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18F in MB Plus?


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Is it possible to use an 18F PIC in a MIDIbox Plus/16?  My friend and I plan to make a weekend project of building a couple of MIDIbox plus, and I would rather do a quantity buy of 18F PICs for future projects than buy only 2 16F PICs at 3 times the cost.

Has anybody tried this?

Many thanks in advance.

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Hi Nebula,

no, MIOS isn't compatible with the MIDIbox Plus PCB, and I don't want to support an alternative version of MIOS as it would mean double effort for myself and for programmers of an application. So, maybe it's better to start with a MBHP design.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks Thorsten,

I would never expect you to port the old stuff.  I ask only because my friend has already etched a couple of boards for MB 16, and we already have most of the parts kicking around.  We'll build the MB 16's using the older PIC, but I'm already started on designing a quad-SID layout :)


Nebula (Steve from Toronto)

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