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proposal for new root-namespace (new wiki)

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I'm not sure, but maybe It would make sense to change the 'root' namespace that you created in the file-manager also to 'home', to make the whole thing more consequent. now would be the time for that, because if there are lots of files already linked, it's much more work.

Yeh, totally! Sorry, I thought I already told you to go ahead with that. My bad! Go for it!

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Yeh, totally! Sorry, I thought I already told you to go ahead with that. My bad! Go for it!

I think this is just a missunderstanding: I just realised, that the namespaces in the filemanager are the same as the ones of the pages.. :D so it's just about removing the :root: namespace one day, I think this one will not be used. I'll upload the files for the midi_mapper just to :home:project:misc:midi_mapper.

I think now I also understand what you tried to tell me earlier in this thread about the namespaces and users (:home:community:xx...)

everything fine, thank you!

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I have just had a chance to review the namespace map, shown at:


Since I seem to be one of the few against a hierarchal namespace, I will concede that and instead offer some critique from "the other side" :)


Why, within projects, are we creating separate namespaces for synths, controllers, and sequencers?  I don't see any advantage, since we won't end up with duplicate names of projects.  When you end up with something like MB-808, is it a synth or a sequencer?  Even MIDIbox SID has integral sequencing.  And looking to the future, other projects may blur this line more, and still others don't fit in - like a light controller, or a merger, or MIDIO128, etc.

Since we don't handle different types of projects differently, I think that sub-classifying the projects within the namespace like that is adding an extra layer we don't need.


I think we need an additional top-level classification for misc.  We have a lots of documents that don't fit anywhere else.  Even though I dislike the FAQ theme, there is an excellent MIDIbox "primer" document whose home is in the Wiki, but doesn't really have a place to go under the new structure.  Also, things like Wiki conventions (like the namespace, document templates, etc), forum rules, MIDIbox licence, all belong in the Wiki but I don't see a clear home for them.  We have a Wiki page about Eagle right now, which would also need a home.  Various documents about basic electronic theory as well.

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Why, within projects, are we creating separate namespaces for synths, controllers, and sequencers?

For no particular reason except mirroring SVN. I agree though, I don't know if we need to split it up that way..

I think we need an additional top-level classification for misc.

That's gonna wind up a wasteland for stuff that people couldn't/didn't figure out where to put it...

there is an excellent MIDIbox "primer" document whose home is in the Wiki, but doesn't really have a place to go under the new structure.

How about here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=home:about:midibox

Also, things like Wiki conventions (like the namespace, document templates, etc)

That's what the wikify pages is for. Hey guys, the http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=new_wiki_layout page, where's that going? Shouldn't the layout be under the wikify namespace?

forum rules

We have rules? Heheh seriously though, aside from basic netiquette and respect to others, I don't think there are any...

, MIDIbox licence, all belong in the Wiki but I don't see a clear home for them.

It would be good to put that on the wiki actually. That'd go in http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=home:about:midibox too I guess?

Actually there's probably one forum rule, no commercial requests...

  We have a Wiki page about Eagle right now, which would also need a home.  Various documents about basic electronic theory as well.

Skills namespace.

Good feedback dude, keep it coming!!

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Let me know when you've re-upped your files and I'll delete the old ones in the root: namespace

they are up. don't need root/community/this* no more

Why, within projects, are we creating separate namespaces for synths, controllers, and sequencers?  I don't see any advantage, since we won't end up with duplicate names of projects.  When you end up with something like MB-808, is it a synth or a sequencer?

I agree with that too. It would end up in creating more and more namespaces. The projects can be grouped on a page where they are linked, and I think there's not really a need to reflect the SVN-directory structure in the wiki's project-pages.

I think we need an additional top-level classification for misc.

The basic concept for now is to have just two top-level namespaces, 'home' for all midibox- and midibox-related info, and wikify for info about how to edit the wiki. If there should be a misc namespace, I think it should be a sub of home.

That's gonna wind up a wasteland for stuff that people couldn't/didn't figure out where to put it...

This is a danger if the namespace is once there. I think a misc namespace should only be created if there is one day really no place to put in a page. It's better to create new namespaces if needed that are more specific like 'electronics' or 'related products' etc.

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