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Posts posted by Schrabikus

  1. Yes! Just fugured it out. Toggling "Play" don't send note off.

    But there's still some volume offset.

    With MP depth set to 32 I can get 0V Volume voltage. But it rises only to 2.5V with envelope triggered. And 1.86-4.37V range with MP depth 127.

  2. AOUT_NG is calibrated to unipolar 0-5V range.

    Changing Volume 0-127 sweeps aout volume channels from 0 to 5v.

    All 8 AOUT voltages can be changed from 0 to 5v with EXT menu.


    When i'm routing ENV2 to volume as on picture i have next behavior:

    After note on Volume CV rises to 4.37v and remains constant after note off. It can be changed it with Sustain level in 1.86-4.37V range, also with Envelope depth [0-127] in the same range.


    So VCA stays silent only untill some notes played.


  3. OLED is working fine! A little noisy, but 

    I think you're right, if it's working - no need change anything.

    4-bit is good for hardware compatibility, but not so critical. I'm just wanna deal with it to adapt this display to another projects with no possibility of 8-bit connection.

    Thanks again!

  4. Thanks for reply, Thorsten.


    Yesterday I found that i missed CAN interface diode. Soldered it and cyclic reboots are gone. Nex time I should better read paragraph [3] of your MBSID troubleshooting doc  :blush: .


    "|" character started started look normal when i'm change

    movlw	0x01        	; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Data

    with this.


    	movlw	0x01 			; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr

    Looks like USER_LCD_Data function not working correctly with this OLED.

    Sending 0x09 instead to select ROMC makes no sense. Characters still ok.


    T.K., the question is how should look the 4-bit equivalent of this?

    	movlw	0x01 			; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set     ;
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr     ; transfer upper 4 bit
            swapf   USER_LCD_LAT_D, F       ;
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
            rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Set     ;
            rcall   USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr     ; transfer lower 4 bit  
            movlw   50                      ; 50 ms delay
            call    MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr

    Is that correct or I have to duplicate USER_LCD_LAT_D, F two times more?


    I have some suspicions about 4-bit init fail.









  5. Thanks for reply, Thorsten.


    Yesterday I found that i missed CAN interface diode. Soldered it and cyclic reboots are gone. Nex time I should better read paragraph [3] of your MBSID troubleshooting doc  :blush: .


    "|" character started started look normal when i'm change

    movlw	0x01        	; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Data

    with this.


    	movlw	0x01 			; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr

    Looks like USER_LCD_Data function not working correctly with this OLED.

    Sending 0x09 instead to select ROMC makes no sense. Characters still ok.


    T.K., the question is how should look the 4-bit equivalent of this?

    	movlw	0x01 			; /////////////////////CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
            swapf USER_LCD_LAT_D, F
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
            rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
            rcall USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
            movlw 50   ; 50 ms delay
            call MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr















  6. Little progress!

    Found this: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wilba_mb_6582


    you can run in 8-bit mode by using two PIC pins from port E to replace the two PIC pins being used by the CAN bus. Solder those jumper pads on the bottom side, run the change device ID app to use custom LCD driver, the custom LCD driver file should already be in the source code of the MB-SID V2 application and compiled in. If you want to run other applications, you'll need to copy that custom LCD driver file into those source directories and rebuild those applications.


    Reconnected D2, D3 OLED lines to J5 pins 1,2 according to mb6582 PCB

    added my custom init sequence to app_lcd.inc in midibox_sid_v2/src

    (it's USER_LCD_Data and USER_LCD_Cmd functions stores bits 3:2 into port E bits 2:1)


    Now it loads, with some special character bugs and reboot every 30 seconds (can't figure out what causes it)



  7. Tried this OLED with MBSID. With default driver it reboots after "Launching CS" message and characters looks like shifted 1 pixel. 



