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protofuse last won the day on December 16 2014

protofuse had the most liked content!

About protofuse

  • Birthday 02/22/1976

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MIDIbox Tweaker

MIDIbox Tweaker (3/4)



  1. invoking Yog-Sothoth could work.

    1. jojjelito


      Yup. Always does the trick.

  2. should I remove my left ears? finally, monophonic sound is nice.

  3. when I'll be famous, I'll distribute my music only on bandcamp for digital, on kunaki for CD and hardwax for vinyls :D when I'll be.

  4. I had a nice number of requests for physical signed copies of my latest EP as @Jjulien That's nice. Didn't think you would want this kind of things from me.

  5. at some point, I didn't need TODO lists. they became annoying and inaccurate, pain in the ass to update and unuseful. today, since around 1,5 year, I have all in my heads, which means VERY few flows. all the other stuff to keep are in ... google keep for further processing. that is my personal #GTD. simplier, better, stronger.

  6. "j'aimerais bien être pour de vrai dans l'iPad" - Alice Tron's influence ?

  7. JJulien soon on Spotify

  8. Now, the left ear. #need #parts #change

  9. My simplest systems are my more beautiful ones. I like how people stare at my explanations about my visuals. Indeed, remove and sharpen is much harder than adding and add glitters. It also takes more time to be ready to dare doing that.

  10. I need you, my followers and supporters for a special operation, now. Who's in?

  11. Marseille, capitale européenne du couteau.

  12. Drone machine for Max for Live and designed with Livid Code in mind... Done. Next, that analog like step sequencer.

  13. Live performance early September at Derry, Ireland. And invited at Culture Tech to talk about the future of sound and visual performances. If you knew who will be at the table with me... wow. More infos soon.

  14. building a #processing based #glitcher using the horror artifacts of 1000 JPG saves and other destructive format.

  15. Good morning lungs.

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