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CV+TB303 VCO- working?


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opamp; rail to rail opamp, which means that it will output to almost the voltage of the powersupply. The lm358 should do that too.

Just be carefull with your pcb layout if you use the tlv.

I understand the left part of your schematic, but i do not understand what you are trying to do in the right part, where you switch the resistors using ic12.

The inputbuffer for the 4 waves seems fine, ic9 looks good.

But I would just sum the outputs from ic9 using one opamp as summing mixer.

If you need the trimmers you can just put them between the ic9 outputs and the input of the summing amp. Also, I would breadboard it first, before you make a pcb.

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opamp; rail to rail opamp, which means that it will output to almost the voltage of the powersupply. The lm358 should do that too.

Just be carefull with your pcb layout if you use the tlv.

I understand the left part of your schematic, but i do not understand what you are trying to do in the right part, where you switch the resistors using ic12.

The inputbuffer for the 4 waves seems fine, ic9 looks good.

But I would just sum the outputs from ic9 using one opamp as summing mixer.

If you need the trimmers you can just put them between the ic9 outputs and the input of the summing amp. Also, I would breadboard it first, before you make a pcb.

When I summ the outputs. The Outputs will always have the same Volume??? ---So If I sum Output A&B=1dB and A alone is also 1db? If I have Volumechanges, I have to adjust the output in the livact, and thats not good! (I know that)

Ok with IC12 (that should be a switch that opens the contact if it gets a Switch Signal!)

I just Switchoff to the Output Resistor (the 200K ones) a paralle Resistor ( a trimmer), and that should lower the volume, if I switch on a Switch on IC9! So my Idea was, to get, alwasy constant (or nearly constant volume outputs)

Why the SMD parts?

Why not? (answer because there is still place  ;D) I dont having problems with SMD parts....I have to drill less Holes, (By PCB Mike you save money  ;) ) you have more place to route (on double layerd boards)...

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Hmm there is already a smdchip on there....(AOUT NG-module!) So if people cannot solder smd, they cant do the project....because aout is a must.

And if they can do, they also can do 3 more chips  ;) . but it is easy to change the Devices, so for me it will be a smd, and for others- others---thats a thing of 15 minutes...since my layout is autoroutet  ;) .

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, you are combining the midibox sid and a 303?

I thought that you'd just use the midibox sid software to control the 303, without the sid chips.

I thougt, I fully stuff the Controll sourface ©, so I have for Future, things open...maybe add some oszialltores, pwm and so on....hehe...

I thougt like this, instead of 4xSID mainboard, I use the 303board, and a Stereo-SID board and a TR909 Kick board, controlled with one Sourface.... but all on seperate modules...so If somebody want to build a 303standalone, Device, He could integrate it in his already existing SID.... And I use a 19" RACK for Liveacting...so I have enough place for all of it....

And with the SID integratet....I still get it thru the 303 filter ;D.....So I want to make it more modular....we will see we will see, but maybe, I, will get a singel SID on the 303 pcb (200x260mm pcb double layerd...) there is still a little bit of place

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm  ;D


No  ;) I dont have you (english... :( ....)

I will take the 3rd VCO for the possible to play poly basslines, and off course in Mono Mode: make phat wobbling basslines that are detuned a little bit to each other... :) (panacea sounds)

I know that I can emulate this woobling effect a bit, with detuning the 303VCO with a fast lfo...well know from the MC202... but that isent that cool  ;D

....I know I will loose the slide effect in mono mode then...but, for that, I would make a Button like on the Nord Lead "Poly-legato-mono".

Yes.... I dont like the Basslines by extreme Resonance setings. It is very bad, by using only one 303 and a Jomox and make acidtechno...

So my Idea was, to make a second filter section (in parallel), so I can drive one Filter very low pass (without resonance depp pumpi´n...big phat basslines)

and one filter for the Acid selfresonance happynes  ;D

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