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pcbatterij last won the day on April 5 2016

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  1. Hello, I am looking to put my TR-9090 and MB-909 (Beta III pcb) into a case. Do you have any TNiner cases left? Or would you share the case-related files?

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Musically yours,


  2. BOM for the MB909 can be found on the wiki: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mb909 adobe illustrator file of the unfinished case can be found: http://www.synthage.com/Betaforum/PhPforum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=163&start=30 I have also uploaded the latest unfinished firmware to the midibox repository.
  3. BOM for the MB909 can be found on the wiki: http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=mb909 adobe illustrator file of the unfinished case can be found: http://www.synthage.com/Betaforum/PhPforum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=163&start=30 I have also uploaded the latest unfinished firmware to the midibox repository.
  4. pcbatterij


    a few pictures of my MB909 control surface for the LPC core. This is the control surface initially intended to control my 9090.
  5. I will upload a stm32f4 hex file soon to the mb909 forum. cheers, Jef
  6. hey all, I have the MB909 beta version 4 boards now (easier soldering and connection to the core). I have also tested the MB909 with the STM32F4 core, and all seems to work fine. I am also finally in the last stage of having the case finished. should you like to have one of these, please enter on the following list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av9ZyDwCt04MdFB6cTZKaV9uMDF1cWY0X1pBOWxqNXc&usp=sharing cheers, Jef
  7. Pete, thx for the reply. I have been having a few problems with SVN, but I can see the latest version now, and you are right it was already in there. my bad cheers, Jef
  8. I have looked further and my guess is that in ui.c there should also be: u8 ui_store_file_required; cheers,
  9. Hey all, Has anybody had a problem compiling the seq V4 firmware with the ui_store_file_required ? I keep having "UNDIFINED REFERENCE TO 'ui_store_file_required' I am using the latest files on the SVN? does anybody have an idea what this might couse? cheers, Jef
  10. hey KB9YEN, I am doing the MB909 firmware based on the SeqV4 firmware. it is only compatible with the MB909 CS. As the MB909 is still in beta version the firmware can be found on the 9090 and MB909 forum for the beta testers. the one on the MIOS SVN an old version. I will upload the current version shortly. cheers Jef
  11. Hey guys, if you would like a beta kit please put your name on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av9ZyDwCt04MdFB6cTZKaV9uMDF1cWY0X1pBOWxqNXc&usp=sharing I am working my way through the list cheers, Jef
  12. Hey all, I have read through the manual but didn't find an answer to the following question: Is it possible to loop step 17 to 32 from a 32 step track without first playing the steps 1-16 first? I am asking this, because it would be nice for me to sometimes split the track in two. Sorry if it is already explained somewhere. cheers, Jef
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