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not getting signal at Rx


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Hello everyone... i have built my first smashtv kit. I am powerinig through usb and am getting solid readings at every point according to the troubleshooting guide except at Rx. I have signal at octocoupler and Tx. I have 4 pots connected without an AIN and have the remaining inputs grounded.

I have connected my core to mios studio and this is what I get:

00000000066126 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000066131 ms | [FC] Stop

00000000066133 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000066142 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000068159 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000073159 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000073162 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000073164 ms | [FE] Active Sensing

00000000073170 ms | [FE] Active Sensing

00000000073176 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 F0 F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000074468 ms | [b0 79 00] Channel 1: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b0 7B 00] Channel 1: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b1 79 00] Channel 2: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b1 7B 00] Channel 2: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b2 79 00] Channel 3: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b2 7B 00] Channel 3: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b3 79 00] Channel 4: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b3 7B 00] Channel 4: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b4 79 00] Channel 5: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b4 7B 00] Channel 5: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b5 79 00] Channel 6: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b5 7B 00] Channel 6: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b6 79 00] Channel 7: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b6 7B 00] Channel 7: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b7 79 00] Channel 8: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [b7 7B 00] Channel 8: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [b8 79 00] Channel 9: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [b8 7B 00] Channel 9: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [b9 79 00] Channel 10: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [b9 7B 00] Channel 10: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bA 79 00] Channel 11: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bA 7B 00] Channel 11: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bB 79 00] Channel 12: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bB 7B 00] Channel 12: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bC 79 00] Channel 13: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bC 7B 00] Channel 13: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bD 79 00] Channel 14: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bD 7B 00] Channel 14: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bE 79 00] Channel 15: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074469 ms | [bE 7B 00] Channel 15: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074470 ms | [bF 79 00] Channel 16: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074470 ms | [bF 7B 00] Channel 16: CC All Notes Off value: 0

Before I did my troubleshooting, I did everything and have attempted numerous times to upload modified sysex. I'm so stressssssed out that research is becoming clouded. I just don't understand and have a brickwall on my forehead.

I have verified that all of my soldering is on point. i'm beginning to get depressed.

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I have connected my core to mios studio and this is what I get:

00000000066126 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000066131 ms | [FC] Stop

00000000066133 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000066142 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000068159 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000073159 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000073162 ms | [FF] System Reset

00000000073164 ms | [FE] Active Sensing

00000000073170 ms | [FE] Active Sensing

00000000073176 ms | Sysex message: F0 00 00 F0 F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

00000000074468 ms | [b0 79 00] Channel 1: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b0 7B 00] Channel 1: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b1 79 00] Channel 2: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b1 7B 00] Channel 2: CC All Notes Off value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b2 79 00] Channel 3: CC Reset All Controllers value: 0

00000000074468 ms | [b2 7B 00] Channel 3: CC All Notes Off value: 0

AKA: A bunch of noise and crud and reboots.

Did you do the midi troubleshooting guide? It's on ucapps.de, scroll down to the bottom of the menu on the left...

Come back with ALL the results of ALL of the tests and we'll have a good chance of fixing this :)

(it sounds like maybe you did this already but it's not really clear)

My guess: dodgy midi interface or dodgy optocoupler.

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OK, here are my results from a thorough troubleshoot.



• TEST CORE2: n/a

• TEST CORE3: all solderings are good.

• TEST CORE4: all connections have solid readings except at Rx with 0V.

• TEST CORE5: all connections are solid.







• TEST OUT1: Flickering OK

• TEST OUT2: n/a

• TEST PC1: ok



• TEST IN2: ok

• TEST IN3: no flickering. Also verified if led works.

• TEST IN6: no flickering

• TEST IN7: when I took the octocoupler out and created the 2nd standalone test, I got a reading of .13V when the circuit was closed. However, I got 0V when the circuit was opened.

Does this mean my octocoupler is kaplooey?

