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i finally attempted to use gputils on a PPC machine bu ti get this error:

rm -f *.cod *.lst *.err
rm -f *.hex
gpasm -p 18f452 main.asm
make: gpasm: Command not found
make: *** [main.hex] Error 127

- is GPUTILS the only package i have to install?

- when i type MAKE will the script check for all the .asm files? how can i target just 1 file?

- there is no main.err file as i was expecting



i ve downloaded the mpasm2gpasm.pl script but i don t really understand what to do with it, not even if it is necessary  ???


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[quote]i ve downloaded the mpasm2gpasm.pl script but i don t really understand what to do with it, not even if it is necessary[/quote]

Haha! No, you don't need this script to get gpasm running ;)

Installing the GPUTILS package is sufficient, but it seems that the installation wasn't successfull.

The message
[code]make: gpasm: Command not found[/code] tells you, that the command shell cannot find "gpasm" (which is part of the gputils package) How did you install the package, and could it be, that you overlooked more error or warning messages? Best Regards, Thorsten. [/code]
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..ok now i remember that i had to sudo make install cause without sudo i got the following errors:

IOBook:~/Desktop/FFdownloads/gputils-0.13.5 simonemarin$ make install
Making install in libgputils
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in libiberty
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
Making install in gpasm
test -z "/usr/local/bin" || /Users/simonemarin/Desktop/FFdownloads/gputils-0.13.5/install-sh -d "/usr/local/bin"
  /usr/bin/install -c 'gpasm' '/usr/local/bin/gpasm'
install: /usr/local/bin/gpasm: Permission denied
make[2]: *** [install-binPROGRAMS] Error 1
make[1]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

i tried sudo make to assemble an app but it gives the same result


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So, it's installed under /usr/local/bin now, I guess you already doublechecked this?

And the permissions are set properly, so that your user account can execute the file without sudo?

You checked that $PATH contains /usr/local/bin?

That I don't know, what else could be the reason... :/

Normaly the installation is really straightforward...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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As i'm having troubles with this too I thought about posting here ;D

so: I used GPUtils installer from: http://1710.co.uk/cms/content/view/17/26/

added /usr/local/bin to PATH, checked that GPUtils are installed on usr/local/bin too.

When I try to use the make command I get on the terminal:

-bash: make: command not found

??? sineSurfer != friend with the terminal :D

duh!, I need to have Developer tools installed, right?

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ok let s see: when i read before:

So, it's installed under /usr/local/bin now, I guess you already doublechecked this?

i checked in /usr/local/bin and found nothing, then i realized that i was on my linux machine.. damn

i went upstair to the mac and checked in /sw ... of course i found nothing, double dumb!

finally i used tinkertool to see hidden folders and there it is /usr/local/bin and gpasm is there and i ve given myself read and write rights, to the file and to all the directories

then i ve created a .bash_profile file in my Home directory and added the path to /usr/local/bin

now with echo $PATH i get


so that should be ok

i am lost..


still nothing, i get the same error

i hav

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;D ;D ;D

pffff "gracias a SineSurfer" the answer was in the wiki, as usual, demonstrating the utility of the wiki and the completeness of information in ucapps.de


If you get instead a return “command not foundâ€, you have to add usr/local/bin to your path environment:

mymac:~ user$ echo $PATH

now you should something like this: “/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbinâ€

copy this line (the output from your terminal window, not the one above). now type & paste:

mymac:~ user$ PATH=:<paste here>:/usr/local/bin

for the example above, the line should look like this:

mymac:~ user$ PATH=:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin

AudioCommander,TK maybe it could be useful to add this to the GPutils info, maybe just a link, and linking it also in http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/installing_gputils_and_sdcc_on_osx?do=backlink

also in Ben s page i couldn t find any PPC installer for GPutils, he s got the same source as sourceforge, or am i mistaken? is it an old link?


now i can finally leave the wintendo party once for all, mpasm was the real last application i needed.

i do like this step you took Thorsten, it s gonna change a bit my work flow now on.

thanks again!

(can t believe it, i had a 2Ghz laptop just for the only purpose to program a 40Mhz chip!)

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got it working too, second time with the Mac at home was really easy ;D

steps taken(sorry for the long post, this may belong to the wiki instead but it's useful to have all the needed info condensed in one place):

- Verify that Xcode is installed(or at least C compiler gcc), I'd say to make things easy install everything... it won't hurt. If not installed, you can find the installer on your Os X Install discs or download the installer from http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/

- download gputils source from http://gputils.sourceforge.net/

- expand the file

- open  Terminal app



-add a space

-drag the folder containing the gputils files to the terminal window, at the time of this post the folder name was: "gputils-0.13.5"

the folder path will appear on the terminal window, the whole line will read something like:

        yourUserName$ cd /Volumes/HD/downloads/gputils-0.13.5/

press enter, now you are on the gputils folder

- type the following command


press enter

- this command returns a long output, should be very fast and ends with something like this:

gputils-0.13.5 is now configured for

  Build:                powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0

  Host:                powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0

  Source directory:    .

