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This N°9

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Everything posted by This N°9

  1. I can't login to the forum the normal way, I always have to use the "frogot password function.." When I try to log in with the new reset password, it doesn't work. Somebody else has this issue?
  2. http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmodules%2Fblm%2F I never used it, and it's for duo, not RGB LED's, and written in asm. From your code I guess your are not targeting mios32. There are two BLM-modules for mios32: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmodules%2Fblm%2F http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmodules%2Fblm_x%2F Maybe you could find some inspiration there, or port parts of the code for your application.
  3. hi protofuse, is there a special reason why you don't use an existing blm-module for your application? I did not study your code / postings in deep, just flew over it.
  4. I updated fairchild about the condradicting answers, and provided a link to this forum thread ca. a week ago. Now they marked the request as "solved" without further comments, so do I. You can read all the answers, numbers, test results in this thead. Make yourself a picture and decide yourself. My personal opinion: it is possible to drive 8 LED's at max. 20mA each with one 74HC595, without damaging the IC, but I won't recommend to go beyond 20mA * 8. The advantages of using additional drivers are: less power consumption (less heat dissipation), more stable current supply (without: current drift max. 4.5% @ 8*20mA).
  5. I did some more test to have a clear answer to this: 74HCH9H, 220R at each output: - one pin through 220R to ground: Isingle = 19.9mA - all eight pin's to ground, single pin current I = 19mA --> Itotal = 152mA Max. current drift @ ca. 20mA (max) each output: 4.5% This is acceptable, you will hardly see a visible change when switching on 1 or 8 LED's. I also measured the voltage drops: - one pin through 220R to ground : Udropsingle = 0.6V - all pin's through 220R to ground : Udroptotal = 0.61V With those numbers I could calculate: - The total power dissipation when all pin's are sourcing ca. 19mA: Ptot = Udroptotal * Itotal = 92.7mW - Assuming a simplified model of the current flow through a common resistor, and the single drivers (simplified to constant resistors in parallel), I could calculate the common resistance, through which all the current of all drivers has to flow, and the resistance of the single driver (only @ ca. 19-20mA each output!): Vcc---Rcommon----Rdriver---- Out 1 ¦ ¦ -- Rdriver---- Out 2 ¦ .. .. Isingle = 19.9mA (current for a single pin sourcing) Itotal = 152mA (current for all pins sourcing) Udropsingle = 0.6V (Vdrop from Vcc to a single output sourcing) Udroptotal = 0.61V (Vdrop from Vcc to outputs when all pin's are sourcing) Rsingle = Udropsingle / Isingle = 30.15R Rtotal = Udroptotal / Itotal = 4.013R Rsingle = Rcommon + Rdriver -----> Rcommon = Rsingle - Rdriver Rtotal = Rcommon + Rdriver / 8 ---> Rcommon = Rtotal - Rdriver / 8 Rsingle - Rdriver = Rtotal - Rdriver / 8 7/8 * Rdriver = Rsingle - Rtotal Rdriver = ( Rsingle - Rtotal ) * 8/7 = (30.15R - 4.013R) * 8/7 = 29.8..R Rcommon = Rsingle - Rdriver = 30.15R - 29.8..R = 0.35R Power dissipation at the common resistor (Vcc-pin, bond-wire, and the common way on the silicon to the supplies of the single drivers) if all pins sourcing: Udropcommon = Udroptotal * (Rcommon / Rtotal) = 0.053..V Pcommon = Udropcommonres * Itotal = 0.053V * 152mA = 8.09..mW Power dissipation of a single driver (all outputs sourcing 19mA each): Pdriver = (Ptot - Pcommon) / 8 = ( 92.7mW - 8.09..mW ) / 8 = 10.57mW
  6. That's exactly my point of view too. In my tests, where I sourced 33mA from each output (which is not necessary in LED applications, as a LED should not be driven beyond 20mA, regardless of colour), I measured a voltage drop of 1.46V from Vcc to output pins. Of course this violates logic level specs, but LED's don't care about logic levels. 1.46V * 264mA -> power dissipation 385.44 mW (uppper limit is specified beyond 600/750mW, depends on manufacturer), so I guess the chip will not be damaged under those conditions. Note that I never planed to sink that much current directly through 74HC595. With a current of 12mA each LED (this is a fact when driving LED's with 74HC595 & 220R resistors), you would have a sink current of 96mA. This is simply not possible, the datasheets specify a sink limit for a sinlge pin of 20mA. Even when grounding a high pin, you will have only a current of 68mA. I guess this will be aboout the same for sink current, I never tested this, because it's not interesting for my application. For sinking, I use the ULN2803, they are cheap and I just need one even for a huge matrix. The driver chips I found are more expensive, and complicate the whole design, and I would need several chips for a matrix. So I would like to use the 74HC595's directly just for sourcing. This is not totally correct. My exact question was, if it is possible to source 20mA each output simultaniously without damaging the device. My original question to fairchild: The whole discussion thread can be found here: https://fairchildsemi.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/fairchildsemi.cfg/php/enduser/myq_idp.php?p_sid=l7MUBgxj&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=&p_li=&p_iid=77963&p_created=1241624385&p_allorg=1 Yes, true. My only concern is, if 20mA each output simultanously will damage the device. Of course it's an abuse of the original usage aim of the chip, but if it works and does not damage the IC, I don't care :) To make more clear what my aim is: if it's possible to source 20mA per output (simultanously), and .. - ..this way of driving the LED's will not affect brightnes if one/several LED's are on (which seems to be not a problem, as I alredy drive the LED matrix like this).. - ..will not damage the chip.. - ..will not make the input logic (registers / latches) unreliable.. ..this would be the most easy/cheap way to drive the matrix. In either case (special source drivers or not), I'll use the ULN2803 for sinking.
