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newbie and old floorboard project : midi CC button "0" --> "10"


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first of all: hi everybody  and thanks for site , project and everything. I build the "old" floorboard  ( http://www.ucapps.de/floorboard.html  )and it worked right-out-the-box , first power-on  :) 

  I will package it VERY small , so small to stick-it outside a guitar ( or , if i find a no-vintage strat ,i will build INSIDE,  I'll post pictures, of course !  ;)  )

I would like to make a litlle mod: the program-change button marked "0" it would be better to become the "10" button for some midi hardware so for every banks to have from 1 to 10 and NOT from 0 to 9; is it possible ?  I got a look inside the source code and I think I have to modify the "button.inc" file, but I'm not an expert in PIC code      :-[  ..( ..not yet , i hope to be in future.. ).

Anyway , thanks again everybody for the knowledge and the good quality projects I found here around.

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Welcome aboard SpeedyGuitar! ;D

is it possible ?  I got a look inside the source code and I think I have to modify the "button.inc" file

Yes, definitely possible and yes, "buttons.inc" is the file to modify. I'd suggest you fiddle with it a bit yourself (for the learning and all) and if you run into problems - just ask :-)

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thanks all for the quick reply..  :)

Hi nILS Podewski  ,  ok I'll try ..hoping to do not make too much errors ( i don't like burnin' PICs ..  :)  )

  I was looking the "button.inc" source and I found the routine to modify, "BUTTON_B5_Pressed" ..but maybe also "BUTTON_B5_Pressed_ok"  and "BUTTON_B5_Pressed_ok1 and ..ok2.

I would change :


movlw 0x00

... maybe  change "0x00" to "0x0a" ( hex  of "10" ) but I suspect that I have to understand exacly how the code works when banks goes up and down AND how exacly manage the display ...

The final package could be without display ( I will make it VERY small.. :-)  )  and so I could forget 'bout the display for now, but i think it's better to care about the banks ..

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