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Some time ago before the summer I designed an extension board for the AOUT. It is untested, but it probably works.

It carries the AOUT board as a backpack, hence the somewhat "difficult" layout. If you look closely, you will see that V1...V8, the +/-12V headers, the two dual row jumper headers, as well as the mounting holes share the same position on both boards. The two boards are connected using female headers on the AOUT_BIPEXT, whereas the male headers on the main MBHP_AOUT are soldered in facing down, that means the longer part of the header pin goes below the board. As I have some of the AOUT boards in a double sided version with solder pads on boths sides of the PCB, this will work nicely with my boards, it might be a bit more difficult with single-sided AOUTs.

If you can find any bugs or have suggestions to improve the design, please modify and report back!

Best regards, ilmenator



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