  7. I got the answers from ST,ON and fairchild: ST: fairchild: ON:
  8. I am currently torturing our little friend 74HC595 a bit more, to let it talk about it's current drive capabilities, as I have still no answers from tech supports at fairchild, ST micro and ON providing contradicting information: condition: total output current = 270mA (33.75mA each output) after ca. 10min: temperature: 41° C (surrounding air ca. 21° C) voltage drop Vcc->output terminals: 1.46V this results is a power dissipation of 394mW, well below 500mW (consolidated max. rating different manufactueres)
  9. I started a new discussion on sparkfun's forum. I think "max. power dissipation" could be the magic word(s): http://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.php?p=72352#72352 basicly, if you multiply the voltage drop from Vcc to the drivers, at a given output-current each driver, with the total current Vcc-> drivers, you get ca. the power dissipation, as the input's and logic do not need a lot of current. At 20mA each output, I measured a V-drop of ca. 0.75V -> 120mW Pd, upper limit is 500/600/750 in plastic DIP, depending on manufacturer. 1° C / 10mW is the temperature derating, the device got 36° C @ 8x20mA. makes sense at a room temperature of 20-25°C. As the out-driver's resistance is no constant and will raise at raising current, 35mA source current per output makes sense in the context of max Pd. EDIT: in other words, if the IC does not overheat, I see no reason why it should get damaged
  10. Are you sure? I beleive there are common specifications for 74HC logic family types. My assumtions is that ON and other manufacturer just missed the "per pin / logic unit" information in their specs. Besides my tests don't include fairchild devices, and the results look more like the answer from fairchild would make more sense. When 70mA is really the limit for the whole device, there must be a bottleneck somewhere, this can only be the bond wire or a common Vcc / GND line on the silicon. This would show either in a current cutof @ 5V when you reach some current value, or the device would get very hot. Both is not the case, even if I drive *a lot* more current than 20x8 mA (see test results in my first posting). These are all speculations so far, I fed this info back to ON, and hope their answer will clear the issue. I will also ask fairchild if their per-pin spec just covers their own devices. I think this is safer than rely on speculations.
  11. Funny, fairchild semi gives a different answer (the one I wanted :D ): I beleive each register unit will have it's own bond wire to the Vcc/GND terminal, so the only part that has to take the total current is the pin / terminal itself. So, happy news, it's possible to source/sink the full current rated for one pin (25mA sink, 35mA source).
