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MBHP USB Not working anymore

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I have two MBUSB modules. One is built into my MBFM and the other is built into my WIP MBSID.

Both have been tested as working and I have used the MBFM one several times, in fact I even used the SID one to do some preliminary MIOS/SID software loading. That being said I just got a new MacBook with 10.5.3 (thanks to Apple's excellent hardware replacement under warranty) and both my USBs are no longer working!

Both modules show up in the "System Profiler" and the "Audio Midi Setup" panel. Their ports however do not come up at all within Sysex Librarian or MIOS Studio (I'm using MMJ). I have tested my UNO and it comes up fine with no apparent issues. Does anyone have any suggestions or similar problems?

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I've a similar issue with my MBP with any MIDI USB interface (e.g. MBHP_USB*, GM5, modified MIDIsport 2x2), whenever the MIDIbox is externally powered, and MIDI In/Out are not isolated against USB power. The interface will only be regognized, when the MIDIbox is not powered while plugging the interface into the USB port.

So, are you using optocouplers at the MIDI INs of MBHP_USB and Core module? It makes sense to add them.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I recall you recommending this previously when I did my FM, but I did do that for this project and it just did not work AT ALL and gave me all sorts of problems. I eventually just started using the octo-coupler bypass again and it at least worked.

But as I said, it's actually showing up as connected, it's just the actual ports of the MBHP USB that are accessible for some reason, I don't even have my MBSID turned on at that moment. This should not matter as I should see the 2 in and 2 out ports of the MBHP USB with or without something connected to the ports. (yes, I even removed the interconnection to the core to test)

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No one have any suggestions? I've tried again by disconnecting everything and connecting it to USB. It's showing up as connected to USB (still) but (still) does not show the available ports. I should hope it doesn't have anything to do with the Core/USB interconnection because it has been removed. It appears as if it's something else

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Which firmware version are you using? I remember, that v1_0 (or v1_1?) was compiled with reduced (non-compliant) USB device descriptors as workaround for a WinME bug. v1_2 has been compiled with complete descriptor table.

Also the vendor/product ID could be for interest. Go to "Apple->ABout my Mac->More Informations" (naming could differ in your installation), select the USB tab, select MBHP_USB interface. You should see

Version: 0.01
  Bus-Strom (mA): 500
  Geschwindigkeit: Bis zu 12 MBit/s
  Hersteller: Thorsten Klose
  Produkt-ID: 0x8ef1
  Hersteller-ID: 0xac89

(german installation)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes this is how I have been verifying it's connected while still not seeing the ports in different programs

Version: 0.01

Bus Power (mA): 500

Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec

Manufacturer: Thorsten Klose

Product ID: 0x8ef1

Vendor ID: 0xac89

So this means it's what version? I know that it was programmed about a year ago, I'm pretty sure there's been no release since.

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Yes, v1.2 has been released in February 2004

There is a newer version on my PC (but I haven't used it for the MBHP_USB connected with the Mac) with a new Vendor ID that I got from Voti, and some other optimisations that I don't remember anymore. It could be worth a try, just to check if 0x8ef1 somehow conflicts with another USB device.

However, chances are low, especially if we consider, that I'm using a very similar MBP (6 months old) and the latest Leopard release as well

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Well since I was never able to program eeproms I can't really try them out :-\

I guess I'll have to try plumstone perhaps, but I don't know why mmj wouldn't work on a clean install of 10.5 when it was working on my old dirty installation of it. Also as a note: the developer of MMJ is also using 10.5 MBP so he has no clue why it wouldn't work either.

I just hope I can get my budget SID going soon. I'm already sad since my new LCD is half the size of the smashed one, so my case is going to suck.

Thanks Thorsten,

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Okay this is extra crappy.

I plugged in mandolane and I don't even get the shareware nag screen when I start up. This makes no sense as it's there in /Library/Java/Extensions. I even tried to put it in ~/Library/Java/Extensions with no success. I have no idea what's going on.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh man,

Does anyone know how to debug this? I just tried the procedure on my girlfriend's computer. I downloaded MMJ, and mios studio. I installed mmj, plugged in the module and ran mios studio and it worked right off the bat!!!!! I actually just just installed a fresh copy of Leopard on her macbook (regular). I have no idea what the differences in our installs were.

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Does anyone know how to debug this?

Well I know squat about macs but... What's that about a correctly phrased question containing it's own answer?

...the procedure on my ... computer. I download... MMJ, and mios studio. I install... mmj, plug... in the module and ... mios studio ... work... right off the bat!!!!! ...

But don't forget before you start:

just install... a fresh copy of Leopard....

;D ;D

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To be concise ->

It is a fresh copy of Leopard on both machines

Same install procedure on both

It worked on my friend's computer but not mine for some very non-obvious reason

The USB module appears as loaded but the ports never appear on my computer IN EITHER sysex librarian or MIOS Studio regardless

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A reinstall is a fresh copy of the OS .... I thought you just did that? If it's been only a few weeks since you got it from the shop, maybe something else you installed has broken it? Maybe your java VM is updating itself from the internet and the new version isn't working? I'd start with a reinstall, as it sounds you did on your gf's machine.

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ACtually my MacBook Pro was not burning dual-layer DVDs, and I sent it in for repair. It was in the shop for over a week so they sent me a brand spanking new current-gen macbook pro. I even Installed Leopard fresh right after I pulled it out of the box so it didn't have all the garage band samples and other junk. So it is a brand new computer with a brand new OS installed by me.

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Hmmm... again I'm taking guesses, but I might as well, until someone with more of a clue steps up...

IIRC, the newer macs run newer versions of OS/X... The problem may be there? Maybe the java version is different?

I am guessing that the java console will be showing errors, could you paste them in here? Might as well grab the version strings while you're there....

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No sorry, I mean, the reinstall that I said I would do worked. I have no idea what it was. I've reinstalled all my programs (while checking MIOSTUDIO each time) and it has no conflicts with anything. The only thing I didn't reinstall is Parallels because I've never been able to move a HDD image over and don't think I will have any interest in going through a windows installation.

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