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7 rank Wurlitzer midification


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Hey everyone, it's been a while, but I am now about to attempt a larger Midibox project.  I am planning to midify my Wurlitzer console and have jOrgan act as the relay for the 7 ranks, chimes, xylophone, glock, chrysoglott, and traps.  I will post regular progress updates.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Hey, your console looks to be in top condition.  Did you re-finish it?

My organ has 5 ranks of pipes running along with jOrgan and I don't experience any latency on the pipes or virtual pipes.  Since my console is remote of the pipe chamber,  it  has 2 cores and 8 DIN's for keyboards, stops, swell, pistons.  The jOrgan computer is in the pipe chamber about 30 feet from the console and operates with a cat5 cable carrying the midi messages.  Its been running for 2 years without a hitch.

As for sams,  I have them on hand, but have not installed them since I plan to change out my console to a three manual. 

You should serioursly consider using at least a 16x16 matrix for the inputs since it cuts down tremendously on the midibox modules.  The 2 encoder core can handle 128 outputs each, which would get you 124 SAMS.  You would use some outputs for the encoder matrix, but you still  should have plenty for SAMS.

Recently, I took a long look at linux over xp, and I am encouraged at what I found.  Seems like I got a 50% improvement in boot up time.  Take a look at the posts from Graham Goode on the jOrgan users forum.  He has done a terrific job on a package for installation of puppy linux and jOrgan.

Good luck on your project


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  • 1 month later...

Johnc, the console really isn't as nice as it looks in the picture, lol.  All but 3 ivories are cracked and the finish is original.

Anywho, tonight I started hooking the keyboards up to the DINs.  I used one of my COREs from my last project to save having to load midio128 onto a new core and all that.  Unfortunately, I can't get it to work!  When I press keys, no MIDI messages are created.  I know the CORE is good, and I tried two different DIN boards.  The common on the keyboard is ground (0V).  [iNVERSE_INPUTS] is enabled.  Any ideas why this isn't working?  Thanks in advance!


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Hi Trevor

Are you sure that the DINs are working?  Test these outside the organ for now, just short some pins to ground and you should get an output.  If not, check your soldering.

It may be worth loading in another fresh INI file, one where you know inputs are enabled.  You did write and load one?

Do you have an LCD attached to the core?



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thanks, sparx

I have now tried 5 different DIN boards and two Cores that I know work.  I loaded a fresh midio128.syx file from an INI that I reconfigured for the correct MIDI note to pin numbers. I do have an LCD connected.  Everything works fine when I send messages in from my computer.  The LCD displays the incoming MIDI messages.  But when I short a pin to ground, nothing happens! ???


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I have now tried 5 different DIN boards and two Cores that I know work.

Are you using boards from SmashTV?  Are the board versions compatible?  I seem to recall that Smash has changed the layout of J8/J9.  Could this possibly be the issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some more pictures!  I have the two manuals and pedal midified now.  For now I have the console plugged into Miditzer (wonderful program, thanks Jim!!)



Jim, if you're reading this, does Miditzer have the ability to drive pipes, percussions, traps, shades, etc.?  I read through the forum a little and didn't see any mention of this feature, but I saw that ranks can be assigned an output channel through the midi device. 

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The Miditzer simply provides MIDI Out. It routes the MIDI to FluidSynth by default so people will get sound without having to do anything extra. If you route the MIDI Out to a MidiBox it can drive pipes. Per Schultz has done this for testing Wurlitzer parts as they were rebuilt. AFAIK no one has actually tried to use the Miditzer as the relay for a complete playing organ. While it is possible in theory, I would suggest you try it to decide if it is really going to be satisfactory in practice.

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If you route the MIDI Out to a MidiBox it can drive pipes. Per Schultz has done this for testing Wurlitzer parts as they were rebuilt. AFAIK no one has actually tried to use the Miditzer as the relay for a complete playing organ.

I've got a small pipe organ (see avatar) and on occasion I route my Miditzer 'outs' to the real pipes.  Two of my ranks are extended, 73 and 85 notes, so I can even play with unification.  (My 'classical' console takes unification to the extreme, deriving approx 20 stops from 2 ranks!  Not something I recomend...  :P  The missing ranks/percussions remain fluidsynth powered.

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interesting... good to hear it's been done.  My concerns would be with the shades and traps.  I don't see a way that they can be controlled from Miditzer

Traps wouldn't be much of a problem, you may need to use something to translate from the Miditzer outputs to whatever your real traps need.  I'd think a custom map in a MIDIO128 would work fine.  I've not looked to see what Miditzer outputs for shades...

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey all,

I got all of the boards built and programmed for the Main, percussions, and traps!  On the Miditzer forum, Jim Henry and I have been discussing using CC messages from the swell output in Miditzer to drive shutters.  I think it would be best to have the discussion moved here since it's pretty much Midibox specific.

Here's a link to the Miditzer topic: http://site.virtualorgan.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1950



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I just noticed that Smash changed the configuration of the DOUT where the driver chips go.

Hi Trevor, what changed exactly?  From his website, SmashTV just mentions that he flipped the layout of J3-J6.  Were there changes to the connections from the 'extra' 2803 pins?

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