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What is a "monolithic" capacitor??


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Hello guys,

I am dutch and i can't seem to find a translation for monolithic capacitor, can someone explain to me what the difference is between a ceramic capacitor and a monolithic capacitor? also what happens if you use a ceramic capacitor instead of a monolithic capacitor. I'm a little lost here, looked on the internet but can't find anything.


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The capacitors I buy which are called "monolithic" are ceramic, they are not flat and round like most ceramic capacitors, they're usually a shiny blob and much smaller than other kinds of capacitors. In most cases, there's nothing special about it being "monolithic" (other than the small size) so you could substitute with a normal ceramic or polyester capacitor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lol, thanks for the reply's.

I'm happy that it is the same as a ceramic, cause otherwise i could desolder them all :D


I ran into this issue as well, not knowing the difference. I'm putting together a BOM for the MB-6582 and am following Wilba's part list. I have learned what Wilba had elaborated on. It mainly comes down to form factor ( niLS shoot me.)



1. designating sound transmission or recording or reproduction over a single channel


1. an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing [syn: infectious mononucleosis]


Lith"ic\, a. [Gr. ? of or belonging to stones, fr. li`qos stone: cf. F. lithique.]

1. Of or pertaining to stone; as, lithic architecture.

2. (Med.) Pertaining to the formation of uric-acid concretions (stone) in the bladder and other parts of the body; as, lithic diathesis.

Oh, that might not be a wanted side effect...

(?män·??lith·ik s??ram·ik k??pas·?d·?r)

(electronics) A capacitor that consists of thin dielectric layers interleaved with staggered metal-film electrodes; after leads are connected to alternate projecting ends of the electrodes, the assembly is compressed and sintered to form a solid monolithic block.  :D that's more like it!

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