed case - what i said in my initial post is 100% true - it is simply a solution to the lack of heinrich cases - so if there is another option, i would very much support that also.
  5. Ok, time to get my act together on this one, and start ordering up parts. I have recently acquired a load of reclaimed mahogany which i think will make great ends for these too. I did ask before for PMs from those who were seriously interested, and i think i only got a couple. Either my request was missed, or... ? Please include your email address in your request, as i will confirm via email (i find the forum delays message notifications sometimes, whilst email is swifter) If you are one of the (very) few who have previously messaged, might i ask you to re-confirm and to include your email? The reason i need to know is that the rails have crazy postage / cutting costs, and i could really do with knowing numbers before ordering, as re-ordering will be a pain.
  6. Hello, I need to put some time and money in to convert the prototype design (as seen in the photo) to a "final" revision, and ive just not done that yet, because i did not feel there was much demand. I should probably just go ahead and complete it though...
  7. ...going afk now, but mail me if you need to.
  8. Ok, sounds like the bud box with a rack front is what you need then.
  9. If you want to, you could use one of the bud boxes for the rear. I have a design for a 17" bud box, but it would be easy enough to add rack ears to the file, so you could make a shallow rack mount. Are you wanting to rack, or are you wanting a desktop?
  10. You can just use any generic rack case that has a flat front. If you were uk based, i could point you to a selection of retailers, but im sure there are similar over your way. Eg this one would be fine - https://www.maplin.co.uk/p/3u-19-inch-rack-box-n36an
  11. julianf

    Julian F

    midibox panel selection
  12. Forgive the rain spots - http://thebeast.co.uk/?product=19-seq-v4-panel-3mm-black
  13. Ive just added an "item" to my shop - a combination deal for the mb6582 build. Includes one pactec pt10 case (nos), and one set of mb6582 panels. These cases are cheaper in the states than in europe, so, whilst its still cheap for americans, its an even better deal for anyone in europe. Here is the link - http://thebeast.co.uk/?product=mb6582-pactec-pt10-combo-deal
  14. My PCBs turned up this morning, so im going to start checking some dimensions, and get these cases sorted. Obviously the design is not 'final' at the moment, but the delivery cost on the curved sections is so high that it would be sensible for me to get a show of hands as to who would like one of these, at the projected price (GBP 170) with the discussed alterations. Shipping will be at cost. The ends on the finished units will probably be oiled oak. The top and rear panels will be engraved. Tops will be black text on silver, or, if you would rather, white text on back. Same for the rear panels. The curved sections have to be silver. Rear panel will be cut for the new core, with the expansion port, and the Midi and Quad-IIc-MIDI boards. I wont condemn you if you express interest, and dont purchase, but please dont ask at this stage unless you are seriously considering the purchase, as i dont really want to over-order a load of parts. I would rather a PM than a +1 on the thread here. Do both if you wish! Thank you, Julian
  15. The case will have to have some tilt, to accommodate for the rear panel components, just maybe not as much. It seems that you probably have "your" bolts though! : )
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