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Everything posted by electroremy

  1. - Version Française à la fin - Hello, The new version of my free software to draw PCB "CiDess III" is available New functions: - You can run cidess.exe with command-line parameters - Automatic circuit date update available - Advanced settings : you can change each colour and precisely set the zoom coefficient - Custom grid value added - You can change the step of the displayed dot grid on screen - Advanced printing features - You can print a document with all PCB information - The ALT key allows you to rotate objects with 1° step - "Copper text" function : you can write text on CU1 and/or CU2 layers - Parameters used for automatic HTML generation are saved in CID file - CiDess can automatically increment component's names - Indeed CiDess III introduces a new file format CID V2. Also, CiDess III can read your old CID files ! - You can create copper tracks resistors Fixed bugs: - No size difference between screen and printer texts - Text transparency works correctly on printer - Hidden objects cannot be selected, moved or modified. Go to http://www.remylucas.fr (dont afraid about ".fr", english version also featured) Thanks ! -- Bonjour, La version III de mon programme de dessin de circuits imprimés est disponible Nouvelles fonctions : - Lancement possible de cidess.exe avec des arguments en ligne de commande - Possibilité de mettre à jour automatiquement la date du circuit - Réglages avancées : possibilité de modifier toutes les couleurs utilisées et de régler précisément le zoom - Ajout d'une valeur de pas de grille personnalisable - Possibilité de modifier le pas de la grille affichée à l'écran - Plus de réglages pour l'impression - Vous pouvez imprimer un document avec les informations et commentaires sur le circuit - La touche ALT utilisée avec le bouton droit permet de tourner les composants par pas de 1° - Fonction "texte cuivre" : pour écrire du texte qui sera gravé sur le circuit imprimé - Sauvegarde des paramètres utilisés pour la génération du dossier technique HTML - Possibilté de numérotation automatique des composants - CiDess III introduit donc un nouveau format de fichier CID V2. Bien sûr vos anciens fichiers CID sont lus sans problèmes par CiDess III ! - Possibilité de créer des résistances en cuivre en forme de spirale Bug corrigés : - Compensation des différences de taille de textes entre l'écran et l'impression - L'impression des textes en mode transparent fonctionne - Seuls les éléments visibles peuvent êtres sélectionnés, déplacés ou modifiés Rendez-vous sur http://www.remylucas.fr A bientôt !
  2. Problem solved ;D you can find the hex file, the source code and an inside view of Matoz's clockbox attached to this message The clockbox works as a standalone BPM generator; but if it received a Play MIDI Byte from another machine it run as slave, until a Stop MIDI byte is received, then the clockbox return to its normal behavior. Bye Source code : /* * Clockbox (MIDI Clock Sender) * * ========================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 2005 Thorsten Klose (tk@midibox.org) * * ========================================================================== * * This file is part of a MIOS application * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This application is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with This application; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * ========================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include files ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "cmios.h" #include "pic18f452.h" #include "main.h" #include "mclock.h" #include "mtc.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // status of application (see bitfield declaration in main.h) app_flags_t app_flags; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Local variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //RLUCAS : Mode de la clockbox : unsigned char sm_mode; // vaut 0 en master, 1 en slave ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS after startup to initialize the // application ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Init(void) __wparam { //RLUCAS : on démarre en master sm_mode=0; // set shift register update frequency MIOS_SRIO_UpdateFrqSet(1); // ms // we need to set at least one IO shift register pair MIOS_SRIO_NumberSet(NUMBER_OF_SRIO); // debouncing value for DINs MIOS_SRIO_DebounceSet(DIN_DEBOUNCE_VALUE); // Touch sensor sensitivity *must* be 0, otherwise Port D.4 (CORE::J14) cannot be used as Clock Output MIOS_SRIO_TS_SensitivitySet(0); // set encoder speed mode of datawheel MIOS_ENC_SpeedSet(0, DATAWHEEL_SPEED_MODE, DATAWHEEL_SPEED_DIVIDER); #if MTC_MODE // initialize the MIDI clock module (-> mclock.c) MTC_Init(); MTC_FPSSet(3); // type 3: 30 fps #else // initialize the MIDI clock module (-> mclock.c) MCLOCK_Init(); MCLOCK_BPMSet(140); #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS in the mainloop when nothing else is to do ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Tick(void) __wparam { //RLUCAS : //if (sm_mode==0) { #if MTC_MODE // this routine sends the MTC code if requested MTC_Tick(); #else // this routine sends the MIDI clock (and Start/Continue/Stop) if requested MCLOCK_Tick(); #endif //} } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is periodically called by MIOS. The frequency has to be // initialized with MIOS_Timer_Set ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Timer(void) __wparam { //RLUCAS : if (sm_mode==0) { #if MTC_MODE // forward timer event to MTC module (-> mtc.c) MTC_Timer(); #else // forward timer event to MIDI clock module (-> mclock.c) MCLOCK_Timer(); #endif } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when the display content should be // initialized. Thats the case during startup and after a temporary message // has been printed on the screen ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default special character set // created with http://lcd5x8char.midibox.org // ;; char #1 // db b'00001000', b'00001100'; line 1 / 2 // db b'00001110', b'00001111'; line 3 / 4 // db b'00001111', b'00001110'; line 5 / 6 // db b'00001100', b'00001000'; line 7 / 8 // ;; char #2 // db b'00000000', b'00000000'; line 1 / 2 // db b'00001110', b'00001110'; line 3 / 4 // db b'00001110', b'00001110'; line 5 / 6 // db b'00000000', b'00000000'; line 7 / 8 // ;; char #3 // db b'00000000', b'00001010'; line 1 / 2 // db b'00001010', b'00001010'; line 3 / 4 // db b'00001010', b'00001010'; line 5 / 6 // db b'00001010', b'00000000'; line 7 / 8 const unsigned char lcd_charset[3*8] = { 0x08, 0x0c, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x0f, 0x0e, 0x0c, 0x08, // Play 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00, // Stop 0x00, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x00, // Pause }; void DISPLAY_Init(void) __wparam { // init default charset MIOS_CLCD_SpecialCharsInit(lcd_charset); // clear screen MIOS_LCD_Clear(); // print default screen MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x00); // first line #if MTC_MODE MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("FPS Time"); #else MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("BPM Meter"); #endif // request display update app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called in the mainloop when no temporary message is shown // on screen. Print the realtime messages here ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DISPLAY_Tick(void) __wparam { unsigned char fps; // do nothing if no update has been requested if( !app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ ) return; // clear request app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 0; // print Play/Stop/Pause char at the right upper corner MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x00 + 15); #if MTC_MODE if( mtc_state.PAUSE ) { MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(0x02); // Pause } else { if( mtc_state.RUN ) { MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(0x00); // Play } else { MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(0x01); // Stop } } // print FPS at lower line, left side MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x40 + 0); switch( MTC_FPSGet() ) { case 0: fps = 24; break; case 1: fps = 25; break; case 2: fps = 30; break; case 3: fps = 30; break; default: fps = 0; break; } MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD3(fps); // print the meter at lower line, right side MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x40 + 4); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD1(mtc_ctr_hours); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(':'); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD2(mtc_ctr_min); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(':'); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD2(mtc_ctr_sec); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar('.'); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD2(mtc_ctr_frame_x_4 / 4); #else if( mclock_state.PAUSE ) { MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(0x02); // Pause } else { if( mclock_state.RUN ) { MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(0x00); // Play } else { MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(0x01); // Stop } } // print BPM at lower line, left side MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x40 + 0); if (sm_mode==1) { #if MTC_MODE MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("SLV"); #else MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("SLV"); #endif } if (sm_mode==0) { MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD3(MCLOCK_BPMGet()); } // print the meter at lower line, right side MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x40 + 4); // RLUCAS : Modification pour afficher que des measures multiples de 16 : // MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD5(mclock_ctr_measures + 1); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD5((mclock_ctr_measures & 0x0f) + 1); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(':'); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(' '); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD1(mclock_ctr_beats + 1); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(':'); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD3(mclock_ctr_24 * 5); #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a complete MIDI event has been received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt(unsigned char evnt0, unsigned char evnt1, unsigned char evnt2) __wparam { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a MIDI event has been received // which has been specified in the MIOS_MPROC_EVENT_TABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyFoundEvent(unsigned entry, unsigned char evnt0, unsigned char evnt1, unsigned char evnt2) __wparam { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a MIDI event has not been completly // received within 2 seconds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyTimeout(void) __wparam { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a MIDI byte has been received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyReceivedByte(unsigned char byte) __wparam { // RLUCAS : C'est ici qu'il faut capter les évenements CLOCK MIDI // Les Clock ne sont pas des evenenments midi mais de simpes bytes // d'après le message de julinevoirin : // 0xF8 : horloge (il en faut 24 pour faire une noire) // 0xFA : Start // 0xFB : Pause // 0xFC : Stop if (byte == 0xF8) { //horloge if (sm_mode==1) { #if MTC_MODE // forward timer event to MTC module (-> mtc.c) MTC_Timer(); #else // forward timer event to MIDI clock module (-> mclock.c) MCLOCK_Timer(); #endif } } if (byte == 0xFA) { //Start sm_mode=1; #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoPlay(); #else MCLOCK_DoPlay(); #endif } if (byte == 0xFB) { //Stop sm_mode=0; #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoStop(); #else MCLOCK_DoStop(); #endif } if (byte == 0xFC) { //Pause sm_mode=0; #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoStop(); #else MCLOCK_DoStop(); #endif } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS before the shift register are loaded ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SR_Service_Prepare(void) __wparam { // this function is called each millisecond // we are using it to output the MIDI clock at Pin D.4 for 1 mS if( mclock_pin_state.CLK_REQ ) { mclock_pin_state.CLK_REQ = 0; PORTDbits.RD4 = 1; } else { PORTDbits.RD4 = 0; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS after the shift register have been loaded ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SR_Service_Finish(void) __wparam { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when an button has been toggled // pin_value is 1 when button released, and 0 when button pressed ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam { // note: pin 0 and 1 are assigned to datawheel (-> see mios_wrapper/mios_tables.inc) //RLUCAS if (sm_mode==0) { switch( pin ) { case 7: // Stop Button if( pin_value == 0 ) #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoStop(); #else MCLOCK_DoStop(); #endif break; case 6: // Pause Button if( pin_value == 0 ) #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoPause(); #else MCLOCK_DoPause(); #endif break; case 5: // Play Button if( pin_value == 0 ) #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoPlay(); #else MCLOCK_DoPlay(); #endif break; case 4: // Rew Button if( pin_value == 0 ) #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoRew(); #else MCLOCK_DoRew(); #endif break; case 3: // Fwd Button if( pin_value == 0 ) #if MTC_MODE MTC_DoFwd(); #else MCLOCK_DoFwd(); #endif break; case 8: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(0); break; case 9: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(0); break; case 10: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(1); break; case 11: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(1); break; case 12: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(2); break; case 13: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(2); break; case 14: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(3); break; case 15: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(3); break; case 16: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(4); break; case 17: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(4); break; case 18: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(5); break; case 19: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(5); break; case 20: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(6); break; case 21: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(6); break; case 22: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiStop(7); break; case 23: if( pin_value == 0 ) MCLOCK_DoMultiPlay(7); break; default: #if 0 // enable this for debugging (displays the number of a non-assigned pin) MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x00); MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("DIN: "); MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD3(pin); MIOS_LCD_PrintChar(pin_value ? 'o' : '*'); #endif } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when an encoder has been moved // incrementer is positive when encoder has been turned clockwise, else // it is negative ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ENC_NotifyChange(unsigned char encoder, char incrementer) __wparam { unsigned int value; //RLUCAS if (sm_mode==0) { // encoder 0 is used to control the BPM or second (MTC mode) if( encoder == 0 ) { #if MTC_MODE if( incrementer < 0 ) { while( ++incrementer != 0 ) MTC_DoRew(); } else { while( --incrementer != 0 ) MTC_DoFwd(); } #else value = (unsigned int)MCLOCK_BPMGet() - 48; if( MIOS_HLP_16bitAddSaturate(incrementer, &value, 255 - 48) ) { MCLOCK_BPMSet((unsigned char)value + 48); app_flags.DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ = 1; } #endif } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a pot has been moved ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) __wparam { } project.hex main.c
