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Where are the F*$%ing mod wheels?

Time Squid

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I need spring loaded mod wheels for 5k full range, and its impossible to find them, Ive spent days now.  the only ones on all the online are these:


and they dont have full range on the bends, so quite hard to use... plus they only have 10K

why are there not any simple 5K spring loaded wheels anywhere? shouldent it be more of a more demanded DIY product? people make synths all the time and pitch wheels are essential, right!!

Ive given up, unless anyof you guys know how to save this pipe dream. 

so... Im looking into simple spring loaded slider pots, any idea where I might find those?, not sure what to call them technically speaking.

Any adv ice on some good resellers of components like these would be fantastic, thank you all!

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welcome to this friendly community, we ll be very happy to help you solving your problems and get in a better mood

I need spring loaded mod wheels for 5k full range, and its impossible to find them, Ive spent days now.

I ve spent 4 months to get some M3 threaded spacers 10mm long, call that frustrating?

Ive given up, unless anyof you guys know how to save this pipe dream.

never give up!

so... Im looking into simple spring loaded slider pots, any idea where I might find those?, not sure what to call them technically speaking.

in fact i don t understand, what about a link to a picture or something?

you may try Alesis spare parts service i remember they stock some mod wheels, have you searched this forum? this has been discussed a few times

Good luck


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the doepfer ones are the same linked above, they are simply not very usable. 

I like your attitude simone, but I just dont have time. 

I will check out alesis spare parts, that would be amazing if I could get some alesis wheels as they always have the radest.

and I will let you know If I find any

within my midibox forum search, the doepfer ones are really the only ones anyone ever finds, other than that are schematics to build your own.

as for spring loaded sliders, what I mean is a slider (fader) that springs back to its original position after your slide it down.  perhaps I could use a regular fader and connect elastic, but I would like a well designed slider.  Im more than willing to pay for quality.  any ideas?

thanks guys

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oh well,

this is like asking what i think about the politic situation in the middle east...

the amount of freakiness in the diy/repair synth world is too wide to be embraced in this thread and i am not really too much into it..

but i know at least 3 guys here around who knows about synths parts, wave the voodoo chicken and hold on.. sorry but if you are on a hurry, diy is not the right way to go


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  • 5 weeks later...

I have a number of salvaged mod and pitch wheel assemblies for the Alesis Andromeda - spring-loaded pitch wheel, non-springed mod wheel. I don't remember the pot value, and they're in storage so I can't jump up and find out, but I have them if anyone is interested. I'd certainly sell pairs for less than what is asked for one at that link (although the QS wheels are wider, if you prefer that).

PM me if you're interested and I'll reply when I can get at them (going to be a bit of a wait).

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i can probably come up with something using a regular pot, a plastic wheel (lexan sounds like a good idea, it could be lit up as well) for a knob and a bracket which attaches to the pot base with a spring.  i'd need to know what kind of space constraints you have and how you would be mounting it all.  i'm pretty handy with crafting things when i have the inspiration... ;) and i have a small cnc mill here.  also, i could cut the wheel out of almost anything (within reason) at work like plastic, aluminum, steel...  all this would be really easy to do without the spring loaded option but still do-able with spring loading depending on the torque of the pot and the spring of the spring.

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