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Question regarding LCD display for a Midibox64


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I'v read through the LCD module writeup on uCapps, and from what I can see using the standard MIOS there is no point getting a bigger screen than 2x16 for the Midibox64...is this correct? If so, Would the following screen be suitable?


it can be found here:


part number: CFAH1602A-AGH-JT (the second orange one, the first one has been discontinued)

I can't see on their site whether their LCD displays are HD44780 compliant? as I've noticed a few other people mention crystalfontz on here in the past though I'd assume this is going to be useable? any help is much appreciated :)

EDIT: I did some more searching on the site and found out this display IS HD44780 compliant. I assume this means it is useable? Do I need to do anything out of the ordinary to use THIS lcd display? thanks :)

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EDIT: I did some more searching on the site and found out this display IS HD44780 compliant. I assume this means it is useable? Do I need to do anything out of the ordinary to use THIS lcd display? thanks :)

Good boy, done the homework yourself...  ;)

Now, you only need to check that the wiring is OK - each pin on the core module should go to the equally named pin on the display. They might be arranged in a different order. Take especially care of the 5V and GND connections so that you don't fry the LCD. That's all.

Best regards, ilmenator

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cheers mate :) after all that I've decided I'm going to go with this LCD instead:


mainly due to price, the other one is somewhere around 20 dollars (US i assume) not including postage, whereas that one I can get for around 12 dollars AU including postage :) can always swap them over later on if Im not happy with this one anyway, although it looks to be ok, unless anyone knows something about that brand/style that is dodgey?

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