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Midibox CV on a +/- 15v Powersupply?


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I have had my Midibox CV up and working for a while now.  I haven't had any real problems with it.  In fact I love it.  I built it with the AOUT (MAX525) module.  I had it running off of the secondary power supply in my modular which happened to be +/- 12v as specified in the AOUT schematic.  I recently picked up a new power supply that I want to replace my secondary supply with, however I would like to run this one at +/-15v since it seems kinda silly to be running my power supplies at different voltages for no real reason at all.

Anyways, the point of all this, is I would like to know if I'm going to run into any problems when feeding my AOUT +/- 15v?  Are there any changes that I'll need to make?  My instinct says no, but I'd like to check with the gurus first. 

Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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to answer your question have a look at the datasheets:

The Datasheet for the LM324 said: +/- 16V or 32v Single. And for the TL074 +/- 18V

In fact it is mostly better to drive the OP-Amps with the highest possible Voltage. (Staying 1V under the maximum is a safe guide). The Signal to noise ratio is better with a higher voltage. This may only be an issue in real audio circuits but the higher voltage does no harm to your AOUT.

Maybe you have to re-calibrate your R_p values a little, to get the highest output voltage right. But a difference of 3V in the source may only cause marginal changes there.



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