    There's 8-bit demo code with initialization example.


    void LCD_initialize(void)
    	 Write_Command(0x2a);  //RE=1
    	 Write_Command(0x71);  //Function Selection A
    	 Write_Data(0x00);	//Disable internal VDD
    	 Write_Command(0x28);  //RE=0,IS=0
    	 Write_Command(0x08);  //display OFF
    	 Write_Command(0x2a);  //RE=1
    	 Write_Command(0x79);  //SD=1  OLED command set is enabled
    	 Write_Command(0xD5);  //Set Display Clock Divide Ratio/ Oscillator Frequency 
    	 Write_Command(0x78);  //SD=0   OLED command set is disabled
    	 Write_Command(0x08);  //5-dot font width, black/white inverting of cursor disable, 1-line or 2-line display mode
    	 Write_Command(0x06);  //COM0 -> COM31  SEG99 -> SEG0,
    	 Write_Command(0x72);  //Function Selection B. Select the character no. of character generator    Select character ROM
    	 Write_Data(0x01);  //CGRAOM 248 COGRAM 8   Select  ROM A
    	 Write_Command(0x2a);  //RE=1
    	 Write_Command(0x79);  //SD=1  OLED command set is enabled
    	 Write_Command(0xDA);  //Set SEG Pins Hardware Configuration  
    	 Write_Command(0x10);  //Alternative (odd/even) SEG pin configuration, Disable SEG Left/Right remap
    	 Write_Command(0xDC);  //Function Selection C  Set VSL & GPIO   
    	 Write_Command(0x00);  //Internal VSL  represents GPIO pin HiZ, input disabled (always read as low)
    	 Write_Command(0x81);  //Set Contrast Control   
    	 Write_Command(0xD9);  //Set Phase Length   
    	 Write_Command(0xDB);  //Set VCOMH Deselect Level (  
    	 Write_Command(0x30);  //0.83 x VCC
    	 Write_Command(0x78);  //SD=0   OLED command set is disabled
    	 Write_Command(0x28);  //RE=0,IS=0
    	 Write_Command(0x01);  //Clear Display
    	 Write_Command(0x80);  //Set DDRAM Address
    	 Write_Command(0x0C);  //Display ON


    I tried with 8-bit connection (OLED's jumpers allows to switch interface modes) and edited clcs/app_lcd.inc so it's initialisation part look like this:

    	;; initialize LCD
    	movlw	0x2a			;
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Cmd
    	movlw	0x71			; 
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Cmd
    	movlw	0x0
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	50			; 50 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
    	movlw	0x28			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x08			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x2a			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x79			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0xD5			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x70			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x78			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x08			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x06			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x72			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
    	movlw	0x0
    	movwf	USER_LCD_LAT_D
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Set
            movlw	10			; 10 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Strobe_Clr
            movlw	10			; 10 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
            movlw	0x2a			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x79			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0xDA			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x10			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0xDC			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x00			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x81			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x8F			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0xD9			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0xF1			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0xDB			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x30			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x78			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
            movlw	0x28			; 
    	rcall   USER_LCD_Cmd
    	movlw	0x01			; Clear Display
    	call	USER_LCD_Cmd
    	bcf	MIOS_LCD_TIMEOUT1, 7, BANKED	; everything ok, make sure that LCD_TIMEOUT, bit 7 is cleared
    	movlw	0x80			; without these lines the LCD will not work
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Cmd		; correctly after a second USER_LCD_Init
            movlw	100			; 100 ms delay
    	call	MIOS_Delay
    	movlw	0x0c
    	rcall	USER_LCD_Cmd
    	movlw	0x00			; set cursor to zero pos
    	rgoto	USER_LCD_CursorSet



    - initialization ok, works with lcd7 example, characters ok, but when i compile MBSID with this driver - moving garbage on screen.


    Than I tried to add initialisation sequence from demo code to Hawkeyes app_lcd.inc but no luck in 4-bit mode. Black screen with no signs of life.

    Was my attempt correct and what should i try next?

    Jojjelito, you say that there can be problems with USER_LCD_Cmd, could it be the cause of 4-bit mode fail?



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