  12. Sorry that I may fall on your nerves by beeing so sticky to this.. but if a current > 70mA would really be a condition that could damage the 74HC595, then the standard MIDIbox solution for driving LED's would be in serious troubles. I really don't beleive that this is the case, as somebody until now would have noticed this, and my 74HC595 experiments go far beyond the 12, even far beyond 20mA per pin, and the device is still alive. Ok, I did not test for hours or days, but even at 200mA supply current, which is a case that will never be used to drive LED's or additional logic devices, the 74HC595 did not get warmer than 53° C after ca. 10min. I assume that the maximum rating is to ensure a proper logic-1 level of 5V at the outputs, that's not relevant when driving LED's. At 20mA at 7 outputs, the voltage of the 8th output drops to 4.86V (Vcc=4.93V), maybe this could cause instable contitions for some logic families (bad slew rates etcetc.). The device does not overheat or something, and I don't thing that the bond wire will melt under those conditions, and the current specs of the single outputs will not be violated, so what? Because I'am very stubborn, I also contacted fairchild semicondutor's support. They have a very nice knowledge base & asking-questions site (not this we-want-to-sell-but-we-don't exist-thing), where you can get a member and ask questions. I'am waiting for the answer from there now. Besides, some people in the arduino community also use exactly the same approach (74HC595 + 220R) to drive LED's : http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ShiftOut (But you have alway to be careful with those DIY punks.. :) )
  13. seppoman, it must have been the crack + coffe.. set a dout-pin to high, take a scope, connect it to the pin, watch your scope and turn the time/div button from 1uS up to 1mS, you will always see a straight horizontal line (don't shake your head while doing it). Why should there be a duty cycle? The 74HC595 have latches, which hold the logic 1 until the data is shifted from the core to the registers. Latch enable will transfer the content of the registers to the latches, there's no time when the pin will be low. Of course, if you have a multiplexed solution, there you have the duty cycle, but normally if you just want to connect some, say 16, LED's, you will do no multiplexing. So you will have a constant current from each output to the LED of 12mA (aproved by measuring it with 220R at outputs). 12x8 = 96, this is quite more than 70mA -> violation of the maximum ratings (if the technical assisten of ON tells the truth, assumed he has a clue and not just reads the datasheet too).
  14. Duty cycle with standard DOUT's (no multiplexing)??? 12mA is exactly the current that I measures flowing through a LED connected to DOUT with 220R. If there would be a duty cycle, I would measure a lower value with a normal multimeter. And if you look at the tests I did, you see that the 74HC595 will not cut off at total current > 70mA. I scope will show the truth this evening.. Is it possible that the 70mA limit is only to guarantee a proper logic 1 level, and not to prevent the chip from damage? I wonder because:
  15. I contacted ON Semiconductor to get the definitive (?) answer: Indeed distrelec.com gives me a different / no answer (translated from german): Wanted to know what "Logic-Unit" refers to (translated from german and cooked down to the basic message): I love datasheets. So what about 8xLED @ 12mA (with 220R at SR outputs) > 70mA ?
  16. After finishing the coding of the blm_x driver to drive a button-LED matrix, I was doing a lot of experiments to learn about the best way to drive it. My aim is to drive a soft-button matrix from sparkfun.com with RGB LED's. On the way some question marks passed my way, one of it was: How much current is a 74HC595 able to supply? I read the datasheet(s), and had some problems to find the right interpretation of the numbers I found there: Clamp Diode Current (IIK, IOK) ±20 mA DC Output Current, per pin (IOUT) ±35 mA DC VCC or GND Current, [glow=red,2,300]per pin[/glow] (ICC) ±70 mA Phillips uses diffrent labels for the numbers: input diode current ±20 mA output diode current ±20 mA output source or sink current Q7’ standard output ±25 mA Qn bus driver outputs ±35 mA VCC or GND current ±70 mA It looks like the 70mA is the max. sum current the 74HC595 can supply. There was a discussion about that in the programmers lounge (private access), I decided to continue it here. Some of the quotes from the discussion there: TK: This: seppoman: stryd_one: this: So, because of all this confuction, I did some experiments with the 74HC595 myself. Here are the results: - Grounding a single output pin set to high (no resistor, other pins open): Ipin = 68mA - Connecting a single output pin through 220R to ground (other pins open): Ipin = 20mA - Connecting a LED through 220R (other pin's open): Ipin = 12mA The next test result looks very interesting to me: I connected all the pins set to high through 220R to ground, and measured the sum current from all pins to ground: Ipins-gnd : 142mA (!) Then I let the 74HC595 in this state for some minutes, and measured the temperature: 36° C (free air). The voltage Vcc came down to 4.8V The results show: the 74HC595 is able to have a current of 142mA through Vcc without getting very hot or something, and all the pins are able to provide ca. 17mA at the same time (with 220R resistors)! But I just wonder for how long, and if the device will get damaged. The other question mark that struck me: when I connect 8 LED's to a SR with 220R resistors (the standard MIDIBox solution to connect LED's), the total current through Vcc of the 74HC595 will be ca. 96mA. This is more than the specified 70mA max. I really wonder about this number, especially because I read a shortcut-current of 68mA when grounding a single pin. This is suspiciously near to the 70mA. And: "DC VCC or GND Current, per pin (ICC) ±70 mA", why should they write "per pin" if this number would simply refers the max. current that can enter the Vcc terminal? Maybe it's rather the max. current that can flow from the Vcc terminal to a single driver! (?) And 35mA is the max. current that should leave a output terminal without stressing the driver to much? After all the experiments and datashits this would be the explanation that looks the most reasonable to me. Why I'am so interested in this? - I worry about my (and all the other) midiboxes driving eight LED's simultaniously :D - I want to know if I can drive my RGB LED's without having additional drivers at the source side. I need ca 19mA for the red color to match with green / blue (they'r much brighter) Maybe somebody can give me some comments and help me ease the pain in my brain? EDIT: some more test results: - Ground 3 pins (no resistors), read current of fourth pin -> ground: I = 55mA Temperature of 74HC595: 45° C - Ground 4 pins (no resistors), read current of fifth pin: 51mA Temperature of 74HC595: 53° C But still alive.. 5 pins grounded sums up to a total current of 255mA. Here it starts to look critical to me. Now multiply 35mA with 8, you get 280mA.. the max. output current rating. 55° is still acceptable, now put the device in a closed box, and it will start getting critical. Does this make sense or not? After all this I'm quite sure the 74HC595 can source 8 pins with 20mA each without any problems. What do you think?
