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how to build a -2,6 v (lcd negative contrast )with the 5v core psu


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The LCD derives its contrast voltage using a pot (P2) connected across +5V and GND (Vdd and Vss). The wiper of the pot is then connected to the Vo Contrast pin on your LCD.

Normally LCD contrast voltages are in the range 2V - 3.5V.

To get -2.6v, build the circuit linked by Ping, and wire your pot (P2) across -5V and GND. The wiper of the pot connects to Vo as normal.

Be sure to disconnect the +5V terminal of your pot before connecting it to -5V, to avoid smoke...

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hi,i do the job... :o  it works ;magic electronic!!! An advice: put the trim p2 on a separate veroboard with the IC 7660 and Caps; be careful with the caps polarity and put off the 18F452...now i attack the opl3 -core connections  :P Good night and best regards .

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more explanations:

-printed the shema with the IC 7660 ,and caps

-buy the parts,don't forget the ic socket for the 7660 (or equivalent)

-pull off the ics of the core

-cut a little piece of veroboard and make a hole (3mm)to install on one hole of the core pcb

-desolder with (pompe a dessouder) the P2 (trim on the right on the core,which control the contrast)

-build the shematic http://www.modthebox.com/lcdhowto.shtml be careful with caps polarity ,take the +5v and ground on the core where the P2 was soldered,test short cuts,and polarity ,you should have -5v beetween ground and pin 5 of the ic 7660

-ok ,courage ,now solder the P2 on the little veroboard and see the  shematic below:


-control the negative voltage with the P2 trim..

                            BRAVO      Boop's





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