Hi TK,
Finished my last show for 2013:)
I have tested the changes and can report that there are some improvements and still some undesirable issues.
The boot issue has disappeared.
I was testing the display 16 corruption and thought to tell the MBNG that it had 24 displays attached.
What should be display 16 appears to be display 24. If I type " lcd@(24.1.1) test " the text appears on display 16.
Also now having trouble with dispalys 4 and 6 staying dark. If I disconnect the second display board completely, reboot, displays 1-8 are fine.
If you would like pics please just say so.
Also very impressive video with the synth:)
Continued testing. it looks like there is something amiss in the SR routing. With mbng configures with 24 displays.
On the SmashTV dout module J3 O7 should be display 16. J3 O7 is definitely display 24.
On J4 O7 does nothing. O0 is display 23, O1 is display 22, O2 display 21, O3 is display 20, O4 is display 19, O5 is display 18, O6 is display 17, O7 is nothing.
When configured for 32 displays the pattern repeats, but with displays 32-25 with display 32 missing, it should appear on J5 O7.
When configured for 40 displays the pattern repeats, but with displays 33-40 with display 40 missing, it should appear on J6 O7.
Also, during all these tests J3 O7 continued to be Display 24.
Hope this helps
Keep it up, we'll find it:)