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Posts posted by v4

  1. On 11/4/2017 at 4:13 PM, TK. said:

    @v4: which core are you using? MBHP_CORE_STM32, MBHP_CORE_LPC17 or MBHP_CORE_STM32F4?

    @u-link: I added your request to the wish list. Instead of a MIDI router option, I will probably provide this as some kind of global "duplicate" option intended to satisfy your use case, so that additional special functions could be added later without taking limitations of the MIDI router into account.

    The "mixer map on encoders in mute mode" is also on the wish list now (together with your other proposals) - I've to consolidate this with other ideas around mixer map usage. This could become an optional mode which can be activated by people who know how to use it (otherwise it will confuse common users too much)

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

    apologies i was away from the studio for a week. STM32 is the core i'm using.

  2. I'm hoping someone else can reproduce what seems like an issue with transposition. If you are using force to scale and select any scale containing a G#, whenever you hit the button for G# on the right screen to transpose, it only cycles down through the octaves for me. Every other note seems to transpose correctly. I can hit G# endlessly and it will just cycle the selected octave on the left screen down to the lowest octave then it starts over at the top.

    I can reproduce this on 4.091 and the latest v8 beta. Maybe i'm misunderstanding something or have a hardware issue? Thanks.

  3. 51 minutes ago, oozitron said:

    The MIDIBOX Seq just keeps getting better and better  :-)

    An idea to consider:  In Song mode, could a button (one with an LED indicator such as All or Fast) be made to "repeat the current song step indefinitely" while it's ON?  Then when it's turned OFF, the Song Step would finish and proceed to the next Song Step.

    This would give you a little interactivity & flexibility during Songs.  A Song Step could play for an extended time for a solo or break.  Would be very useful during live performance.

    thanks!   Andrew


    that's a great idea. would love this capability.

  4. edit: something weird is going on with selecting ALL on the note layer in the latest release. i have to enable ALL mode 4 times to get it to work correctly. it seems to get stuck on 'ramp' mode.


    edit2: nope again. the change in 4.074 explains it. data wheel was set to select step. my bad.

  5. interesting. i was running into this issue on the last beta before the latest official release. i couldn't save as with even the letter "A". it would fail the name 'validation' step every time with that message. after i upgraded to the latest, i haven't been able to reproduce the problem.

    try this, when you are trying to save as, select a letter and go to a new space for a new character, and then turn it's encoder one time (you'll see a weird little solid arrow character). now try and hit save with only that arrow char showing.

  6. The latest beta that allows Record, Follow and Move to be set with the F keys is great and has been a huge help.

    I had one feature request that I couldn't find using search: Would it be possible to move a step forward and backward by ticks when a modifier button is used (like 'select' or 'fast')  and only when Move step is enabled? So really it would just be another state of that Move mode. There are a few other requests for "micro-shifting" like that, and I know the Delay layer is already there for shifting forward in time, but it seemed like an appropriate place to allow that functionality.

    in the display, Step would change to Tick (and the Tick value).

  7. Yes there are many ways to configure it. I came from the same spot as you. The OT was my main midi sequencer for some time until my mbseq was built. It works alright as you know but the 'split' nature of the machine was annoying, especially in a live context. Now that the OT doesn't send midi notes, it's more fun to just have it in the sample screens all the time.


    To give an example of my live setup, mbseq output 1 is dedicated to the access virus. Virus receives clock and notes. mbseq midi input 1 is getting notes from a midi keyboard (bs2). mbseq output 2 is sending clock (and sometimes notes as mentioned above) to the elektron rytm and the rytm passes clock to the roland tr8. In a live context, the mbseq output2 sends only clock and not notes. That notes on output2 are only sent when i'm preparing material in the studio and that way I can keep only clock data on that chain as the tr8 takes one midi thru latency "hit". But there is no noticeable latency on the tr8 whatsoever. When you hit stop/start on the mbseq it's all just dead in line. Best setup I've ever had in many regards.


    Thanks very much everyone. I think I'm sold..;)

    I really want to keep the elektron sequencing, especially on the octatrack. Sequencing notes and melodies on my other machines is what the seq is intended for. The octatrack works okay in that department, but it's too much ' in the dark ' for my liking.

    I'll have to start finding out what configuration I want for the seq. It is adaptable afterwards, right?