  17. I suppose you first made a clean checkout of the whole mios-repository? did you define your environment variables properly? in my kubuntu system: MIOS_PATH="/home/this/mios/trunk" MIOS_BIN_PATH="/home/this/mios/trunk/bin" MIOS_SHELL="/bin/bash" I added those lines in "/etc/environment" to have them set at startup automatically. You should not have to modify mios-gpasm at all, this looks like some basic missconfiguration to me. If you have your toolchain set up properly (sdcc / gputils), and the environment variables above, try "make" in the sdcc skelleton folder. If this fails, there's something wrong. If this works, copy "main.c" "Makefile" "README.txt" from the sdcc skelleton folder to a new folder (without .svn dir!) and start coding :-)
  18. Oh thats nice! MIOS32 will support 1MHz IIC natively. As soon as I have the STM32 (and checkd it out a bit), I'll try to port the FRAM module. I also made some benchmark tests with the FRAM: subsequent block writes/reads, 16KBytes in one chunk, repeated 16 times (4xFM24C512) (address just sent once at the begining): fast mode: write 256KBytes: ca. 2.9Sec read 256KBytes: ca. 2.7Sec This is a bit faster (if I calculated right) than your benchmark, but I suppose it's because I only (need to) send the device- and memory-address once for 16KBytes transfer. I really could go to the edge of the timing maximum ratings and noticed no problems so far with a ca. 15cm long cable. The big advantages of the FRAM is the write-speed and the endurance (1 billion r/w cycles). Drawbacks are the price (ca. 10euro for a FM24C512), and they are only available as SMD. Current state: mios_iic / fram_iic@1MHZ successfully tested over J4. Builded a board stuffed with a 4-channel analog multiplexer and 16xFM24C256 -> 1MB. The default setup (for PIC) will be: RC4/RC5 SCL/SDA; RD5/RD6 multiplexing. Everything can connect with one single ribbon cable. I'am currently trying to run tests with the multiplexed version, but I have some problems. Maybe I have to add pull-up's, or it's something else.. I'll find out. Once things will work completly, I'll create a wiki-page for the module and give some more info there. by the way: aatis.de sells these little SMD adapter for a very modest price. I don't know if they ship only to europe or also overseas: http://www.bausatz.aatis.de/SO2DIP_SMD-Adapter/body_so2dip_smd-adapter.html EDIT: just read the spec again, output of the device is open-drain. So I add pull-ups. This also has the advantage, that if the wiring is incorrect, NAK will be read by default. The good thing about this: because I missed the pull-ups, I found a bug in the code (high-level read returns zero if the last byte read was a 0x00, that's defined as error-response) :D
  19. I see. A UDATA section will always entirely reside in one bank. Also good to know! EDIT: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=home:software:picasm
  20. so, here are the results of my UDATA/RES research. I tested different solutions and the effect they have. I added the resulting addresses as comment to the labels (@stryd: this is also the proof that labels without RES are NOT the same as with RES 0): FRAM_VARS UDATA FRAM_REG ; 0x000088 _FRAM_REG RES 1 ;0x000088 FRAM_ERROR ;0x00008a _FRAM_ERROR RES 1; 0x000089 this is not really the intended result. don't do this FRAM_VARS_1 UDATA FRAM_REG ;0x00008a _FRAM_REG RES 1 ;0x00008a FRAM_VARS_2 UDATA FRAM_ERROR ;0x00008b _FRAM_ERROR RES 1;0x00008b the addresses look good and are unique, but it has some strange effect on the codespace. For example the display will not switch to the second line, the constant 0x40 in codespace seems to get fucked up. Don't do this either! FRAM_VARS UDATA _FRAM_REG RES 0 ;0x000088 FRAM_REG RES 1 ;0x000088 _FRAM_ERROR RES 0 ;0x000089 FRAM_ERROR RES 1 ;0x000089 this seems to be the proper way to define two labels at the same memory position. The addesses are correct, unique and the program behaves like it should. and to end the story: <label 1> RES 0 has always to be *before* <label 1> RES X ! else the RES-0-Label will obtain an address, but no meory will be reserved for it: FRAM_VARS UDATA FRAM_REG RES 1;0x000088 _FRAM_REG RES 0;0x000089 FRAM_ERROR RES 10x000089 _FRAM_ERROR RES 00x00008a so the valid way to have identical variable names in C/ASM is: vars_x UDATA _var1 RES 0 var 1 RES 1 _var2 RES 0 var2 RES 1 now I'am satisfied with this :D
