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Status Updates posted by jojjelito

  1. Component sourcing angst. Too much juggling.

  2. wants to build the perfect pop band! No soldering required.

    1. Hawkeye


      but much more uncontrollable than soldered stuff :)

  3. Just add A_Out and the 4GB MB_Seq is done!

  4. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner. Sometimes I feel like my only friend. Is the dojo I train in...

  5. Control surfaces, control smurfaces...

  6. I want Spotify to stream me some Aspirin after some front panel designing.

  7. haz an i7 MBP and the 27" screen. Xmas came early. Gimme sammich!

  8. Munching on sammichGingerbread, tasty!

  9. Reverse engineering fun. Triple the fun with Norton amplifiers.

  10. Korg Radias vocoder VA insanity bought on a whim. What's up with that?

  11. 6582 Control surface glueing.

  12. Terry Lee Brown Jr playing whilst doing some EE design. Yum!

  13. You said I had no style but I could borrow some from you...

  14. 82C54 in da house! Now gimme tons of time...

  15. Prophet VS oscillator stacking with a light sprinkle of aliasing. Yum!

  16. Oh noes, only 7hrs, 6mins left. How much was Spotify Premium again?

  17. This is not a test

  18. The revolution will not be televised

  19. Pancetta, 'cause bacon was busy. We still cool though!

  20. Oh OLED where art thou?

  21. I want your loaf - speak with a northern UK accent!

  22. BA662 B invasion! Are they all spares for my SH-101 et al, or am I (yet again) going to transistorizzzle my world?

  23. Ordering from Farnell...

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