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Cheap SBlive ADC for 4 inputs!


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OK, just tried the tarballed version of eagle, and it worked.

Got the files opened, and shit, I can't wait to get started!

Kind of drives me nuts in a way, this interfacing seems so simple once I look at it, but I just didn't know how to do it on my own!

I really need to study some EE (Electrical Engineering) and really get a grasp on these things, I love all of it, I need to truly undersand it.

Thanks again!

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hey you guys are awesome, I've been researching parts and stuff to build a cheap adc possibly to adat interface.And I check in on the midibox site and its been here all along.

Anyway I was wondering if you all could let me know where to get the eagle files talked about earlier in this thread. And any text info I can dl.I am not a programmer or an engineer but only a musician on a budget, with a will to learn.Any thing I might can help you all with let me know. Testing or anything. I am purchasing Sblive cards as I am writing this via ebay.

So can I get 8 dig. i/o per card or 16? Also is the highest resolution 16/44.1 or 24/96?Thanks and I look forward to (hopefully) contributing something to this project. ;D ;D ;D ;D :-X

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I'm going to work on the website this afternood! so I will put the eagle file on it!

FOr the quality, I read that the emu10k1 can handle 24bit/48kHz data... I don't know how this is handle on the driver side...

There is 14 mono inputs, but we will use only 8. And I think 14 outputs (1 I2S, 4 SPDIF...have to check this)


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Thanks so much, gillesdeshays. I appreciate you guys taking time to answer my, newbie, questions.You all have helped me so much too understand more about electronics,programming,analog and digital audio. I hope someday I can return the favor.

keep up the good work ;D

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A little update, i etched the quad ADC brd Pilo and Smash put together and I stuffed 2 of the 4 PCM chips. Needless to say they work :)

Great work fellaz, this is gonna expand into one mighty project I can see :)

I wonder if we could ever get near to apogee conversion quality somehow - obviously not with these 10k chips but mebbe sum1 has a few tricks up they're sleeve :P



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Hey D2K !

make some picture of the quad ADC ! ;D

Pilo : what about ya website ? 8)

I had an idea for the "Octo ADC DAC" .... something modular ... in a little rack .....with internal power supply or external ....

and some modules (1*2 Ch ADC, 1*2 Ch DAC, ADAT, SPDIF converter .....

What do you think about that ?

Personal message: Sorry i have many problems with my internet connexion since  1 week .....  but you can reach me by mail ........  

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hehe GREAT!!!

nice to see you back Gilles!!!!!

look at the RME ADI converter... maybe we can have something like that (have to work on the s/mux thing, but I know how we can make that with cheap component... need to read some book)...

Well... if anyone wants to help with the web site, no problem :)

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for the external Rack : ADAT lightpipe and CAT5 (RJ45) cable ;) this is an idea from SmashTV and I think it may be a very interesting one! But you can have both adat lighpipe and CAT5 cable :)

Maybe other output like TDIF?

and analog ouput :) we have to work on the DAC board :)

But any idea are welcome!

I think the only thing important here is that we many people intersted in it! can't do this alone!! :)

thanks all!! :D

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exactly Pilo !

all of you are invited to give us idea !

for the Boox to PC connexion I was thinking of a SUD 25 ...

the cheaper solution ! but i have to make some test to see if it's ok with spdif + i²s in a simple multiwire + shield cable ......

Other think .....i think it's better to use i²S outputs the the SPDIF .... so priority to I²S ...

post here ALL your suggestions ... even if it seems to be crazy .... ;)

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