  21. I'am not quite sure about that... when you look at the first example I provided in the first post, you can see a quite strange behaviour. And besides, a field that I defined globally in C only, will have the same address as one of my ASM fileds. So it seems that with the label without RES directive, the assembler will give the label an address, but not really reserve the memory location. That's why it will be used again: FRAM_VARS UDATA FRAM_REG RES 1 ;0x000088 _FRAM_REG ;0x00008a FRAM_ERROR RES 1 ;0x000089 _FRAM_ERROR ;0x00008c _address 0x00008a data extern _output/main__mios-gpasm-tmp.asm 'address' is I field that I defined globally on application level then. As you can see it has the same address as FRAM_REG. So the assembler seems to increment the memory address pointer (in the module), but it will not reserve the address, the linker uses the same address in the application (main.o) again. Maybe a label in a UDATA section without any directive equals a shared field. This would make sense. anyway, the only thing I wanted is not to have the ugly _ vars in the ASM code.. Maybe I have to be a bit less aestheticly fanatic and have a working software instead :) by the way.. my 'solution' for having two labels at the same memory address is not confirmed to work as intended. I have strange behaviours in my app since I changed it this way (LCD not switching to second line, wrong increments etc.). I'll study the gputils manual again, and do some more test. You may say that this is loss of time, but when I once touched this issue, I want to know what's going on! ;) I will post any results here.
  22. I found a solution that works: FRAM_REG_ UDATA _FRAM_REG FRAM_REG RES 1 FRAM_ERROR_ UDATA _FRAM_ERROR FRAM_ERROR RES 1 now the addresses look better to me.. : _FRAM_REG 0x00008a data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm FRAM_REG 0x00008a data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm _FRAM_ERROR 0x00008b data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm FRAM_ERROR 0x00008b data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm _address 0x000088 data extern _output/main__mios-gpasm-tmp.asm What is the label before 'udata' even for? It seems that I can't use it in my code as a memory address. Are there other(better) ways to define two labels on the same memory address, like I can do in codespace?
  23. hi, I had some strange bugs, which at the end showed up as overlapping variables: FRAM_VARS UDATA FRAM_REG RES 1 _FRAM_REG FRAM_ERROR RES 1 _FRAM_ERROR gives me this: FRAM_REG 0x000088 data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm _FRAM_REG 0x00008a data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm FRAM_ERROR 0x000089 data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm _FRAM_ERROR 0x00008c data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm and this one FRAM_VARS UDATA _FRAM_REG FRAM_REG RES 1 _FRAM_ERROR FRAM_ERROR RES 1 will be that _FRAM_REG 0x000088 data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm FRAM_REG 0x000088 data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm _FRAM_ERROR 0x00008a data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm FRAM_ERROR 0x000089 data extern /home/this/mios/trunk/modules/fram/fram.asm can somebody explain me shortly what the **** is going on here? labels in data space seem to behave quite differently. the reason why I even got suspicious, was that the error-code seemed to match the address LSB! : _address 0x00008a data extern _output/main__mios-gpasm-tmp.asm I will use separate UDATA sections for each C/ASM variable instead now, but I wonder anyway what is going on here. no warnings or so at all... my intension was (obviously) to have the ASM/C variable at the same address, and I also had the idea that it shouldn't be shared with other variables :D
  24. thanks. looking at the MIOS Pin List, I found a little "bug": "RD4 / E / J10:SO" instead of "RD4 / E / J14" and in the description of RA4 there should be mentioned that also MIOS_Bankstick_* functions use the PIN. Same for RD5 "clock output to bankstick" -> "clock output to bankstick / IIC".
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