  Installation prefix:  /usr/local

  C compiler:          gcc -g -O2

-now type


-press enter

this command returns a long output, it takes some more time

- type

make install

this command returns a long output, should be fast

to verify that gputils is installed go to Finder, open a new window and press shift+option+g, type "/usr/local/" on the input text field, press "Go"

you should find a folder named share with this folders inside:





also you should find on the bin folder this files:








- now you have to add usr/local/bin to your path environment:

- go back to the terminal window, type echo $PATH and press enter

you should see something like this: “/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbinâ€

copy that last line(the output from the terminal window)



-paste the copied text



- the resulting text, in this example should read(may be different on your machine, +/- or different defined paths):


-press enter

-alternative way:

Type in Terminal cd ~ to return to the home folder, next type pico .profile to bring up a text editor with the .profile file, or to create it if it doesn't exist. Add as the last line:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

Press CTRL-X, then Y to exit and save.

you are done now and ready to compile new hex files, for the next example I used midibox_sid_v2_0_rc17 source files:



-add a space

-drag the folder containing the app source files, press enter

now you are on the source files folder



-after few secs. or so, the output reads something like

rm -f *.cod *.lst *.err

rm -f *.hex

gpasm -p 18f4685 -I ./src setup_6581.asm

gpasm -p 18f4685 -I ./src setup_8580.asm

gpasm -p 18f4685 -I ./src setup_tk.asm

gpasm -p 18f4685 -I ./src setup_mb6582.asm

that's it, you'll have a new hex file to upload to the core.

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sorry I've seen this topic too late, 'cause I'm not monitoring the ASM section ;)

Just two quick follow-ups:

not only it s not there but /usr doesn t even exist

The easiest way to get there in a finder window (and in fact anywhere elsewhere hidden) is to press CMD+SHIFT+G in a Finder Window, then you can type the path "/usr/local/bin" and it takes you there!

also in Ben s page i couldn t find any PPC installer for GPutils' date=' he s got the same source as sourceforge, or am i mistaken? is it an old link?[/quote']

No, Ben has a binary installer for both PPC and Intel, so no need to become a unix-guru :-)

And if you're both by chance installing SDCC as well, there's now a working binary installer on the SDCC page (2.7.x); my 2.4.x installer is outdated...



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i have all the sdcc enviroment installed,actually i wonder why i had to redirect the path to /usr/local/bin if i did it already when i installed sdcc.

Quote from: cimo on Today at 00:53

not only it s not there but /usr doesn t even exist

The easiest way to get there in a finder window (and in fact anywhere elsewhere hidden) is to press CMD+SHIFT+G in a Finder Window, then you can type the path "/usr/local/bin" and it takes you there!

the problemo was that i was looking for it in /sw !!

now i only miss MIOSStudio to work in my linux machine .. soundcard already connected

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

good stuff sinesurfer.

I have done all things, but i still get

"unknown-00-11-24-25-99-a5:~/Desktop/midibox_seq_v3_3c-1 ricardowebbens$ make

rm -rf *.cod *.lst *.err

rm -rf *.hex

gpasm  -p p18f4620  -I./src -I ./include/asm -I ./include/share -I ./modules/app_lcd/dummy -I ./modules/iic_midi -I ./modules/j5_io  -I ./modules/aout  setup_mbseq_v3.asm

make: gpasm: Command not found

make: *** [setup_mbseq_v3.hex] Error 127"

I have installed gputils, my user/local/bin , its the way it should be and also sdcc reads good when i call it.

Any ideas?

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This error is from make, saying that it cannot find the assembler (gpasm)

The directory in which gputils is installed, should be in your PATH. If it is, you should be able to find it by typing 'gpasm -v' as AC suggested. You can also try 'whereis gpasm', to locate the directory in which the command is first found.

I don't know about osx, but this 1st hit on google seems right: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2621/os_x_change_path_environment_variable/

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This what reads for gputils

gputils-0.13.6 is now configured for

  Build:                powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0

  Host:                powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0

  Source directory:    .

  Installation prefix:  /usr/local

  C compiler:          gcc -g -O2

and this for gpasm

gpasm-0.13.6 beta

for sdcc

SDCC : mcs51/gbz80/z80/avr/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/xa51/ds400/hc08 2.5.4 #1189 (Dec 30 2005) (UNIX)

i install gputils from scratch and the problem was in the gputils package.

My previous install was 0.12 replace with this new one 0.13, and voilá problem solved

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