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Make a Hardware VST Host?


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do you guys remember that system used for clocks, where plastic sheets would flip on top of each other? that would be awesome for as a visualization system for an synth

how is that called in english?

I know the one you mean, it is still used at Melbourne Airport to show international arrivals. No idea what it is called, or even if it has a name  :-\ (I'm sure it has a name, people do tend to name things).

Such a system would be awesome, if a little draining on the power supply.

Posted the question of geting a VST patchname to an external LCD on to the dev.forum of Tobybear prod. .


It should be possible, since most VST(i)s have the patch name displayed somewhere...

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Posted the question of geting a VST patchname to an external LCD on to the dev.forum of Tobybear prod. .

Things is geting along so to speak.  ;)  Got some good news that might bring hope and eventually some glory.

About to test a host that is possible to re-define for our needs here. There still is people out here with the true spirit of non profit but pure "I'll give you a hand mate" mind. Cheers to those folks!  ;D

Says as the guy with the hevey allergic reaction in one of his eyes and with a touch of a Austrian accent -"I'll be back!"  8)  (You know...Terminator.)

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The flipp thing was really a cool idea... hmmmm...  ;)

Thought about Nixie tubes.. quite a nice warm light in the studio darkness.  :)

So.. after some troubleshooting and debugging due to some minor hardware/software/driver issues it is now under develop. Will be back with some more info. as soon as it comes in some progress.

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