  3. Hi I've change clockbox's main.c as follows : void MPROC_NotifyReceivedByte(unsigned char byte) __wparam { // Les Clock ne sont pas des evenenments midi mais de simpes bytes // d'après le message de julinevoirin : // 0xF8 : horloge (il en faut 24 pour faire une noire) // 0xFA : Start // 0xFB : Stop // 0xFC : Pause if (byte == 0xFA) { //Start DIN_NotifyToggle(5,0); } if (byte == 0xFB) { //Stop DIN_NotifyToggle(7,0); } if (byte == 0xFC) { //Pause DIN_NotifyToggle(6,0); } } But it does not compile : [tt]D:\_matoz25\clockbox_v0_0>make.bat ... Compiling main.c at 1: warning 117: unknown compiler option '--fstack' ignored main.c:275: warning 112: function 'DIN_NotifyToggle' implicit declaration main.c:278: warning 112: function 'DIN_NotifyToggle' implicit declaration main.c:281: warning 112: function 'DIN_NotifyToggle' implicit declaration main.c:275: error 101: too many parameters main.c:278: error 101: too many parameters main.c:281: error 101: too many parameters ERROR![/tt] can you help me ? Thanks
  4. Hi, I'm looking at ACSyncronizer.c, main.c from ACSyncronizer and main.c from clockbox v0_0 In main.c of clockbox I found : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is called by MIOS when a complete MIDI event has been received ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt(unsigned char evnt0, unsigned char evnt1, unsigned char evnt2) __wparam { } The function is empty, as the original clockbox should not received MIDI events. In ACSyncronizer's main.c, the function is feeted with a lot of instructions. I suppose I've had to copy only the instructions needed as said julienvoirin. But I do not find his values (F8, FA, FB and FC) I've another question : can I put all the code needed to make 'clockbox slave function' in MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt or I should use other parts of the code ? My idea : there is no real slave or master mode for clockbox. Clockbox still function as well, but I just add instructions that allows clockbox to receive MIDI events. I've another question : Is another DIN5 input connecteur needed for the clockbox to receive MIDI events ? If no, the clockbox need to have an 'adress' in order to be identified by the master device ? What's appends if MIDI events are received by all box on the MIDI net ? Thanks ! -- Bonsoir, J'ai consulté le main.c de ACsyncronizer et celui de la clockbox v0_0. La fonction MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt dans le main.c de la clockbox est vide (ce qui est logique), et celle de ACsyncronizer est bien rempli. Puis-je mettre tout le code nécessaire dans MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt ? Mon idée est la suivante : il n'y a pas vraiment de mode escalve ou maître; la clockbox continue de fonctionner normalement mais je lui ajoute simplement la faculté d'obéir en plus à des ordres midi. La clockbox a t elle besoin d'un autre connecteur DIN5 pour recevoir les ordres midi ou suffit il simplement de modifier le programme ? La clockbox a t elle une adresse sur le réseau MIDI, adresse que le maître devrai spécifier ? Sinon comment font les autres 'box' pour ne réagir qu'aux ordres qui les concernent ? Merci
  5. Hi, in order to add the slave function on a clockbox for Matoz25, I need to know precisely (my MIDI and musical knowledge are poor) : - what MIDI command the slave clockbox will received by the "master" - witch part of the code I've to modify to catch the command I think to do the following : - catch the MIDI command - emulate a "key press" on clock box panel in the code bye. -- Bonsoir, pour ajouter le mode esclave à la clockbox, j'ai besoin de savoir précisément (je n'y connais pas grand chose en MIDI ni en musique) : - quelle commande MIDI va envoyer le maitre - quelle partie du code modifier pour intercepter la commande Je compte m'y prendre comme ça : - détecter la commande - simuler l'appui sur la touche correspondante A+
  6. Hello, in main.c, at line 228, I've replace MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD5(mclock_ctr_measures + 1); by MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD5((mclock_ctr_measures & 0x0f) + 1); have fun ! -- Bonjour, voici ce que j'ai modifié dans le code : dans main.c, ligne 228, j'ai remplacé MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD5(mclock_ctr_measures + 1); par MIOS_LCD_PrintBCD5((mclock_ctr_measures & 0x0f) + 1); Amusez-vous bien !
