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How to combine MIDI IN and MIDI Out?


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Hello again,

one more thing came to my mind today: For my project (a module for 128 buttons and a RGB LED for each button, no velocity) I would like to send the MIDI Data via a MIDIBox-to-COM interface to my computer (possibly over USB, but that only needs a converter using a FT232). I would like to access the serial port via my own software on my Mac.

I will chain some Cores together in my Project. Now it came to my mind, that in that situation, I have two MIDI ports at two cores, which I need to combine: The MIDI port at the first core, and the one at the last core. Is it possible to combine that to a single COM-port? I see the following solutions:

- a MIDImerger (probably quite slow)

- a MBHP-USB interface (has somebody tried that on OS X? Does it need special drivers on the Mac side?)

- aren't there chips which can combine two different serial ports? The thing is that one

   will only be used for sending data, the other will only be used for receiving data

Another solution could be to use MBnet and to use one Core as the main interface to the Mac. I like that solution, because I think it would be fast and is also very extendable. Unfortunately I did not find much on the MBnet on the ucapps pages, there is no examples. Does it work? I did not find any functions in MIOS relating to it.

I attached a picture to explain what I wrote.

Thanks, ALEXander.

MIDImerger Problem_thumb.jpg


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Allow me to reply to myself:

Seems like the MBHP USB is a good idea, since I can connect two cores directly. But here I cannot simulate a serial interface, or can I? How does it work on the Mac side: Do I have to load a driver? Has anybody used this module under MAC OS X?

Also: The microcontroller from Cypress seems to be obsolete, and I could not find the development software anymore. There is a new chip (EZ-USB FX1), but there does not seem to be free software for it. Does anybody know of a USB controller chip with two USART's which could be used for the described task?


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One again:

The AN2131SC does not seem to be available anymore, I checked with Reichelt, Mouser, DigiKey and Arrow.

So the FT232 seems like a good option to me, because it is well supported with the Virttual Com Port driver. I do not want to develop my own USB driver for OSX, I am not that used to programming for Mac.

But, the question still remains: How do I combine the two interfaces into one? One MIDI in from one core, and one MIDI out from another core. Or would it be better to dedicate one core to the MIDI in/out communication and to talk to the other cores via MBnet? But where can I find examples for MBnet?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Hi Cimo!

Thanks for helping a newbie...

Yes, now I have it. I think I got a bit confused... sorry.

I found the "How to use MIDIBox Link with the COM-port" drawing now. I think I will go with that solution, and maybe in the future try to connect the whole think to a FT232 to go via USB.



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