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Everything posted by ping-

  1. LOL! Nice one Wilba :D
  2. I use the pickkit2 myself..its quite good! :) Its fast, easy, small, and i never had any trouble with it :)
  3. I stumbled across this article about the 2 djs.. http://www.residentadvisor.net/news.aspx?id=9940 :)
  4. If they are in completely working order (tested and all), i would like to buy them :)
  5. I put in a little donation also now! Hope it helps :)
  6. Uhmn..i didnt give you that link :) I dont know who did, but it wasnt me.. i have never seen that link before :D
  7. I live in Copenhagen also..i stopped using danish suppliers of parts, simply because most of them are really crappy..either they dont have the parts, or they are really expensive..now im buying all my parts from outside Denmark instead.. I tend to buy a lot (like 1000's of resistors of each type) each time i buy something (to get it cheaper), so if you need some specific part, let me know and i might have a few i can spare :)
  8. 4) http://www.rapidonline.com/ (UK) part number 78-0626 I think they have the same specs as the switches wilba describes in his guide.. :)
  9. How about ebay? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ART-New-LCD-2x40-with-LED-b-l-Y-G-HD44780-standard_W0QQitemZ220283012858QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item220283012858 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HD44780-40x2-STN-LCD-w-LED-back-light-Pot-TEG16610_W0QQitemZ160283310201QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item160283310201 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HD44780-40x2-LCD-w-pot-and-installed-cable-LM1030SYR_W0QQitemZ160283310232QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item160283310232 :)
  10. Im no expert in this area, but maybe you could use a Microchip ENC28J60 chip..its a 28pin 10mbit ethernet controller with spi interface, so its very easy to control it with a PIC18 mcu (or others that support spi), and then use the PIC18 to output the midi signals.. :) Just an idea tho..maybe the guru's inhere have a better suggestion :D
  11. I just stumpled across this guy on eBay: http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/artronicpl/ Lots of nice lcds..even some with RGB backlight, that allows you to create a backlight color of your own choice! I havent bought anything from him yet (waiting till he gets the buy-it-now option, which he said would happen as soon as he has 5 points). If anyone buys from him, please let us know if they are good/bad/awesome/etc :)
  12. My pcbs arrived today..thanks! ;D
  13. Received today! Thanks :)
  14. Hehe, i did :) Too bad about the lcd's tho..was looking forward to getting those :(
  15. I just received mine :D Thanks a lot! :)
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