    Thanks again!
  8. there is no disadvantage. use both :smile:


    the mbseq clock seems exceptionally tight to me. i use mine to send clock to the octatrack and rytm. i also point mbseq midi channels to the rytm to get around it's currently very flawed realtime retrigger implementation. i do this by using the mbseq pattern seq hooked up to a midi keyboard. the rytm dedicates a midi channel to each of it's tracks because each track is able to be played chromatically by default. once you hear something you like, simply enable recording on the rytm sequencer and it's all captured in the rytm and ready to go. this allows for things i would never program on the rytm by itself.


    to me this is the best of both worlds and you can of course freely program parameter locks on any of those machines while clocked. beware that the 'direct jump' pattern change method on the rytm is currently also problematic right now and can lose sync or simply disregard the jump and change at the end of the pattern. that's not acceptable in a live context so i've simply gone back to the setting up the rytm so that it switches at the end of patterns.


    edit: to bn99,the mbseq will happily sync a few elektrons for hours and hours.

  9. i ran into a somewhat similar issues a few weeks back w/ my new seq4. i would try another SD card, formatted freshly to fat/fat32 w/ the config file. mine was not showing an error on the mb during load but the sd card itself was corrupted when checking via a computer.

  10. I've only had my mbseq for a couple of weeks now but I'm amazingly impressed. I'm loving the workflow(s) I'm finding already and it seems a more capable live sequencer than anything I've used before.


    One feature i think might be very useful is something implemented on the newer Elektrons. it would be great if you could hold a step down (in Step Edit) and use the Rewind/FFWD buttons to shift/delay that held step in time forward/backward. Those buttons shift Step View when not in Song mode, but I think it would be useful to have a held step override that assignment if possible. The Delay layer is awesome but I'm very accustomed to this immediate kind of in-pattern shifting of note position.




    edit: I just realized this would probably be dependent on having a Delay layer and could cause issues in some track setups.

  11. I suggest you switch now to using the latest release (RC34) so we all are on the same page. (Let's rule out your email app corrupted the hex file I emailed you).

    Ah...maybe this is related to my issue as well. I'm using RC33 as this was the last emailed. I assume 34 is good to go for sammich now?



  12. Interesting...

    After initializing the Ensemble, save it to E002

    Reboot sammichSID.

    It should reload Ensemble E002 on startup.

    If the problem now has gone away, then it seems like it's just bad data in the Ensemble "Bankstick".

    You can perhaps try swapping bank 4 with bank 8, when you reboot it should reinitialize the Ensemble Bankstick (bank 8) and the 4th bank of patches (Bank C internally) and since you probably didn't fill up bank C yet, no difference to you, but possibly a freshly reformatted ensemble bank and no need to initialize every ensemble before use.

    Thanks Wilba I will try this as soon as I get home.


  13. I have no idea what's wrong there... have you got the preset patches installed already? What happens if you init the Lead patch? Does pressing F1 button (Play note) trigger a Lead sound when it doesn't work via MIDI?

    did you solder R80?

    did you solder D3?

    check the joints on these first, and that there are no shorts with adjacent pads.

    thanks Wilba. i resoldered r80 and d3 just to be sure but they looked fine already and don't exhibit any shorts w/ other pads. preset patches are installed and sound correctly. F1 button doesn't seem to trigger any sound for me. initializing the Lead patch doesn't help this. all i see is the "1" in "1***" invert on the display when i hit F1. hitting F1 seems to stop the Bs and Dr sequencers but not start them again. does nothing in Ml or Ld.

    Just had a realization. All I have to do to "fix" the lack of working F1 or MIDI IN on any of the engines is initialize the Ensemble first. Then it works fine. Thoughts?

  14. I finally got my sammich working yesterday morning. It's really more amazing than I had anticipated. Dripping with character.


    It seems to not want to trigger Lead sounds via midi unless I go into drum mode first and start to edit a drum voice. Then it will trigger Leads. MIDI sync and patch dumping from the sammich works fine so I don't think it's a hardware issue.

    It all seems to be working fine however I did get one strange error last night. Error: "SID1 not available (CAN Bus Errors)". Even after this error I was able to go use the bassline mode on both SIDs so I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything fatal on the hardware end of things. These are both Wilba-supplied 6582a.

    Thanks Thorsten and Wilba! I'm floored by this synth. The backing paper is still on until the glow in the dark red acrylic paint arrives. :)

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