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DIY audio patchbay with digital routing....How hard?


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Its growing, right now the wiki page is a collection of comments from this thread.

I need help deciding what at features and what are wish list.

I also couldn't find much on Docmatrix, which makes me feel bad since its a working project.

Question:  Is this an official midibox project?  Should I list it under the official section?


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Nah I think official midibox = TK wrote it... this one will be a user project, once the documentation is done and there's at least a prototype of some sorts

Your collection is doing well, nice one mate. The only issue I can see at the moment is that there seems to be some mixup (pardon the pun) between lyle's mixer project, and this. Volume/gain control would be implemented by having the mixer as a separate core and all, but audio inputs physically hardwired to the matrix outputs. They're really separate things, but we'll be sure that the hardware designs will be compatible.

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tilted, thanks

Now I'm concerned that no one is working on the software drivers/firmware whatever you want to call it.

How specifically will the crosspoint connect to the core module, and who is going to write the asm routines so we can control the crosspoint?

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  • 3 weeks later...


So, under much initial duress, I have switched from Eagle to KiCad.

-this explains why this thread hasn't budged in a while.

The good news is, I've now finished the switchpoint board (again) for the AD75019 device.

Coming up: The Input buffers and output buffers/balanced line drivers.

I feel so cleansed, to be using open source software again! Ahhhhhh!

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  • 5 weeks later...


Input buffer / "differential line receiver" board complete.

Switchpoint Matrix already complete.

Output buffer / "differential line driver" soon.

Everything else, as they say, is straight outta uCApps!

I am currently working on a balanced I/O board http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,12149.0.html

I was wondering if your schematic was available and how you have implemented your design., care to share, or too early?

And as another thought related to the matrix... How hard would it be for the matrix to talk to MB Mixer so that if I had 16 inputs on the MB Mixer connected to 16 outputs of the matrix, the mb mixer would display what source was coming in from the matrix? this would then update if the matrix patch was switched? Could probably be done with SysEx? That would be a really slick level of integration. just a thought, And I'll say this: this matrix and the mbmixer interest me, but are far off on a list of projects to complete, so don't take any pains to implement this just for me, I'm just throwing it out b/c I thought that it would be cool....


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How hard would it be for the matrix to talk to MB Mixer so that if I had 16 inputs on the MB Mixer connected to 16 outputs of the matrix, the mb mixer would display what source was coming in from the matrix? this would then update if the matrix patch was switched? Could probably be done with SysEx? That would be a really slick level of integration. just a thought,

The MBMixer does support named channels. It's one of the first things I added. At this time, it does not allow changing the names by SysEx. There's no reason why it couldn't do it though, there are flash read/write routines already in use for the preset management stuff.

The question would be, do you burn every name change into flash, or would it be better to keep them all in RAM, and expect them to be initialized after every reset? I guess some combination of the two would be best.

So your answer, not yet, but it can be added. :-)


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  • 1 month later...

Progress: sorta.

I've finalised the prototype files for the inputs, outputs, and the matrix itself. All three of these boards now exist as multi-layer Gerber files, ready to send to the board-house.

Movement: not really.

I just can't throw a lot of money at this at the moment. I made a bit of a pact with myself to (and I realise this sounds extraordinary on these pages) stop adding to my 'to do list', until after I've finished my monster LC box. I (as many others) seem to just keep adding things to my list, without dedicating any more time to actually completing anything. I guess I just need to prove to myself that I can actually dedicate time to something specific.

Don't give up, this project has not vaporised, but it has sort of slowed a little, 'til I can afford to prototype a board.

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Truer words were seldom spoken.

The raw volume of details that must be worked out, checked, and verified for a new project is staggering.

I have designed a built projects from scratch before, but even with this experience, the mixer took longer than I ever dreamed it would.

It helps me to remember that I'm doing this for fun. If I start to stress out, then it's time to walk away for a while. If I'm not having fun, then I'm not doing it right.

One of the best thigs about a DIY community is that if anyone starts bugging you to get something done, you can tell them to go do it themselves. :-)

When this project starts developing again, I'd be happy to offer any help that I can. We may be able to re-use some of the PGA code for this as well. (or maybe not, I don't mind either way).

Have Fun,


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I can imagine the amount of work and time this takes must be huge! Impressive that you manage to get it done because I know the ever-growing ToDo list syndrome as well as trying to have a "normal" life next to: a job, making music, playing guitar, having a electronics addiction...  ;)

I did not mean to push or anything, I was just curious. And indeed try to have some fun while doing it!  :D

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Actually truth told, it's done in terms of layout.

All we need to do is:

- Make the boards and verify that they actually work.

- Write the app.

Then it becomes DIY...

What has taken extra long so far, is me doing the layouts from scratch about 6 times. A few times became corrupted files, then there was a switch to kicad, then a couple of re-designs.

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  • 2 months later...

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