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Come back with ALL the results of ALL of the tests and we'll have a good chance of fixing this :)

Sounds like the opto is screwey, but you skipped a few tests; typically, the ones we need to see.

So I'll try again:

Come back with ALL the results of ALL of the tests

Why does that request invariably get ignored? Is it something about the way I asked?

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el_cuc0, do as stryd_one says, he's the troubleshooting-master ;D

Does this mean my octocoupler is kaplooey?

Well, it's a pretty common problem and (w/o looking at the test results) pretty likely, but still:

el_cuc0, do as stryd_one says, he's the troubleshooting-master ;D

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Ahahah OK so you skipped all the failed tests ;)

Your test results don't add up man...

TEST CORE4: all connections have solid readings except at Rx with 0V.

Makes no sense. What core are you using? SmashTV Core R4?

test in4: failed

Again makes no sense. By the end, you are connecting the 5V power supply that connects to pin8 of the opto, direct to the LED, and then to ground.

The only way these last two could fail is if you have a broken trace on the PCB...

test in5: failed

again, makes no sense. Did you try this with the LED and the protection diode in both directions? That's four tests....

Can you please paste the logs of the midi tests like 'inout' and PC2, provide details of your PSU.... wait, i just noticed that you said you are powering through USB..... No hub, right? Have you tried other power? How about a 9V plugpack/wallwart via the onboard regulation? Does your core have anything else attached? (DIN/DOUT/LCD ?) how does it go if you detach them?

I'd buy a couple of new opto's now - one for testing with and a spare ;)

Is this midi interface confirmed to be working with other devices? With sysex too? What is it?

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i have 4 pots attached to it with the rest of the other inputs grounded. I have no other modules attached.

i'm using the smashtv core.

the protection diode is in the correct direction.

the purpose of this device is to control traktor 3.

i bought an opto last night so i'll be getting it by next week.

if the device were to be working with other devices, i should get a reading in mios studio as i confirmed with anoter midi controller. the problem was that i was trying to upload the sysex, but i wouldn't get a response back from the core. You know, when uploading sysex in mios studio there's the option of waiting for the core to reply for the next sysex chunk to transmit. well, i wasn't getting any responses so i forced the upload. I confirmed my interface is working fine because I can see the midi out (fromPC) LED blink with every chunk sent. So at that point i fired up traktor, i set a certain parameter to the cc value of my first pot and nothing. from that point, i went back to mios studio just to see if i were getting any signal at all... but nothing.

I have a feeling it's my opto, i'll admit that I didn't handle it 100% safely. I'll go over those few tests again to see if i get the same results. I don't think it's a physical problem with the pcb because i performed continuity tests with my multimeter and everything was in order.

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if the device were to be working with other devices

I asked about the midi interface working with other devices. As in, can you send sysex from your PC to another synth successfully?

If you loop your midi cable from output to input and send sysex, do you recieve exactly what you sent? Can you paste it in here? (both in and out) (That's Test PC2)

I think I already asked what midi interface it is? Have you checked the blacklist? Some interfaces have "issues"

I confirmed my interface is working fine because I can see the midi out (fromPC) LED blink with every chunk sent.

hahaha bzzzt sorry try again ;D that confirms that the LED blinks, nothing more :D

I don't think it's a physical problem with the pcb because i performed continuity tests with my multimeter and everything was in order.

That's a good move. Did you test for shorts as well, or just to make sure the pins/sockets were all connected?

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initially when i completed the pcb i had a short when two solder points were touching, but that was it. i performed the short tests that i read on the mbhp64 walkthrough.

the interface that i'm using is a brand new m-audio uno. i had to get it because my other interface is the firewire m-audio projectmix connected to my g5... my windows laptop does not accept firewire.

by the way, thanks a lot stryd, you've been a great help.

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Cool, there are a number of posts on this forum from people using the Uno so that should be right (although one post mentioned that there is more than one type of uno)

This is a bit of a strange one for sure... Hope I can help fix it!!

Where was the short?

Can you get me those logs man? We need those to go on...

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