  7. Hi, Matoz25 have tested my syx file and he says to me that it does not function : When clockbox reboots after syx file download, the LCD displays "rebooting MIOS" and anything else appends. Here is anybody here that use same versions of tools than me ? Should I change any settings in the tools ? Should I edit make.bat ? Thanks ;) -- Bonjour, Matoz25 vient d'essayer le programme que j'ai compilé et il ne fonctionne pas : Quand la clockbox redémarre, ce qu 'elle doit faire après tout téléchargement, l' affichage reste bloqué sur "rebooting MIOS". et l' application ne se met pas en route... Quelqu'un ici utilise t il les mêmes versions des langages de programmation ? Y'a t il des choses à paramètrer ? Faut il modifier make.bat ? Merci ;)
  8. Hi, You say that my program compiles correctly, but I don't understand why the .hex file I've got and the .hex that I've download on your website are different ??? Thanks -- Bonjour, Vous dites que mon programme compile correctement, mais ce que je ne comprends pas ce sont les différences entre le fichier .hex que j'obtiens et le fichier .hex téléchargé sur le site. Merci
  9. I've installed the following versions of the tools : ActivePerl 5.10.0 Built 1002 GP Utils 0.13.5 SDCC 2.8.0 Can you help me (see previous answer in this topic) ? Thanks. -- Voici les versions des outils que j'ai installé : ActivePerl 5.10.0 Built 1002 GP Utils 0.13.5 SDCC 2.8.0 Pouvez-vous m'aider pour que je puisse arriver à compiler correctement (cf ma précedente réponse dans ce sujet) ? Merci.
  10. Hello, I'am French but I can read and write english. If you're French, you can aslo answer me in French :-D I am trying to solve MATOZ25's problem (clockbox count to 16 instead of 256) I've install on my PC GPUTILS, Perl and SDCC. I've also set my PATH parameters ! Before trying to change the code, I've just tying to compile the current code, in order to check if my computer is correctly installed. At the end of this post is the result of the DOS windows when I run "make.bat" file. I've got a HEX and SYX file, but I obtain a hight number of "warning", so I want to known if I make something wrong : I compare the original .hex file and the .hex file I've obtain with a hexadecimal editor and I found differences :-/ Thanks -- Bonjour, Je suis en train d'essayer de résoudre le problème de MATOZ25 (arrêter le comptage à 16 au lieu de 256) J'ai installé l'ensemble des outils nécessaires comme indiqué sur votre site. Avant de tenter de modifier le code, j'essaye déjà de recompiler le code existant pour vérifier si mon PC est correctement configurer. Apparament ça marche (j'obtiens des fichiers .HEX et .SYX) mais j'ai pas mal de warning; pouvez-vous jeter un oeuil ? Avec un éditeur hexadécimal j'ai comparé le fichier .hex original et celui que j'ai généré et il y a des différences :-/ Merci -- Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] C:\Documents and Settings\RLUCAS>cd d:\_matoz25\clockbox_v1_1\ C:\Documents and Settings\RLUCAS>d: D:\_matoz25\clockbox_v1_1>make.bat Makefile generated. Makefile.bat generated. Assembling MIOS SDCC wrapper ========================================================================== Compiling mclock.c at 1: warning 117: unknown compiler option '--fstack' ignored ========================================================================== Compiling pic18f452.c at 1: warning 117: unknown compiler option '--fstack' ignored _output\pic18f452.asm:168:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:171:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:174:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:177:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:180:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:186:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:189:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:192:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:195:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:198:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:204:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:207:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:210:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:213:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:216:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:222:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:225:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:228:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:231:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:234:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:237:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:243:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:252:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:255:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:264:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:272:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:277:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:285:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:288:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:293:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:296:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:299:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:304:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:309:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:314:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:317:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:320:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:323:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:329:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:334:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:360:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:363:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:366:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. _output\pic18f452.asm:378:Warning [231] No memory has been reserved by this instruction. ========================================================================== Compiling mtc.c at 1: warning 117: unknown compiler option '--fstack' ignored ========================================================================== Compiling main.c at 1: warning 117: unknown compiler option '--fstack' ignored ========================================================================== Linking project ========================================================================== Converting to project.syx Block 003000-0033FF allocated - Checksum: 34 Block 003400-0037FF allocated - Checksum: 4C Block 003800-003BFF allocated - Checksum: 49 Block 003C00-003FFF allocated - Checksum: 41 Block 004000-0043FF allocated - Checksum: 6C Block 004400-0047FF allocated - Checksum: 67 ========================================================================== SUCCESS! D:\_matoz25\clockbox_v1_1>
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